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Security Data Breach Sample Clauses

Security Data Breach. “: any potential unauthorized access, acquisition, use, disclosure or destruction of Personal Data. (d) „porušení ochrany údajů“: jakýkoli potenciální neoprávněný přístup, získání, použití, zpřístupnění nebo zničení osobních údajů.
Security Data Breach any potential unauthorized access, acquisition, use, disclosure or destruction of Personal Data.
Security Data Breach any potential unauthorized access, acquisition, use, disclosure or destruction of Personal Data. Porušení ochrany údajů: je jakýkoli potenciální neoprávněný přístup k, získání, použití, předání či zničení osobních údajů. The Parties shall process Personal Data obtained in the context of the Study: Strany mají povinnost zpracovávat osobní údaje získané v kontextu studie: in accordance with the Applicable Data Protection Law; and v souladu s platnými právními předpisy o ochraně osobních údajů a in accordance with the information security standards accepted in the industry warranting the confidentiality of Personal Data. v souladu se standardy zabezpečení údajů přijatými v daném odvětví průmyslu a zaručujícími důvěrnost osobních údajů. The Parties shall furthermore use the Personal Data solely in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Strany budou používat osobní údaje výhradně v souladu s ustanoveními této smlouvy. The Parties shall assist each other to ensure compliance with the obligations defined in the Applicable Data Protection Law. Strany si budou navzájem pomáhat při zajišťování dodržování povinností uvedených v platných právních předpisech o ochraně údajů. The Parties shall take all the organizational and information security measures which are necessary to protect Personal Data processed under this Agreement against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss or damage and unauthorized or unlawful disclosure, access or processing. Strany podniknou veškerá organizační a bezpečnostní opatření nutná k ochraně osobních údajů zpracovávaných dle této smlouvy proti náhodnému či nezákonnému zničení, ztrátě nebo poškození a neoprávněnému či nezákonnému předání, přístupu k nebo zpracování osobních údajů. The Parties acknowledge that both the Institution and the Sponsor shall be considered Controllers in the context of the Study in regard to Study subjects’ Personal Data. The Institution shall be considered Controller with respect to the medical records and Sponsor shall be considered Controller with respect to the Coded Study Data. The Institution shall process the Coded Study Data in accordance with the Applicable Data Protection Law and the written instructions of the Sponsor. Strany berou na vědomí, že jak zdravotnické zařízení, tak zadavatel budou považováni za správce údajů v kontextu studie s ohledem na osobní údaje subjektů studie. Zdravotnické zařízení bude považováno za správce údajů s ohledem na zdravotní záznamy a zadavatel bude považován z...
Security Data Breach. “: any potential unauthorized access, acquisition, use, disclosure or destruction of Personal Data in accordance with art. 33 GDPR.. (d) „porušení ochrany údajů“: jakýkoli potenciální neoprávněný přístup, získání, použití, zpřístupnění nebo zničení osobních údajů, za podmínek čl. 33 GDPR. .

Related to Security Data Breach

  • Data Breach In the event of an unauthorized release, disclosure or acquisition of Student Data that compromises the security, confidentiality or integrity of the Student Data maintained by the Provider the Provider shall provide notification to LEA within seventy-two (72) hours of confirmation of the incident, unless notification within this time limit would disrupt investigation of the incident by law enforcement. In such an event, notification shall be made within a reasonable time after the incident. Provider shall follow the following process: (1) The security breach notification described above shall include, at a minimum, the following information to the extent known by the Provider and as it becomes available: i. The name and contact information of the reporting LEA subject to this section. ii. A list of the types of personal information that were or are reasonably believed to have been the subject of a breach. iii. If the information is possible to determine at the time the notice is provided, then either (1) the date of the breach, (2) the estimated date of the breach, or (3) the date range within which the breach occurred. The notification shall also include the date of the notice. iv. Whether the notification was delayed as a result of a law enforcement investigation, if that information is possible to determine at the time the notice is provided; and v. A general description of the breach incident, if that information is possible to determine at the time the notice is provided. (2) Provider agrees to adhere to all federal and state requirements with respect to a data breach related to the Student Data, including, when appropriate or required, the required responsibilities and procedures for notification and mitigation of any such data breach. (3) Provider further acknowledges and agrees to have a written incident response plan that reflects best practices and is consistent with industry standards and federal and state law for responding to a data breach, breach of security, privacy incident or unauthorized acquisition or use of Student Data or any portion thereof, including personally identifiable information and agrees to provide XXX, upon request, with a summary of said written incident response plan. (4) LEA shall provide notice and facts surrounding the breach to the affected students, parents or guardians. (5) In the event of a breach originating from XXX’s use of the Service, Provider shall cooperate with XXX to the extent necessary to expeditiously secure Student Data.

  • Data Breaches Contractor shall notify the School District in writing as soon as commercially practicable, however no later than forty-eight (48) hours, after Contractor has either actual or constructive knowledge of a breach which affects the School District’s Data (an “Incident”) unless it is determined by law enforcement that such notification would impede or delay their investigation. Contractor shall have actual or constructive knowledge of an Incident if Contractor actually knows there has been an Incident or if Contractor has reasonable basis in facts or circumstances, whether acts or omissions, for its belief that an Incident has occurred. The notification required by this section shall be made as soon as commercially practicable after the law enforcement agency determines that notification will not impede or compromise the investigation. Contractor shall cooperate with law enforcement in accordance with applicable law provided however, that such cooperation shall not result in or cause an undue delay to remediation of the Incident. Contractor shall promptly take appropriate action to mitigate such risk or potential problem at Contractor’s or OPERATOR’s expense. In the event of an Incident, Contractor shall, at its sole cost and expense, restore the Confidential Information, to as close its original state as practical, including, without limitation any and all Data, and institute appropriate measures to prevent any recurrence of the problem as soon as is commercially practicable. Contractor will conduct periodic risk assessments and remediate any identified security vulnerabilities in a timely manner. Contractor will also have a written incident response plan, to include prompt notification of the District in the event of a security or privacy incident, as well as best practices for responding to a breach of PII.

  • Security Breach In the event that Seller discovers or is notified of a breach, potential breach of security, or security incident at Seller's Facility or of Seller's systems, Seller shall immediately (i) notify Company of such potential, suspected or actual security breach, whether or not such breach has compromised any of Company's confidential information; (ii) investigate and promptly remediate the effects of the breach, whether or not the breach was caused by Seller; (iii) cooperate with Company with respect to any such breach or unauthorized access or use; (iv) comply with all applicable privacy and data protection laws governing Company's or any other individual's or entity's data; and (v) to the extent such breach was caused by Seller, provide Company with reasonable assurances satisfactory to Company that such breach, potential breach, or security incident shall not recur. Seller shall provide documentation to Company evidencing the length and impact of the breach. Any remediation of any such breach will be at Seller's sole expense.

  • Personal Data Breach 7.1 Processor shall notify Company without undue delay upon Processor becoming aware of a Personal Data Breach affecting Company Personal Data, providing Company with sufficient information to allow the Company to meet any obligations to report or inform Data Subjects of the Personal Data Breach under the Data Protection Laws. 7.2 Processor shall co-operate with the Company and take reasonable commercial steps as are directed by Company to assist in the investigation, mitigation and remediation of each such Personal Data Breach.

  • Security Breaches In order to protect your security, it is your sole responsibility to ensure that all usernames and passwords used to access the Website are kept secure and confidential. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your account, including the unauthorized use of your password, or any other breach of security. We will investigate any breach of security on the Website that we determine in our sole discretion to be serious in nature, but we will not be held responsible or liable in any manner for breaches of security or any unauthorized access to your account however arising.

  • Personal Data Breaches 5.7.1 The Data Processor shall give immediate notice to the Data Controller if a breach occurs, that can lead to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed re the Personal Data processed on behalf of the Data Controller (a “Personal Data Breach”). 5.7.2 The Data Processor shall make reasonable efforts to identify the cause of such a breach and take those steps as they deem necessary to establish the cause, and to prevent such a breach from reoccurring.

  • Data Breach Notification Seller will promptly notify Buyer of any actual or potential exposure or misappropriation of Buyer data ("breach") that comes to Seller's attention. Seller will cooperate with Xxxxx and in investigating any such breach, at Xxxxxx's expense. Seller will likewise cooperate with Buyer and, as applicable, with law enforcement agencies in any effort to notify injured or potentially injured parties, and such cooperation will be at Seller's expense, except to the extent that the breach was caused by Xxxxx. The remedies and obligations set forth in this subsection are in addition to any others Buyer may have, including, but not limited to, any requirements in the “Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security” provisions of this Agreement.

  • Personal Data Breach Notification SAP will notify Customer without undue delay after becoming aware of any Personal Data Breach and provide reasonable information in its possession to assist Customer to meet Customer’s obligations to report a Personal Data Breach as required under Data Protection Law. SAP may provide such information in phases as it becomes available. Such notification shall not be interpreted or construed as an admission of fault or liability by SAP.

  • Personal Information security breach Supplier/Service Provider’s Obligations a) The Supplier/Service Provider shall notify the Information Officer of Transnet, in writing as soon as possible after it becomes aware of or suspects any loss, unauthorised access or unlawful use of any personal data and shall, at its own cost, take all necessary remedial steps to mitigate the extent of the loss or compromise of personal data and to restore the integrity of the affected Goods/Services as quickly as is possible. The Supplier/Service Provider shall also be required to provide Transnet with details of the persons affected by the compromise and the nature and extent of the compromise, including details of the identity of the unauthorised person who may have accessed or acquired the personal data. b) The Supplier/Service Provider shall provide on-going updates on its progress in resolving the compromise at reasonable intervals until such time as the compromise is resolved. c) Where required, the Supplier/Service Provider may be required to notify the South African Police Service; and/or the State Security Agency and where applicable, the relevant regulator and/or the affected persons of the security breach. Any such notification shall always include sufficient information to allow the persons to take protective measures against the potential consequences of the compromise. d) The Supplier/Service Provider undertakes to co‑operate in any investigation relating to security which is carried out by or on behalf of Transnet including providing any information or material in its possession or control and implementing new security measures.

  • Security Breach Notification In addition to the information enumerated in Article V, Section 4(1) of the DPA Standard Clauses, any Security Breach notification provided by the Provider to the LEA shall include: a. A list of the students whose Student Data was involved in or is reasonably believed to have been involved in the breach, if known; and b. The name and contact information for an employee of the Provider whom parents may contact to inquire about the breach.