Scope of Master Agreement. 3.1 This Master Agreement governs the relationship between the County and the Contractor in respect of the potential provision of the Deliverables by the Contractor to the County.
3.2 The Contractor acknowledges that there is no obligation whatsoever on the County to invite or select the Contractor to provide any Deliverables under this Master Agreement.
3.3 No undertaking or any form of statement, promise, representation or obligation shall be deemed to have been made by the County in respect of the total quantities or values of the Deliverables to be requested by them pursuant to this Master Agreement and the Contractor acknowledges and agrees that it has not entered into this Master Agreement on the basis of any such undertaking, statement, promise or representation.
3.4 The Contractor acknowledges that in entering into this Master Agreement no form of exclusivity has been conferred on, or volume guarantee has been granted by the County in relation to the provision of the Deliverables by the Contractor and that the County is at all times entitled to enter into other contracts and agreements with other Contractors for the provision of any or all services or goods which are the same as or similar to the Deliverables.
Scope of Master Agreement. The following provisions apply, whether or not they are contrary to other provisions in this Master Agreement.
Scope of Master Agreement. 1.1 All transactions which provide for the purchase of one currency in exchange for the sale of another currency and which are entered into between you and us on or before the date of this master agreement and are not fully executed by that date, are governed by this master agreement from and including that date.
1.2 All transactions which provide for the purchase of one currency in exchange for the sale of another currency and which are entered into between you and us after the date of this master agreement are only governed by this master agreement.
1.3 This master agreement and all transactions constitute a single master agreement between you and us (collectively referred to as the "master agreement").
Scope of Master Agreement. This Agreement allows the parties to conduct individual clinical studies to be sponsored by Abbott through the issuance of multiple individual written agreements between Abbott and Institution, a form of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A (“Form of Statement of Work”). Each SOW shall be executed by an authorized representative of each party, and acknowledged by the applicable Investigator. Each SOW will include, as applicable: the name of the Study Product; the Study protocol, specifying the objective, design, methodology, statistical considerations and the organization of the Study as developed by Abbott (“Protocol”); the name of the qualified lead Institution employee responsible for the conduct of the Study at Institution (“Investigator”); the detailed Study budget and payment schedule (“Budget”); timeframes to enroll Study subjects; Investigator and Abbott contacts; compensation; and the Study term. The Protocol shall be provided separately for each individual Study and referred to and incorporated by reference in each SOW. Each SOW shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of this Master Agreement, in addition to the specific details set forth in the SOW. Abbott may execute individual SOWs in the names of any of its Affiliates, defined as entities controlled by or under common control with Abbott.
Scope of Master Agreement. 3.1 This Master Agreement governs the relationship between the District and the Supplier in respect of the potential provision of the Deliverables by the Supplier to the District.
3.2 The Supplier acknowledges that there is no obligation whatsoever on the District to invite or select the Supplier to provide any Deliverables under this Master Agreement.
3.3 No undertaking or any form of statement, promise, representation or obligation shall be deemed to have been made by the District in respect of the total quantities or values of the Deliverables to be requested by them pursuant to this Master Agreement and the Supplier acknowledges and agrees that it has not entered into this Master Agreement on the basis of any such undertaking, statement, promise or representation.
3.4 The Supplier acknowledges that in entering into this Master Agreement no form of exclusivity has been conferred on, or volume guarantee has been granted by the District in relation to the provision of the Deliverables by the Supplier and that the District is at all times entitled to enter into other contracts and agreements with other Suppliers for the provision of any or all services or goods which are the same as or similar to the Deliverables. SAMPLE
Scope of Master Agreement. 3.1 This Master Agreement governs the relationship between the City and the Supplier in respect of the potential provision of the Deliverables by the Supplier to the City.
3.2 The Supplier acknowledges that there is no obligation whatsoever on the City to invite or select the Supplier to provide any Deliverables under this Master Agreement.
3.3 No undertaking or any form of statement, promise, representation or obligation shall be deemed to have been made by the City in respect of the total quantities or values of the Deliverables to be requested by them pursuant to this Master Agreement and the Supplier acknowledges and agrees that it has not entered into this Master Agreement on the basis of any such undertaking, statement, promise or representation.
3.4 The Supplier acknowledges that in entering into this Master Agreement no form of exclusivity has been conferred on, or volume guarantee has been granted by the City in relation to the provision of the Deliverables by the Supplier and that the City is at all times entitled to enter into other contracts and agreements with other Suppliers for the provision of any or all services or goods which are the same as or similar to the Deliverables.
Scope of Master Agreement. This Agreement allows the Parties to conduct individual Studies to be sponsored by Abbott through the issuance of multiple individual Separate Agreements between Abbott and Institution, a form of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A (“Form of Separate Agreement”). Each Separate Agreement shall be executed by an authorized representative of each party and acknowledged by the applicable Investigator. Each Separate Agreement will include, as applicable: the name of the Study Product; the Study protocol, specifying the objective, design, methodology, statistical considerations and the organization of the Study as developed by Abbott (“Protocol”); the name of the qualified lead Institution employee responsible 1. Rozsah rámcové smlouvy. Tato Smlouva umožňuje Stranám provádět individuální Studie sponzorované společností Abbott uzavíráním více individuálních dílčích smluv, mezi společností Abbott a Zdravotnickým zařízením, jejichž formulář je připojen k tomuto dokumentu jako Vzor A („Formulář dílčí smlouvy “). Xxxxx dílčí smlouva bude podepsána zplnomocněným zástupcem každé Strany a potvrzena příslušným zkoušejícím lékařem. Xxxxx dílčí smlouva bude podle potřeby obsahovat: název Hodnoceného produktu; protokol studie, který stanoví cíl, plán, metodologii, statistická kritéria a organizaci Studie vypracovanou společností Abbott (xxxx xxx „Protokol“); jméno kvalifikovaného vedoucího pracovníka Zdravotnického zařízení odpovědného za for the conduct of the Study at Institution (“Investigator”); the detailed Study budget and payment schedule (“Budget”); timeframes to enroll Study subjects; Investigator and Abbott contacts; compensation; and the Study term. The Protocol shall be provided separately for each individual Study and referred to and incorporated by reference in each Separate Agreement. Each Separate Agreement shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of this Master Agreement, in addition to the specific details set forth in the Separate Agreement. Abbott may execute individual Separate Agreements in the names of any of its Affiliates, defined as entity controlled by or under common control with Abbott. provádění studie ve Zdravotnickém zařízení (xxxx xxx „Zkoušející lékař“); podrobný rozpočet Studie a harmonogram plateb (xxxx xxx „Rozpočet“); časové rámce pro zařazování studijních subjektů; kontaktní údaje Zkoušejícího lékaře a společnosti Abbott; kompenzaci; a délku trvání Studie. Protokol bude poskytován samostatně pro každou jednotlivou Studii a bu...
Scope of Master Agreement. This Master Agreement establishes the standard ------------------------- provisions that will apply to services and resources provided by EDS to Customer as mutually agreed upon from time to time by Customer and EDS and confirmed in a written authorization letter (an "Authorization Letter") entered into by Customer and EDS pursuant to the provisions of this Master Agreement.
Scope of Master Agreement. This Master Agreement allows the parties to contract for multiple Projects through the issuance of multiple Work Orders. This Master Agreement covers the provision of professional sales and marketing services by Quintiles and Quintiles’s corporate Affiliates (see Section 12), including, but not limited to, recruitment of field personnel, full-time or flex-time sales force services, promotional education programs and other related commercialization services, when requested by Pacira and agreed to by Quintiles as set forth in the relevant Work Order. Pacira shall, in its sole discretion, determine when and whether to offer projects to Quintiles and its corporate Affiliates, including the decision whether or not to enter into a specific Work Order.
Scope of Master Agreement. This Agreement shall apply to all Specified Natural Gas Transactions entered into between Xxxx and Counterparty (so long as the conditions set forth in clause (d) below are satisfied both prior to and after giving effect to such Transaction) (each, a “Conforming Transaction”), and shall not apply to any other Transactions entered into between Xxxx and Counterparty; provided, however, that Xxxx may, in its sole discretion, elect to include a Transaction which is not a Conforming Transaction evidenced by long form Confirmations within the scope of this Agreement under terms, including extraordinary terms to be set by Xxxx, to be agreed by Xxxx and Counterparty.