Forced Labour Sample Clauses
Forced Labour. The Contractor and their Subcontractors shall not employ forced labour, which consists of any work or service, not voluntarily performed, that is exacted from an individual under threat of force or penalty, and includes any kind of involuntary or compulsory labour, such as involuntary prison labour, indentured labour, bonded labour or similar labour contracting arrangements.
Forced Labour. Supplier will not use any forced labour, which means any work or service performed involuntarily under threat of physical or other penalty. Supplier shall respect the freedom of movement of its workers and not restrict their movement by controlling identity papers, holding money deposits, or taking any other action to prevent workers from terminating their employment. If workers enter into employment agreements with Supplier, workers should do so voluntarily.
Forced Labour. Suppliers must not use forced, coerced, bonded or indentured, or involuntary prison labour in any form. All work shall be voluntary. Employees should be free to leave employment upon giving reasonable notice. Suppliers should not require employees to hand-over government-issued identification, passports or work permits as a condition of employment.
Forced Labour. 14.1 The HIRER shall:
(i) comply, and shall procure that each member of the HIRER Group shall comply, with all applicable laws, statutes regulations and codes relating to slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking including the Modern Slavery Act 2015;
(ii) undertake not to purchase any resource, materials or products from producers, suppliers or manufacturers using forced or compulsory labour in its operations or practices;
(iii) have and shall maintain in place throughout the term of the Contract its own policies and procedures to ensure its compliance with clause 14.1(i) and (ii) and will enforce them where appropriate;
(iv) immediately notify the OWNER in Writing if it becomes aware of any breach or alleged breach of this clause within its supply chain (and the HIRER warrants that has not been convicted of any offence involving slavery and human trafficking and, having made reasonable enquiries, to the best of its knowledge none of the members of the HIRER Group or their direct or indirect owners at the date of the Contract have been or are the subject or any investigation, enquiry or enforcement proceedings by any governmental, administrative or regulatory body regarding an offence or alleged offence of or in connection with slavery and human trafficking),
14.2 The HIRER shall ensure that all members of the HIRER Group performing services or work in connection with the Contract does so only on the basis of a written contract which imposes on and secures from such person terms equivalent to those imposed on the HIRER in this clause 14.
Forced Labour. The Supplier warrants that it has conducted a reasonable examination of its Supply Chain and at all times warrants that there is no evidence of Exploitation. It must notify CSIRO promptly should it become aware of Exploitation in its Supply Chain and provide the steps to eliminate this Exploitation. If the Supplier fails to notify CSIRO of Exploitation in its Supply Chain or CSIRO does not accept the suggested remedy, CSIRO may terminate the Contract for breach in accordance with clause 14. The Supplier undertakes, if CSIRO requests, to provide to CSIRO details of its Supply Chain for CSIRO’s reasonable examination for Exploitation. Exploitation means engaging labour through slavery or bonding, indenture or other forms of compulsion. Supply Chain means all stages of manufacture of the Goods whether or not those stages were done by the Supplier or third parties and includes all aspects of the manufacture including any components and packaging.
Forced Labour. 1.1 There shall be no forced, bonded, prison or compulsory labour in any form, or any form of human trafficking.
1.2 Suppliers shall ensure that workers, including migrant workers and workers supplied through an agency, are not required to make deposits, financial guarantees or payments to employers, labour providers, brokers or agencies to obtain work. Suppliers shall be responsible for payment of all fees and expenses.
1.3 Suppliers and, where relevant, workers’ employers, labour providers or agencies shall not retain original copies of identity documents (such as passports, identity cards, work permits, bank books, ATM cards and other personal documents).
1.4 Suppliers shall not engage in making personal loans to workers or jobseekers under circumstances where repayment terms could be defined as debt bondage or forced labour.
1.5 Suppliers shall respect the right of workers to terminate their employment after reasonable notice and to receive all owed salary.
1.6 Suppliers shall respect the right of workers to leave the workplace after their shift. Where provided, workers’ accommodation arrangements must not restrict workers’ freedom of movement at any hour.
Forced Labour. The Business Partner shall not employ or use any form of forced, bonded or compulsory labour, and shall strictly prohibit any form of slavery or human trafficking. The Business Partner shall at all times have a written policy in relation to such matters and shall ensure the policy's effective implementation within its organisation. In particular, the Business Partner shall establish and implement appropriate systems to ensure that no form of forced, bonded or compulsory labour, or slavery or human trafficking is employed or used within the Business Partner's operations and its supply chain. All work must be voluntary, and Workers shall be free to leave their employment upon giving reasonable notice. Workers shall not be required to lodge deposits, identity papers or work permits as a condition of employment.
Forced Labour. Forced labour, including slave and penal labour shall not be used (ILO conventions 29 and 105). Neither shall employees be required to pay any deposits, or leave their identity papers, unless required by national or regional authorities due to security reasons or procedures.
Forced Labour. UniGraphics will not purchase products or components thereof from manufacturers that use forced labour, prison labour, indentured labour or exploited bonded labour, nor shall personnel be required to lodge ‘deposits’ or original identity papers upon commencing employment with the company or permit their manufacturers to do so.