Shared Commitment. 3. Each of the Parties is an autonomous public body with its own statutory authorities, mandate and jurisdiction.
Shared Commitment. The District and CSEA share a commitment to academic achievement and both parties resolve to continue to work collaboratively for improved academic achievement for all students.
Shared Commitment. 6.1 This Agreement represents a commitment by the employer to fully provide, and by the employees to fully participate in and complete, education and formation activities designed to ensure high quality aged care and safety in the spirit of the mission, vision, values and conduct requirements of the employer.
Shared Commitment. Commitment to achieving Programme outcomes is shared between the Commonwealth and all State and Territory governments. It relies on agreed funding, a shared commitment to performance monitoring and evaluation, and a shared commitment to collaboration between jurisdictions.
Shared Commitment. PACT and Equity are committed to the expansion of engagement opportunities for Artists who self-identify as diverse (e.g. Aboriginal, age, disability, ethno-cultural identity, gender, or sexual identity), so that all Artists may be included in the practice of theatre, and our stages reflect the full diversity of Canadian society.
Shared Commitment. 44. We shall do our best to help you both. We ask you to show respect to each other and commitment to the mediation process and to co-operate as fully as possible in looking for solutions. We understand and agree to the above:- Signed ………………….........……......… Signed ………………….........……......… Date: Date: Signed ………………….........……......… Signed ………………….........……......… Mediator: Mediator: Date: Date:
Shared Commitment. Our family pledges its support of our newest driver. We will do everything we can to promote safe driving and responsible behavior. On the first of every month, we Parents/Guardians and Teen agree to have a meeting to discuss driving performance. These meetings are to provide helpful answers to any questions, comments or concerns our teen may have. Further, we Parents will provide feedback on our teen’s driving performance at this time. Additionally, there will be four random performance review dates throughout the course of one year. We Parents/Guardians will ride along with our teen driver and assess his or her driving performance. Some of the key behaviors are listed but limited to: Safety belt use ● Turning Signal use ● Speed Braking ● Passing Stopping ● Lane maintenance Mirror use ● Following distance It is recommended that each review vary the time of day, type of roadway and other conditions for a more comprehensive assessment. Parents/Guardians are to provide a written assessment of teen driving performance and go over the issues identified with the teen. Parents/Guardians may determine an appropriate increase of decrease in driving privileges. Teen: In initialing terms and signing this agreement, I acknowledge that I understand my legal responsibilities and commitment to my family as a driver. I agree to abide by the terms of this agreement and accept the forfeiture of privileges if I fail to comply. (Teen) (Date) Parents/Guardians: We, as parents or guardians and owners of the family vehicles, agree to serve as good role models in our own driving. We will encourage safe driving practices by our teen by fairly and consistently enforcing the terms o this agreement. (Name) (Date) (Name) (Date)
Shared Commitment. Our family pledges its support of our newest driver. We will do everything we can to promote safe driving and responsible behavior. Teen: In initialing terms and signing this contract, I acknowledge that I understand my legal responsibilities and commitment to my family as a driver. I agree to abide by the terms of this contract and accept the forfeit of privileges if I fail to comply. (Teen) (Date) Parents/Guardians: We, as parents or guardians and owners of the family vehicles, agree to serve as good role models in our own driving. We will encourage safe driving practices by our teen by fairly and consistently enforcing the terms of this contract. (Name) (Date) (Name) (Date)
Shared Commitment. Partners have agreed to uphold Journey Home Guiding Principles, and to a shared commitment to the milestone targets outlined in the Journey Home Strategy. Partners have agreed to continuously explore the application in a Kelowna context of the most recent and evolving evidence-based practices.
Shared Commitment. The parties to this agreement are committed to maintaining the OIPRD as strong and independent entity capable of efficiently and effectively fulfilling its mandate. Resources will be allocated to the OIPRD, subject to RBP and approval by Treasury Board, Cabinet, the Standing Committee on Estimates, and the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, to enable it to discharge its mandate in a fair, effective and efficient manner.