Joint Undertakings Sample Clauses

Joint Undertakings. In order to apply COMPACT principles in the distribution of European funding we will work together to engage managing authorities, opt in partners and successful bidders with the undertakings of Hertfordshire COMPACT. Where conflicts arise we will discuss the potential effects and agree solutions together. Encourage feedback through an annual survey from a range of sources on the effectiveness of the SO/ VCS partnership and how successful it has been in delivering shared objectives. Place this feedback in the public domain.
Joint Undertakings. 26.1 For enhancing cooperation, the SAPSC may propose to the ANSP Board the establishment of common entities with or without legal personality. 26.2 No third parties shall be able to acquire shares or stock, or assets in the jointly established entities. 26.3 Any proposal for establishment of a common entity shall be carried out by submission of a detailed report proving that the establishment of such entity enhances the overall added value of the DANUBE FAB. 26.4 The decision for approval of the establishment of a common entity, supported by all relevant documentation shall be submitted to the Governing Council for carrying out the procedures under Article 21 of the State Agreement.
Joint Undertakings. Within an interstate library district, and as provided by a library agreement, the performance of library functions may be undertaken on a joint or cooperative basis or may be undertaken by means of one or more arrangements between or among public or private library agencies for the extension of library privileges to the use of facilities or services operated or rendered by one or more of the individual library agencies.
Joint Undertakings. Nothing in this Article prohibits the Governing Bodies from cooperating and mutually agreeing to jointly fund an Open Space Project in the Jurisdictional Area of the other. Consideration and approval of joint projects will follow the processes as outlined in this Agreement in Exhibit B. The project details supporting a joint project will be presented to OSAC and OLC at either separate meetings or a Joint City/County Open-Lands- Open Space Advisory Committee Meeting. The Council and the Board will each separately determine whether to approve their portion of the Joint Open Space Project and associated Open Space Bond funding request.
Joint Undertakings. First Star and NSB shall each: (i) Filings and Approvals. Cooperate with the other in the preparation and filing, as soon as practicable, of (A) the Applications; (B) the Offering Documents and related filings under state securities laws covering the Conversion Stock to be issued pursuant to the Plan of Conversion; (C) the Registration Statement, including the Prospectus; (D) all other documents necessary to obtain any other approvals and consents required to effect consummation of the Merger Conversion and (E) all other documents contemplated by this Agreement;
Joint Undertakings. Each of Stein's and Sanitec shxxx xxxperate and exercise commercially reasonable efforts to facilitate the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement so as to permit Closing to take place on the date provided herein and to raise the satisfaction of conditions to Closing set forth in Article 6. Both parties hereto agree that they will use their best efforts to cause a Form 8-K to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission concerning this transaction which Form 8-K will require audited financial statements for Sanitec and pro forma financial information for the companies as merger.
Joint Undertakings. Working together to develop a modern and dynamic volunteering infrastructure, recognising that this is essential for successful volunteering work. Increasing the choice and diversity of volunteering opportunity. Increase access by challenging real or perceived barriers to volunteering Encourage volunteering from those currently under represented Support those who have additional needs Ensure mutual benefits of volunteering. Show commitment to volunteers and volunteering at every level throughout the partner organisation Recognise that managing volunteers requires resourcing and ensure appropriate financial provision in funding programmes and applications Ensure that all new or revised policies and procedures are checked for their impact on volunteers and volunteering before being adopted Involve volunteers in decision making and information flows Ensure that volunteers are not out of pocket as a result of their volunteering activity Ensure that volunteering activities complement not replace the role of paid staff Recognition of the real cost of volunteering. Accept that although volunteering is given freely it is not cost free Support initiatives to widen the profile of volunteering Aim for greater publicity for the achievement of volunteers Providing support for volunteers. Provide volunteers with the induction, support, management, training and other resources needed to work effectively Identify a named person within each partner agency to be responsible for volunteer involvement Respect the independence of partners. Adopt policies so that specialist volunteering infrastructure can develop realistic sustainable long term funding. Recognise that to enable active encouragement of a diverse range of people in volunteering needs support and resources. Recognise volunteer time as added value within funding bids. Recognise the contribution towards objectives made by volunteers. Recognise the time implications for organisations that include volunteers when responding to consultation requests.
Joint Undertakings. All partners to the Compact agree to: • Understand local needs for services so that what is commissioned is focused on outcomes that will make a difference to service users. • Develop a common understanding about measuring value for money including measurement of outcomes and effectiveness. This includes taking account of the value of local knowledge and relationships in specifications and in comparisons between providers. • Maintain up to date information about which organisations are likely to be able to supply particular services and at the beginning of every procurement process to identify the possibility for local organisations, particularly those from disadvantaged communities, to deliver contracts or parts of contacts either independently, as part of a consortium or as a sub contractor. • Ensure that the most appropriate service provider is chosen, by balancing the need for efficiency with longer-term market development. • Evaluate services and make use of evidence about what makes a difference to service users when designing and changing service provision. • Support capacity building to enable more local organisations to meet the conditions required by pre-qualification questionnaires, take part in tendering processes and deliver services. • Act in accordance with relevant codes of conduct and be transparent by declaring interests that could reasonably be considered to influence their role in determining the use of resources, commissioning or procurement decisions. • Ensure that environmental considerations are taken into account at all stages of commissioning. This includes taking account of environmental impacts in specifications and in comparisons between providers. • Provide an open and transparent approach to commissioning in which a range of service providers are able to participate including a commitment to: - Making all relevant strategies and service plans available to the third sector and undertaking appropriate consultation as they are being developed. - Notifying the third sector of funding for specific initiatives from central Government. - Publishing commissioning intentions that set out key times for consultation, budget setting, contract monitoring and decision making. - Ensuring that information and advice is available about the tendering process and services to be procured, making use of local third sector information systems. • Commit to greater consistency and co- ordination in their approach to commissioning and whenever possible joi...
Joint Undertakings. Each of USV and UMA shall cooperate and exercise commercially reasonable efforts to facilitate the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement so as to permit Closing to take place on the date provided herein and to raise the satisfaction of conditions to Closing set forth in Article 6. Both parties hereto agree that they will use their best efforts to cause a Form 8-K to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission concerning this transaction which Form 8-K will require audited financial statements for UMA and pro forma financial information for the companies as merged.
Joint Undertakings. All partners to the Islington Compact undertake to: • Work together to achieve the priorities in Islington’s Sustainable Community Strategy • Promote and raise awareness of the Compact amongst organisations in Islington • Review and evaluate the operation of the Islington Compact annually.