Scope of Permission Sample Clauses

Scope of Permission i) Offline advertising media. You may state “BBB Accredited Business,” or you may display the seal in the following media: newspapers, periodicals, billboards, posters, direct mail, flyers, yellow pages or other directory advertising, telephone, TV or radio spots, business cards, stationery, invoices, facsimile cover sheets, other business documents, and patches. Accredited Business patches may be placed only on company-owned clothing. If all your physical locations are within this BBB’s service area, you may advertise your accreditation wherever you do business. If you have physical locations in other BBBs’ service areas, your advertising rights are restricted to this BBB’s service area unless permitted by ii) Online advertising. You may also display the seal to identify your BBB accreditation on your website and on websites where you advertise so long as (1) you include the words “Click for Reviewadjacent to or below the seal as shown in Attachment 2 and (2) the seal hyperlinks to your BBB Business Profile.
Scope of Permission i. Traditional advertising media. You may state “BBB Accredited Business” or you may display the seal in the following media: newspapers, periodicals, billboards, posters, direct mail, flyers, yellow pages or other directory advertising , telephone, TV or radio spots, business cards, stationary, invoices, facsimile cover sheets and other business documents. If all your physical locations are within this BBB’s service area, you may advertise your accreditation wherever you do business. If you have physical locations in other BBBs’ service areas, your advertising rights are restricted to this BBB’s service area unless permitted by agreement(s) with other BBBs.
Scope of Permission. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Mvix hereby appoints Company, on a non-exclusive basis, as a reseller in the Mvix Partner Program. As such, Company is authorized by Mvix to purchase Mvix Products and associated Services, for resale in strict compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Company's purchase of permitted products for resale will be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as well as those of its contract with the Mvix Distributor. The services consist of Mvix consulting, training, educational, and support services associated with the Products.
Scope of Permission. This Attachment Site License allows Company to use certain limited portions of the ROW and is issued pursuant to Section 29-19(b) of the Tempe City Code to the extent of granting permission for use of the ROW but not to allow obstruction of traffic or alteration of City’s improvements. Before performing any work in, on, above or under the ROW, Company shall obtain any other relevant permits and pay related fees, as applicable relating to work in the ROW. Unless otherwise stated, this Attachment Site License is approved for only one tenant of the DAS as identified below. No additional tenants can be added to the DAS without getting express permission from the City to use the ROW and applying for all applicable permits and paying all related fees.
Scope of Permission i. Offline advertising media. You may state “BBB Accredited Business” or you may display the seal in the following media: newspapers, periodicals, billboards, posters, direct mail, flyers, yellow pages or other directory advertising, telephone, TV or radio spots, business cards, stationery, invoices, facsimile cover sheets and other business documents. If all your physical locations are within this BBB’s service area, you may advertise your accreditation wherever you do business. If you have physical locations in other BBBs’ service areas, your advertising rights are restricted to this BBB’s service area unless permitted by agreement(s) with other BBBs. You may advertise your BBB rating wherever you are permitted to display the seal in offline advertising media except that you may not advertise your BBB rating in yellow pages or any other directory that cannot be immediately revised if your BBB rating changes. ii. Online advertising. You may also display the seal to identify your BBB accreditation on your Web site and on Web sites where you advertise so long as (1) you include the words “Click for Reviewadjacent to or below the seal as shown in Attachment 2 and (2) the seal hyperlinks to your BBB Business Review. You may advertise your BBB rating on your Web site and on Web sites where you advertise as long as the advertising can be immediately revised if your BBB rating changes. iii. Email signatures. You may also display the seal, with a hyperlink to your BBB Business Review, as part of your signature block in business emails.
Scope of Permission. You may not send emails to Subscribers on any topic that exceeds the scope of the topic that Subscriber has given you Permission to email them about. Any Permission obtained from a Subscriber shall be exclusive to you and will not extend to your Affiliates, unless such Permission was also granted to the applicable Affiliate.
Scope of Permission. This Site License allows Company to use certain limited portions of the ROW and is issued pursuant to Section 29-19(b) of the Tempe City Code to the extent of granting permission to be in the ROW. Before performing any work in, on, above or under the ROW, Company shall obtain any other relevant permits and pay related fees, as applicable relating to work in the ROW. Unless otherwise stated, this Site License is approved for only one tenant of the DAS as identified below. No additional tenants can be added to the DAS without getting express permission from the City to use the ROW and applying for any applicable permits and paying all related fees.
Scope of Permission. This Site License allows Company to use a limited portion of the ROW for its Conduit System and is issued pursuant to Section 29-19(b) of the Tempe City Code to the extent of granting permission to occupy the ROW, but not to allow obstruction of traffic or alteration of City’s improvements. Before performing any work in, on, above or under the ROW, Company shall obtain any other relevant permits and pay related fees, as applicable relating to work in the ROW.
Scope of Permission. This Site License allows Mobilitie to use a limited portion of the ROW for its Conduit System and is issued pursuant to Section 29-19(b) of the Tempe City Code to the extent of granting permission to occupy the ROW, but not to allow obstruction of traffic or alteration of City’s improvements. Before performing any work in, on, above or under the ROW, Mobilitie shall obtain any other relevant permits and pay related fees, as applicable relating to work in the ROW.
Scope of Permission. This Site License allows Mobilitie to use certain limited portions of the ROW and is issued pursuant to Section 29-19(b) of the Tempe City Code to the extent of granting permission to be in the ROW. Before performing any work in, on, above or under the ROW, Mobilitie shall obtain any other relevant permits and pay related fees, as applicable relating to work in the ROW. Unless otherwise stated, this Site License is approved for only one tenant of the DAS as identified below. No additional tenants can be added to the DAS without getting express permission from the City to use the ROW and applying for any applicable permits and paying all related fees. 2.1 Notwithstanding anything in the ROW Use Agreement or this Site License to the contrary (including without limitation, this Section 2 of the Site License), certain Facilities deployed by Mobilitie pursuant to this Agreement may be owned and/or operated by Mobilitie’s Carriers and installed and maintained by Mobilitie pursuant to license agreements between Mobilitie and such Carriers. Such Facilities shall be treated as Mobilitie’s Facilities for all purposes under this Site License provided that (i) Mobilitie remains responsible and liable for all performance obligations under the Site License with respect to such Facilities; (ii) the City’s sole point of contact regarding such Facilities shall be Mobilitie; and (iii) Mobilitie shall have the right to remove and relocate the Facilities subject to the terms of this Site License.