Print Name Designation ...................................
Witness Name Address: The Corporate Seal of THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR EDUCATION affixed to this deed is authenticated by: ……………………….. Duly Authorised ANNEXES
Name of Xxxxx(s) 2. The named person's role in the firm, and
Full Name Position: ................................................ Position: ................................................ Date: ..................................................... Date: .....................................................
USE OF NASA NAME AND NASA EMBLEMS A. NASA Name and Initials Partner shall not use "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" or "NASA" in a way that creates the impression that a product or service has the authorization, support, sponsorship, or endorsement of NASA, which does not, in fact, exist. Except for releases under the "Release of General Information to the Public and Media" Article, Partner must submit any proposed public use of the NASA name or initials (including press releases and all promotional and advertising use) to the NASA Associate Administrator for the Office of Communications or designee ("NASA Communications") for review and approval. Approval by NASA Office of Communications shall be based on applicable law and policy governing the use of the NASA name and initials.
Logo Current logo, with correct spacing, color or black and white shall be requested directly from Civic Life communications staff or assigned program staff.
Project Name [Insert Name of Project for which Consultant will provide services] (“Project”)