Special Requirements Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in the “Special Requirements” attached hereto as Exhibit “B” and incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of Exhibit “B” and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of Exhibit “B” shall govern.
Personnel Requirements a. The CONTRACTOR shall secure, at the CONTRACTOR'S own expense, all personnel required to perform this Contract. b. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the CONTRACTOR'S employees or agents are experienced and fully qualified to engage in the activities and perform the services required under this Contract, and that all applicable licensing and operating requirements imposed or required under federal, state, or county law, and all applicable accreditation and other standards of quality generally accepted in the field of the activities of such employees and agents are complied with and satisfied.
Financial Requirements A report of monthly and cumulative financial requirements; and
General Requirements The Contractor hereby agrees:
Health Requirements A. Provider shall remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, county, and municipal, statutes, laws, ordinances, regulations, and guidelines, as well as any Board guidelines, policies, and rules in effect now or later, and as amended from time to time related to COVID-19. B. Provider shall comply with evolving requirements to protect the health and safety of Student Participants and staff, as expressed in local, and state guidance from various government agencies. This includes, but is not limited to, adhering to all health and safety guidelines issued by CPS, IDPH, and CDPH related to COVID-19. Provider acknowledges these health and safety guidelines are subject to change. C. Required health and safety practices may vary across age groups and settings. Provider shall comply, at a minimum, with all health and safety mandates issued by the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago and guidance from the Illinois State Board of Education (“ISBE”). D. Under Chicago’s March 19 Public Health Order, congregate facilities (such as long-term care facilities, childcare settings, correctional facilities, etc.) must immediately report to CDPH clusters of COVID-19 patients, defined as two or more confirmed cases of COVID-19 occurring within 14 calendar days of each other at a facility. To report positive cases, Provider must complete the COVID-19 Online Case Report Form found at the following website: xxxxx://xxxxxx.xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/surveys/?s=FR7MAJAY84. A copy of the current COVID-19 Online Case Report Form is attached and incorporated into this Supplemental Scope as Attachment A. Provider must also comply with additional operational, reporting and tracing requirements established by CPS. E. As of July 13, 2020, interim guidance issued by CDPH encourages notification for every COVID-19 case. For more information, see CDPH Interim Guidance on Management of COVID 19 Cases in Childcare Settings (“CDPH Guidance”) at the following link: https://xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/content/dam/city/depts/cdph/HealthProtectionandResponse/Interim% 20Guidance%20on%20Management%20of%20COVID 19%20Cases%20in%20Childcare%20Settings%2007.13.
Tax Requirements The Participant is hereby advised to consult immediately with his or her own tax advisor regarding the tax consequences of this Agreement. The Company or, if applicable, any Subsidiary (for purposes of this Section 28, the term “Company” shall be deemed to include any applicable Subsidiary), shall have the right to deduct from all amounts hereunder paid in cash or other form, any Federal, state, local, or other taxes required by law to be withheld in connection with this Award. The Company may, in its sole discretion, also require the Participant receiving shares of Common Stock issued under the Plan to pay the Company the amount of any taxes that the Company is required to withhold in connection with the Participant’s income arising with respect to this Award. Such payments shall be required to be made when requested by the Company and may be required to be made prior to the delivery of any certificate representing shares of Common Stock. Such payment may be made (i) by the delivery of cash to the Company in an amount that equals or exceeds (to avoid the issuance of fractional shares under (iii) below) the required tax withholding obligations of the Company; (ii) if the Company, in its sole discretion, so consents in writing, the actual delivery by the exercising Participant to the Company of shares of Common Stock other than (A) Restricted Stock, or (B) Common Stock that the Participant has not acquired from the Company within six (6) months prior to the date of exercise, which shares so delivered have an aggregate Fair Market Value that equals or exceeds (to avoid the issuance of fractional shares under (iii) below) the required tax withholding payment; (iii) if the Company, in its sole discretion, so consents in writing, the Company’s withholding of a number of shares to be delivered upon the exercise of the Stock Option other than shares that will constitute Restricted Stock, which shares so withheld have an aggregate fair market value that equals (but does not exceed) the required tax withholding payment; or (iv) any combination of (i), (ii), or (iii). The Company may, in its sole discretion, withhold any such taxes from any other cash remuneration otherwise paid by the Company to the Participant.
Operational Requirements 4 At-Sea Monitors are deployed, in accordance with coverage rates developed by 5 NMFS and as assigned through the Pre-Trip Notification System (PTNS), to 6 vessels. Due to availability of funding, changes in the fishery management, 7 such as emergency closures, court ordered closures, weather, and unforeseen 8 events must remain flexible. Additional funding for sea days may be added to 9 the contract within the scope and maximum allowable sea days. 10 The following items define the operational services to be provided by the 11 contractor under this contract.
Network Requirements Customer shall be responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the applicable network environment(s) adhere to the applicable standards and requirements specified in the Documentation and are configured appropriately to its proposed use of Ordered SaaS Services.
Federal Requirements In the event this Contract is paid in whole or in part from any federal government agency or source, the specific terms, regulations and requirements governing the disbursement of these funds shall be specified herein and become a part of this clause.
Overtime requirements No contractor or subcontractor contracting for any part of the contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or mechanics shall require or permit any such laborer or mechanic in any workweek in which he or she is employed on such work to work in excess of forty hours in such workweek unless such laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty hours in such workweek.