Section 3.3.1 Sample Clauses

Section 3.3.1. 23 Each employee hired during the term of this agreement shall be provided, by the District, with a 24 copy of the agreement. Sufficient copies of the agreement will be supplied to the District by the 25 Union.
Section 3.3.1No materials derogatory of the employee's conduct, service, character or personality shall be
Section 3.3.1. Descriptions for all positions subject to this Agreement are attached to this Agreement and by 11 this reference incorporated herein. If a new position is created or an existing position is 12 modified, such position(s) shall be negotiated regarding hours, wages and working conditions. 16 ARTICLE IV 17 18 RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES
Section 3.3.1. 11 Employees shall receive advanced notice to the extent reasonably possible, at the discretion of 12 the immediate supervisor or District administrator, of investigatory interviews in which the 13 employee is questioned regarding circumstances that could reasonably result in discipline.
Section 3.3.1No materials derogatory of the employee's conduct, service, character or personality shall be 15 placed in the personnel file unless the employee has had the opportunity to read and respond to
Section 3.3.1. This section does not apply during the probationary period of a new employee.
Section 3.3.1. Should any part of this Agreement or any provisions contained herein be declared invalid by operation of law or by a tribunal of competent jurisdiction, it shall be of no further force and effect, but such invalidation of a part or provision of this Agreement shall not invalidate the remaining portions and they shall remain in full force and effect, and the parties shall agree to meet within thirty (30) days, to negotiate language to replace the invalid portion of the Agreement.
Section 3.3.1 materials derogatory of the employee's conduct, service, character or personality shall be 12 placed in the personnel file unless the employee has had the opportunity to read and respond to
Section 3.3.1. 17 Employees shall be allowed to attend Association chapter meetings during their assigned shift 18 with no loss of pay for a maximum of ninety (90) minutes per meeting. Additionally, the parties 19 agree that employees who attend the chapter meetings during their regular work hours are 20 expected to make up the missed work time within the following two (2) workdays.
Section 3.3.1. Employees of the units subject to this Agreement have the right to have any available union 10 representative of their choice present at discussions between themselves and supervisors.