SIGNED IN DUPLICATE. This MOU is executed in duplicate with each copy being an official version and having equal legal validity. By signing below, the institutes acting by their duly authorized officers have caused this memorandum of understanding to executed, effective as of the day and year first above written.
SIGNED IN DUPLICATE. This MOU is executed in duplicate with each copy being an official version of the agreement and having equal legal validity.
SIGNED IN DUPLICATE. BUYERS: SELLERS /s/ Cxxxx Xxxxxx /s/ Ijan Thunbengi
SIGNED IN DUPLICATE. This MoU is executed in duplicate with each copy being an official version of the Agreement and having equal legal validity. BY SIGNING BELOW, the parties, acting by their duly authorized officers, have caused this Memorandum of Understanding to be executed, effective as of the day and year first above written. The Consultant agrees to provide certain consultancy and advisory services (“Services”) to the Company in accordance with the terms set out in this Agreement and the consideration for the same shall be as set forth under Clause 3. The Services shall include advisory, mentorship, and strategic advice for the growth of the Company and to assist the Company in developing its business strategy and [___]. On behalf of On behalf of COEP Technological University 0, Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxx – 000000 Company Name of the collaborator By : ____________________________ By : _____________________________ Name : Xx X. Sonawane Name : …………………… Title : Registrar Title : …………………….. Witness 1. Director (RIIL) Witness Company representative 2. Concerned Faculty / HoD 2. Company representative For communication For COEP Tech Write here name , email and mobile no For Sponsor Write here name , email and mobile no 1 Sponsored Project (Mention title of the sponsored project, faculty, total cost of the project considering all relevant rules and regulations of COEP Tech applicable in sponsored / consultancy project such as university overhead expenses; stipend to student, etc). Indicate cost of the project per year.
SIGNED IN DUPLICATE. This MOU is executed in duplicate with each copy being an official version of the MOU and having equal legal validity. BY SIGNING BELOW, the parties, acting by their duly authorized officers, have caused this Memorandum of Understanding to be executed, effective as of the day and year first above written. On behalf of On behalf of CONSULTANCY & PADMBHOOSHAN MYCRAVE XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX SERVICES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY By : By : Name : Xx. Xxxxxx X. Ghewade Name : Xx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Title : Principal Title : Managing Director Date : Date : 29 AUG 2022 Witness : Witness : Xxxxx Xxxxx To that Agreement dated 01st JUNE 2021 between MYCRAVE CONSULTANCY & SERVICES, and Utility Patent Filings 2 (previous) Design Patent Filings 32 + 2 (Previous) Copyright Filing 17( Previous) Signing Amount 50% of the package Remaining 50 % At the end of Eleventh month 2 Design Patents were pending from previous year which has been carry forwarded to this year. The payment condition are as follows: a. The Government Fees for the Filing needs to be provided in the form of Demand Draft addressed toTHE CONTROLLER or THE REGISTRAR ”respectively depending upon the type of service. b. In the case of online filing, CLASS – 3 DIGITIAL SIGNATURE of any authority is required from the institute. c. This proposal needs to be completed within the tenure of 1 YEAR and the Fees suggested are for Direct Patent Filing without suggesting modification. In case modification is required in the ideas to make it patentable additional fees will imply. d. In case of patent filing the professional fees of complete filing has been considered, in case is provisional filing is required an additional Fees of 3450/- will imply in each case. e. The Professional Fees for FER is included in the above package but in case of any hearing or/and Opposition additional Fees will imply. f. In case any add-on service is required, the basic fees of MYCrave will imply for the individual Service. g. Our Firm is equipped with eligible resource personals almost in every field except xxxxxxxxxxxxx.Xx we can support you in filing patents in varied fields except biotechnology.
SIGNED IN DUPLICATE. This MoU is executed in duplicate with each copy being an official version of the Agree ment and having equal le gal validity.
SIGNED IN DUPLICATE. This agreement is executed in duplicate with each copy being an official version of the Agreement and having equal legal validity. By signing below, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed, effective as of the day and year first above written.
SIGNED IN DUPLICATE. This AGREEMENT is executed in duplicate with each copy being an official version of the AGREEMENT and having equal legal validity. BY SIGNING BELOW, the parties, acting by their duly authorized officers, have caused this Memorandum of Understanding to be executed, effective as of the day and year first above written. On behalf of On behalf of By : Xx.X.X.Xxxxxxxxxx By : X.X.Xxxxxx Principal Chief Technology Officer Xxxxxxx Women's Engineering College TechMahindra,Hyderabad Hyderabad Name : X.Xxxxxxxxxxx Name : X.Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Title : Placement officer Title : Vice President Consulting & Enterprise Solution SrideviWomen'sEngineeringCollege TechMahindra, Hyderabad
SIGNED IN DUPLICATE. This MOU is executed in duplicate with each copy being an official version of the Agreement and having equal legal validity. By signing below, the Parties, acting by their duly authorized officers, have caused this Memorandum of Understanding to be executed, effective as of the day and year first above written. Signed and delivered on behalf of Signed and delivered on behalf of Signature: Signature: Xxxxx Name: Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxx Name: Senior HR Executive Designation: Registrar Designation:0000000000 Contact No: 0000000000 Contact No: Email-Id: Email-Id: Xxxxxxxx Institute of Engineering & Technology Celebal Technologies Private Limited Jaipu Date: 04/12/2019 Place: Jaipur Date: 4/12/2019 Place: Areas of Collaboration - Initial scope of engagement between Xxxxxxxx Institute of Engineering & Technology and Celebal Technologies Private Limited I. Upskilling of students - The industry-connect which will enable us to increase our literacy, technical skill & supervisory skill. Enhancing the personality development aspect of an individual through soft skills, learning modules of various latest technologies, through the technical curriculum specially designed for Computer, Electronics & Communication Engineering, students by subject matter expert (SMEs) of Celebal Technologies, through Workshops, Guest Lectures, SDP’s etc.
SIGNED IN DUPLICATE. This MOU is executed in duplicate with each copy being an official version of the Agreement and having equal legal validity. BY SIGNING BELOW, the parties, acting by their duly authorized officers, have caused this Memorandum of Understanding to be executed, effective as of the day and year first above written. On behalf of on behalf of INDIAN INSTITUTE OF COMPANY TECHNOLOGY , BOMBAY By : By : Name : Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxx Name : Title : Director Title : Date : Date : Witness : Witness : 1. 1.