STORAGE AND LOADING AREAS. Subject to Committee approval, which may be withheld in its sole, absolute and unfettered discretion: (a) No materials, supplies or equipment, including any trucks, shall be stored in any area on a Parcel, except inside a closed building or on a temporary basis behind a Committee approved visual barrier which screens such areas from the view of adjoining Parcels and public streets. (b) Loading areas and docks shall be set back and screened to minimize the visual and noise effects from the street. All loading areas shall be hidden from view from public streets by visual barriers approved by the Committee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it may not be practical or feasible for all loading areas and docks to comply with this restriction, in which event, as to those loading areas and docks, the Committee shall have the right to designate hours for loading and unloading and the rules reasonably necessary to minimize the visual and noise effects thereof.
STORAGE AND LOADING AREAS. No loading dock, truck loading, storage area or other such facility shall be located in the front of any building or structure or within any frontage setback area or between a front of any building or structure and the street which said front faces. All exterior storage areas shall be screened by chain link fence with redwood slats, a minimum of six feet (6¢) in height.
STORAGE AND LOADING AREAS. A. Unless specifically approved by DECLARANT in writing, no materials, supplies or equipment, including company- owned or operated trucks, mobile homes, boats, trailers, or recreation vehicles, shall at any time be stored in any area on a Site except inside a closed building, or behind a visual barrier screening such areas so that they are not visible from the neighboring Sites or public streets. Visual barrier screening to a height of not more than eight (8) feet shall be permitted only with the prior written approval of DECLARANT. B. Loading areas shall not encroach into setback areas. C. Loading docks shall be set back and screened to minimize the effect of their appearance from the street and so as not to be visible from neighboring Sites. Docks shall not be closer than seventy (70) feet to the street property line, unless specifically approved by DECLARANT in writing. Loading shall be permitted to the rear of the setback line from that portion of a structure not fronting a street.
STORAGE AND LOADING AREAS. Unless specifically approved by Lessor in writing, no materials, supplies or equipment shall be stored anywhere except inside the Premises. Trash receptacles may not be placed in the service area except by Lessor.
STORAGE AND LOADING AREAS. No materials, trash, supplies or equipment, including company-owned or operated trucks, shall be stored on the Premises except inside a closed building, or behind a visual barrier screening such areas form the view of adjoining properties and/or private streets subject to the approval of the County of Clarx xxx the Landlord; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply during the course of construction of a building.
STORAGE AND LOADING AREAS. No materials, supplies, or equipment shall be stored outside of the building. Lessee shall at all times be responsible for his own trash removal and shall maintain the their premises clean and free of debris at all times.
STORAGE AND LOADING AREAS. Unless specifically approved by Landlord in writing, no materials, supplies or equipment shall be stored anywhere except inside the Premises. In no event shall Tenant cause or allow any outside storage of trash, refuse or debris, whether in the area of the dumpster or otherwise.
STORAGE AND LOADING AREAS. Unless specifically approved by Landlord in writing, no materials, supplies or equipment shall be stored anywhere except inside the Premises. Trash receptacles may not be placed in the service area except as otherwise approved by Landlord.
STORAGE AND LOADING AREAS. (1) Unless specifically approved by Grantor in writing, no materials, supplies or equipment, including company-owned or operated trucks and motor vehicles shall be stored in any area on a site except inside a closed building, or behind a visual barrier screening such areas so that they are not visible from the neighboring properties or public streets. Any storage areas screened by visual barriers shall be located on the rear portions of the site, unless approved by Grantor in writing. No storage areas shall extend into setback lines as established herein unless approved by Grantor in writing. (2) All provisions for vehicle loading shall be provided on the site with on-street vehicle loading not permitted. (3) No loading dock, trucking or railroad activity shall be permitted between the structure and any street, and no loading areas shall encroach into setback areas unless specifically approved by Grantor. (4) Loading dock areas shall be set back and screened so as not to be visible from neighboring properties and streets, but in any event, the docks shall not be closer than forty-five (45) feet from a property line fronting any street unless specifically approved by Grantor in writing.
STORAGE AND LOADING AREAS. No loading dock, truck loading or storage area or other such facility shall be located in the front of any building or structure, or within any frontage setback area, or between a front of any building or structure and the street which said front faces.