Special regulations Sample Clauses
Special regulations. 22.6.1 Travel expenses and compensation for travelling time in an assignment district
22.6.2 Absence at an assignment site without acceptable cause
22.6.3 Journeys home at the time of public holidays
22.6.4 Journeys home at a time of incapacity to work
Special regulations. Tethered balloons shall not be used in the TICC Plenary Hall and second floor H area of TWTC1.
Special regulations. Health/accident insurance and liability insurance for the accommodated person/family are the responsibility of the responsible social authority.
Special regulations. Smoking is prohibited inside the cabin.
Special regulations. Supervision and Control of Minors: The USER shall provide at least one adult supervisor for each 12 minors participating in the event. For the purpose of this agreement, a "minor" is any person under the age of 19 years. The supervisor(s) shall be in charge of the group and shall be responsible for seeing that the terms and conditions of this agreement are met. Any events involving minors directed by USER must secure an Auburn University host in order to utilize campus facilities. The USER must also agree to be in compliance with the Auburn University Policy on Minors in University-Sponsored Programs or Involved in Programs Held at the University and/or Housed in University Facilities: xxxxx://xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx/admin/universitypolicies/Policies/PolicyonMinorsInvolvedinUniversity-SponsoredProgramsorProgramsHeldattheUniversityand-orHousedinUniversityFacilities.pdf Subletting of Allocated Time: The USER may not sublet their allocated time under any circumstances. ABANDONED PROPERTY: any property left on the PROPERTY shall, after a period of ten days from the last day of the scheduled use, be deemed abandoned and shall become property of the UNIVERSITY to be disposed of or utilized at UNIVERSITY’S sole discretion.
Special regulations. (Special regulations must be signed by both parties)
Special regulations. The LESSEE shall not permit players, coaches, employees, representatives, or invited or uninvited guests or spectators to bring onto, or possess on UNIVERSITY premises, animals, pets, weapons, contraband, alcohol, explosives, fireworks or other controlled substances. The LESSEE shall provide at least one adult supervisor for each 12 minors participating in the EVENT. For the purpose of the agreement, a “minor” is any person under the age of 18 years. The supervisor(s) shall be in charge of the group and shall be responsible for seeing that the terms and conditions of this agreement are met.
Special regulations. The special regulations that apply to the Agreement are: Country Rider Sweden, ver 2006-1, Addition to clause 3-Pledje: This claus will not apply to the agreement Monthly services fees will be invoiced monthly in advance. Power usage and power tax will be invoiced monthly based on actual kWh usage. During this agreement and it’s renewal Midasplayer has access to 10 cabinets and PDUs provided by Intention. The cabinets are of type Rittal 48 HU and the PDUs are of common type with 8 x schuko connections. To get access to the service, signed agreement, set-up fee and safety deposit has to be received by Intention 1 of september at the latest. Max 70% usage of a power plugset: The current drawn from the plugset shall not exceed a total maximum continuous load of 70%. For instance 11.2 Amp. (=1855 kWh/month) for 16A plugset. All proposals and unsigned serviceforms are to be considered ‘proposals’ limited validity for 30 days and subject to approval by management. As agreed by both parties: Name XXXX XXXXXXXX Name PEDER BANK Title Managing Direct Title Managing Director /s/ Xxxx Xxxxxxxx /s/ Peder Bank Place STOCKHOLM Place STOCKHOLM Date 2008-08-21 Date 2008-08-26 (hereinafter: “Country Rider”)
Special regulations. User agrees to use all commercially reasonable efforts to comply with each of the following Special Regulations:
Special regulations. In addition to the points determined in the previous articles, which address the establishment of a Confederation, the Confederal members have agreed to the following items in the regulations included in the subsequent articles, each of which shall be as important as those listed above. [ . . . ]