Private Streets Sample Clauses

Private Streets. Certain streets constructed within the development, , will be private streets owned and maintained by the Developer. The City and Developer shall enter into a Construction, Repair and Maintenance Agreement for Private Roads to govern the conditions related to the private street, including but not limited to maintenance and reconstruction requirements, snowplowing, and damage to City owned utilities that are located within the streets corridor.
Private Streets. If streets are to be developed in the Subdivision which are not to be public streets, same shall be required to be constructed in the manner set forth in subparagraphs (b) or (c) above relative to public streets which are not major or collector streets and to the standards set forth in the Private Streets Standards Policy of the City.
Private Streets. Only if directly approved by the City Council, any street that is intended for private use and posted as a private street at all times may be established as a private street. The design and improvement of any private street will be subject to all of the requirements prescribed by this document for public streets. Private street easements will meet the standards for dedicated right-of-way. Final site plans that depict private streets will include an unconditional and irrevocable offer of dedication that may be accepted by the City Council at such time as the street is needed for development of contiguous property or for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare. Final site plans will further contain statements that grant the City of Olympia the right to fully use the private street for emergency access and utilities maintenance and provide for the ownership and maintenance of the private street by the owners with the development.
Private Streets. There are private streets and street lights within the FINAL PLAT that will be owned and maintained by the Homeowners’ Association. DEVELOPER shall enter into a maintenance agreement with the CITY regarding the maintenance, reconstruction, snowplowing, street lights and damage to CITY utilities that are located within the private streets.
Private Streets. As a part of the approval of a Development Application the Town may approve a private street.
Private Streets. Private streets will be allowed only: 1) if the streets meet all applicable public street standards, including right-of-way widths, 2) when no through connection points to the existing or future public street system is needed, 3) if a financial analysis shall be prepared to determine the amount of funding needed to maintain the street annually and repave the street after 25 years. The developer shall establish a Street maintenance Covenant with each home served by the street establishing a overseeing association and monthly contributions for maintenance and funds to be set aside for major rehabilitation in the distant future. The form of the street maintenance association and the covenant shall be approved by the City Attorney. 4) Internal circulation streets are privately owned vehicle access corridors located within the boundaries of a commercial or multifamily development where the development is accessed directly from a public street. Internal circulation private streets shall meet the public local access street pavement section requirements and shall also provide safe pedestrian corridors.
Private Streets. Applicants for service on a private street shall execute and deliver, without cost to the Authority, permanent easements or rights-of-way over the property owned by the applicants when necessary for the installation and maintenance of the extension or subsequent additions thereto. For private property or right-of-way not owned by the applicant, the Authority shall need an easement from the owner of that land. The Authority shall not be obligated to commence any construction until it has obtained satisfactory easements or rights-of-way. In order to expedite main extension, the Water Authority will accept certified check as collateral and allow the project to proceed. The deposit will be held until the easements are received. The following schedule shows the certified check amounts that will be required. Ten thousand dollar increments for every $100,000 above $200,000
Private Streets. The developer shall construct all streets in accordance with RTC Standards unless otherwise specified or approved by the City Engineer
Private Streets. Every Lot Owner shall have a non-exclusive right and easement of 1ise, access and enjoyment in and to, over and across any private streets and roads within the Subdivision, whether or not such private streets are Common Elements, for the purpose of ingress, egressandregressto andfrompublicrights ofway. Any Lot Ownermayextendhis or herrightof use and enjoyment to the members of his or her family, lessees, and social invitees, as applicable. TheLot Owner'srightstothe private streetsaresubject tothe following: a. This Amended Declaration, the By Laws and other governing documents; and b. The right of theownerof theprivate street toadopt, amend andrepealrules regulating the use, access and enjoyment of the private street, provided that the owner of theprivate streetshallnotbythe adoption of anyrule or regulation, baraccess of theLot Ownerstotheuse of theprivate streets foringress, egressandregress; and c. Theright of theowner of theprivate streettopermit the use of theprivate streets by persons other than Lot Owners, their families, lessees and guests; and d. Theright of the Associationtomortgage, pledge, orhypothecateany orallof theprivate streetsassecurityformoneyborrowed ordebtsincurred, providedthat, the Association shall not subject the private streets to any security instrument without obtaining the agreement of the lender to subordinate its interests in the private streets to the easements for the Lot Owners contained in this paragraph.; and e. The right oftheAssociation actingthroughitsBoard, todedicate, orgrant easementsacross all ora portion oftheprivate streets,subjecttoanyapproval requirements set forth in the Act, this Declaration, the By Laws or .any other governing documents.
Private StreetsThe Parties recognize and agree that the fiscal analysis provided by Xxxxx Investment with the Applications assumes that any streets, gutters, curbs, and sidewalks constructed on the Property will be privately owned. The City will not accept any dedication of any streets, gutters, curbs, and sidewalks on the Property without a new fiscal analysis that considers the fiscal impacts to the City of such any possible dedication. Nothing in this Agreement requires or obligates the City to accept dedication of any streets, gutters, curbs, and/or sidewalks on the Property.