Settlement Class (f) Approve the method of notice to be provided to the Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class and the Rule 23(b)(2) Settlement Class in substantially the form described in the Notice Plan and budget contained in Appendix E hereto, including use of the long-form website and mail notice and the publication notice contained in Appendix F hereto, and direct any further notice (and expenses therefor) that the Court may find necessary to provide due process. (g) Approve the procedures in substantially the form described in the Notice Plan and below for members of the Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class to become Opt Outs and exclude themselves from the Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class, and including the provision of the information specified in Paragraph 84 below, and approve the procedures in substantially the form described in the Notice Plan and below for members of the Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class or the Rule 23(b)(2) Settlement Class to object to this Class Settlement Agreement. (h) Schedule a final approval hearing for a time and date convenient for the Court at least two hundred eighty five days after the Court’s entry of the Class Settlement Preliminary Approval Order, at which hearing the Court will conduct an inquiry into the fairness, reasonableness, and adequacy of this Class Settlement Agreement and address any objections to it, and determine whether this Class Settlement Agreement and the Plan of Administration and Distribution should be finally approved, and whether to approve any motions for Attorneys’ Fee Awards, Expense Awards, and Class Plaintiffs’ Awards. (i) Stay all further proceedings in this Action as between the Class Plaintiffs or any other plaintiff in a putative class action consolidated in MDL 1720, and the Defendants or any other defendant in a putative class action consolidated in MDL 1720, except for proceedings in MDL 1720 related to effectuating and complying with this Class Settlement Agreement, pending the Court’s determination of whether this Class Settlement Agreement should be finally approved or the termination of this Class Settlement Agreement. (j) Enjoin the members of the Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class and the Rule 23(b)(2) Settlement Class, pending the Court’s determination of whether this Class Settlement should finally be approved or the termination of this Class Settlement Agreement, from challenging in any action or proceeding any matter covered by this Class Settlement Agreement or its release and covenant not to sue provisions, except for (i) proceedings in MDL 1720 related to effectuating and complying with this Class Settlement Agreement, and (ii) any Opt Out’s claims for damages based on any conduct, acts, transactions, events, occurrences, statements, omissions, or failures to act of any Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class Released Party prior to the date of the Court’s entry of the Class Settlement Preliminary Approval Order.
Settlement Class Certification The Settling Parties agree, for purposes of this settlement only, to the certification of the Settlement Class. If the settlement set forth in this Settlement Agreement is not approved by the Court, or if the Settlement Agreement is terminated or cancelled pursuant to the terms of this Settlement Agreement, this Settlement Agreement, and the certification of the Settlement Class provided for herein, will be vacated and the Litigation shall proceed as though the Settlement Class had never been certified, without prejudice to any Person’s or Settling Party’s position on the issue of class certification or any other issue. The Settling Parties’ agreement to the certification of the Settlement Class is also without prejudice to any position asserted by the Settling Parties in any other proceeding, case or action, as to which all of their rights are specifically preserved.
Notice to Class Members 8.4.1 No later than three (3) business days after receipt of the Class Data, the Administrator shall notify Class Counsel that the list has been received and state the number of Class Members, PAGA Members, Workweeks, and Pay Periods in the Class Data. 8.4.2 Using best efforts to perform as soon as possible, and in no event later than 14 days after receiving the Class Data, the Administrator will send to all Class Members identified in the Class Data, via first-class United States Postal Service (“USPS”) mail, the Class Notice with Spanish translation, substantially in the form attached to this Agreement as Exhibit 1. The first page of the Class Notice shall prominently estimate the dollar amounts of any Individual Class Payment and/or Individual PAGA Payment payable to the Class Member, and the number of Workweeks and PAGA Pay Periods (if applicable) used to calculate these amounts. Before mailing Class Notices, the Administrator shall update Class Member addresses using the National Change of Address database. 8.4.3 Not later than three (3) business days after the Administrator’s receipt of any Class Notice returned by the USPS as undelivered, the Administrator shall re- mail the Class Notice using any forwarding address provided by the USPS. If the USPS does not provide a forwarding address, the Administrator shall conduct a Class Member Address Search, and re-mail the Class Notice to the most current address obtained. The Administrator has no obligation to make further attempts to locate or send Class Notice to Class Members whose Class Notice is returned by the USPS a second time. 8.4.4 The deadlines for Class Members’ written objections, Challenges to Workweeks and/or Pay Periods, and Requests for Exclusion will be extended an additional fourteen (14) days beyond the sixty (60) days otherwise provided in the Class Notice for all Class Members whose notice is re-mailed. The Administrator will inform the Class Member of the extended deadline with the re-mailed Class Notice. 8.4.5 If the Administrator, Defendant or Class Counsel is contacted by or otherwise discovers any persons who believe they should have been included in the Class Data and should have received Class Notice, the Parties will expeditiously meet and confer in person or by telephone, and in good faith. in an effort to agree on whether to include them as Class Members. If the Parties agree, such persons will be Class Members entitled to the same rights as other Class Members, and the Administrator will send, via email or overnight delivery, a Class Notice requiring them to exercise options under this Agreement not later than (14) days after receipt of Class Notice, or the deadline dates in the Class Notice, which ever are later.
Certification of the Settlement Class For purposes of this Settlement only, the Parties stipulate to the certification of the Settlement Class, which is contingent upon the Court entering the Final Approval Order and Judgment of this Settlement and the occurrence of the Effective Date.
Class Certification Solely for the purposes of this Settlement, the Parties stipulate and agree to certification of the claims asserted on behalf of Class Members. As such, the Parties stipulate and agree that in order for this Settlement to occur, the Court must certify the Class as defined in this Agreement.
Class Counsel Fees include the fees, disbursements, costs, interest, GST or HST (as the case may be) and other applicable taxes or charges thereon, including any amounts payable by Class Counsel or the Settlement Class Members to any other body or Person as a result of the Settlement Agreement, including the Fonds d’aide aux actions collectives in Québec.