Scientific cooperation Sample Clauses
Scientific cooperation. The Parties shall encourage scientific cooperation to regularly assess the status of fish stocks in The Gambia's waters in collaboration with regional and sub-regional scientific bodies. The Parties undertake to consult one another, if necessary, in the framework of ICCAT and other relevant regional fisheries organisations to reinforce the management and conservation of marine biological resources in the Gambian fishing zone.
Scientific cooperation. 1. During the period covered by this Agreement, the Community and Greenland shall monitor the evolution of resources in the Greenlandic EEZ; a joint scientific committee shall upon request from the Joint Committee make a report on the basis of any term of reference laid down by that Committee.
2. Based on the best scientific advice, the Parties shall consult each other within the Joint Committee and thereafter Greenland shall adopt such conservation and management measures as it deems necessary to achieve the objectives of the Greenland Fisheries Policy.
3. The Parties hereby undertake to consult each other, either directly or within the international organisations concerned, to ensure the management and conservation of living resources in the Greenlandic EEZ, and to cooperate in the relevant scientific research.
Scientific cooperation. 1. During the period covered by this Agreement, the Commu- nity and Kiribati shall monitor the state of resources in the Kiri- bati fishing zone.
2. Based on the best available scientific advice, the Parties shall consult each other within the Joint Committee provided for in Article 9 and, where necessary and by mutual agreement, take measures to ensure the sustainable management of fisheries resources.
3. The Parties shall consult each other, either directly or within the regional and international organisations concerned, to ensure the management and conservation of highly migratory resources in the region, and to cooperate in the relevant scientific research.
Scientific cooperation. Memorandum of understanding concerning sci- entific and technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes. Signed at Reston and Yaounde July 11 and September 10, 2001; en- tered into force September 10, 2001. TIAS Treaty of amity, commerce and navigation be- tween the United States and Great Britain (Jay Treaty).1 Signed at London November 19, 1794; entered into force October 28, 1795. 8 Stat. 116; TS 105; 12 Bevans 13. Explanatory article to article 3 of the Novem- ber 19, 1794 treaty of amity, commerce and navigation between the United States and Great Britain.1 Signed at Philadelphia May 4, 1796; entered into force October 6, 1796. 8 Stat. 130; TS 106; 12 Bevans 34. Treaty of peace and amity between the United States and Great Britain. Signed at Ghent De- cember 24, 1814; entered into force February 17, 1815. 8 Stat. 218; TS 109; 12 Bevans 41.
Scientific cooperation. 1. During the period covered by this Agreement, the Community and Solomon Islands shall endeavour to monitor the state of fishery resources in Solomon Islands fishing zone.
2. The two Parties shall on the basis of the recommendations and resolutions adopted within all the relevant international fisheries development and management organisations, and in the light of the best available scientific advice, consult each other within the Joint Committee provided for in Article 9 of the Agreement and adopt, where appropriate, measures to ensure the sustainable management of fishery resources, in particular those affecting the activities of Community vessels.
3. The Parties undertake to consult one other, either directly, including at subregional level, or within the international organisations concerned, to ensure the management and conservation of living resources in the West and Central Pacific, and to cooperate in the relevant scientific research.
Scientific cooperation. 1. The Parties shall encourage scientific cooperation so as to better monitor the state of marine living resources in Senegalese waters.
2. The Parties shall consult one another, in particular within a joint scientific working group and the relevant international organisations, with a view to enhancing management and conservation of living resources in the Atlantic Ocean and cooperating with respect to the relevant scientific research.
Scientific cooperation. Memorandum of understanding concerning sci- entific, technical and policy cooperation in the earth and mapping sciences, with annexes. Signed at Tegucigalpa June 10, 1991; entered into force June 10, 1991. TIAS 12432.
Scientific cooperation. Memorandum of understanding concerning sci- entific and technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes. Signed at Algiers Feb- ruary 21, 2000; entered into force February 21, 2000. TIAS Memorandum of understanding on the Ful- bright Exchange Program. Signed at Andorra November 29, 2000; entered into force January 8, 2002. TIAS Agreement concerning the provision of training to military and related civilian personnel of foreign countries under the United States Inter- national Military Education and Training (IMET) Program. Exchange of notes at Luanda September 21, 1995 and January 24, 1996; en- tered into force January 24, 1996. NP Economic, technical and related assistance agreement. Signed at Luanda April 9, 1996; entered into force April 9, 1996. TIAS Investment incentive agreement. Signed at Luanda July 27, 1994; entered into force Au- gust 18, 1994. TIAS 12189. Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international tribunals. Signed at Wash- ington May 2, 2005; entered into force October 6, 2005. TIAS International express mail agreement, with de- tailed regulations. Signed at Luanda and Wash- ington December 29, 1993 and October 17, 1994; entered into force December 1, 1994. NP
Scientific cooperation. 1. During the period covered by this Agreement, the Community and Guinea shall endeavour to monitor the evolution of resources in Guinea’s fishing zone.
2. The two Parties, on the basis of the recommendations and resolutions adopted within all the relevant international fisheries development and management organisations, and in the light of the best available scientific advice, shall consult each other within the Joint Committee provided for in Article 10 of the Agreement and adopt, where appropriate after a scientific meeting and by mutual agreement, measures to ensure the sustainable management of fishery resources affecting the activities of Community vessels.
3. The Parties undertake to consult one other, either directly, including at subregional level, or within the international organ isations concerned, to ensure the management and conservation of living resources in the Atlantic Ocean, and to cooperate in the relevant scientific research.
Scientific cooperation. 1. With regard to the region of West Africa, the Parties undertake to promote cooperation as regards responsible fishing. The Parties undertake to comply with the recommendations and resolutions of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) and to take account of the scientific opinions of other competent regional organisations such as the Committee for Eastern Central Atlantic Fisheries (CECAF).
2. The Parties undertake to convene the Joint Scientific Working Group regularly and when required in order to examine all scientific issues relating to the implementation of this Protocol. The mandate, composition and functioning of this Joint Scientific Working Group shall be laid down by the Joint Committee.
3. Based on the recommendations and resolutions adopted by ICCAT and in the light of the best available scientific advice such as that of CECAF and, where appropriate, of the findings of the Joint Scientific Working Group meetings, the Joint Committee shall adopt measures to ensure the sustainable management of the fishery resources covered by this Protocol and concerning the activities of Union fishing vessels.