Examples of Adjoining Properties in a sentence
Adjoining PropertyAt practical completion, for properties described in the Adjoining Properties to be Recorded schedule inspect the properties with the Engineer and owners and occupants of the properties, recording any damage that has occurred since the pre-commencement inspection.
Must Include Remarks on the Inspection of the Property and Adjoining Properties) Please Note: IF A PHASE I, II, III AUDIT IS CONDUCTED, SBA/LEWIS & CLARK CDC MUST BE LISTED AS AN ENTITYENTITLED TO RELY ON THE FINDINGS.
Staff recommends that such events may not extend beyond 9:00 p.m. Figure 4: The Subject Site (outlined in yellow) and Adjoining Properties The statement of justification further stated that on-site training and organizational meetings for staff and administration will typically be held during regular business hours.The entire play area will be encircled by a six -foot high opaque fence, with four (4) interior fencing partitions separating the respective play areas.
Gorman) Documents: 21P-068 CC RPT STF PKT WITH ORD.PDF 8.B. Consider For Approval An Ordinance Of The City Of Galveston, Texas, Abandoning A 300 Linear-Feet (Approximately 6,000 Square Foot) Section Of Right-Of-Way, On Property Commonly Located At The Mid-Block Alley Right-Of-Way Adjacent To 1128 Seawall And Its Adjoining Properties Legally Described Herein, In The City And County Of Galveston, Texas; Planning Case Number 21P-072; Making Various Findings And Provisions Related To The Subject (D.
Adjoining Properties I have considered adjoining uses and included a map to identify each parcel’s location.
This certificate must be submitted to, and approved by, the Certifying Authority prior to issue of the Occupation Certificate.(Reason: Equitable access and facilities for people with a disability) Damage to Adjoining Properties G3.
Additional guidelines and standards relating to visual amenity and landscape management include:• AS 4282-1997 Control of the obtrusive effects of outdoor lighting;• AS/NZ 1158 — Lighting for Roads and Public Spaces;• Crime Prevent Through Environmental Design; and• Australian Standard AS4970 the Australian Standard for Protection of Trees on Development Sites and Adjoining Properties.
Clause 29 Interference with Traffic and Adjoining Properties All operations necessary for the execution of the Works shall, so far as compliance with the requirements of the Contract permits, be carried on so as not to interfere unnecessarily or improperly with the convenience of the public, or the access to, use and occupation of public or private roads and footpaths to or of properties whether in the possession of the Employer or of any other person.
Law) Documents: 2021 CDBG AND HOME PROPOSED OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTS.PDF 5.B. Consider For Approval An Ordinance Of The City Of Galveston, Texas, Abandoning Property Mid-Block Alley Right-Of-Way Adjacent To 1728 Seawall And Adjoining Properties And Adjacent Properties Are Legally Described As M.
To provide some context for our results, we also reproduce the horizon 4 lending response for the representative bank, as seen in Table 3.