SUB-AWARDS Sample Clauses
SUB-AWARDS. Grantee may enter into sub-awards only with prior written approval from DCF. Sub-Grantee Agencies must sign off on and adhere to the Specific Terms and Conditions contained within this XXXX and are subject to the same Tax Clearance and Debarment requirements as Grantee, as well as the audit requirements outlined within the XXXX. A copy of Sub-Grantee Tax Clearance(s), Debarment Memorandum(s), and the signed Sub-Grantee Acknowledgement Form (OGC-1012), must be submitted with this XXXX for approval. Sub-Grantees shall utilize the grant funds in a manner consistent with their given budget and abide by the restrictions found elsewhere within these Grant conditions.
SUB-AWARDS. The Subrecipient shall not make sub-awards under this Agreement unless expressly contemplated and approved in the Award (including identification of the sub-awardee) or without the prior express written approval of the Consortium. In making sub-awards under this Agreement, Subrecipients shall comply with all applicable rules, regulations, policies, and requirements applicable to sub-awards made by subrecipients, including but not limited to those contained in 31 C.F.R. Part 34, 2 C.F.R. Part 200, the RESTORE Council’s Financial Assistance Standard Terms and Conditions, and the Consortium’s Subrecipient Policy. All sub-awardees under this Agreement shall be subject to the same performance, financial, and reporting requirements as the Subrecipient.
SUB-AWARDS a. A private non-profit agency (subgrantee) sub-awarded funds shall agree to and sign these same Special Conditions. The subgrantee is bound by the same requirements as the grantee as outlined in these Special Conditions, and will follow the same reporting and accounting procedures required of the grantee, including all requirements outlined in the Juvenile Programs and Interventions Financial Guidebook.
b. The subgrantee will submit detailed invoices with supporting documentation to the grantee monthly for reporting to the Nebraska Crime Commission as outlined in section 2, reporting requirements.
c. The subgrantee agrees to comply with all reporting, data collection, and evaluation requirements as prescribed by the Nebraska Crime Commission, by these Special Conditions, and Nebraska Revised Statue §43-2404.01 and §43-2404.02 and Title 75, Chapter 1; Distribution of Community-based Juvenile Services Aid.
d. The grantee will financially monitor all sub-awards and subgrantees for compliance with these special conditions and the Financial Guidebook.
SUB-AWARDS. If Sub-Recipient makes sub-awards under this Agreement, Sub-Recipient is responsible for selecting its sub-awardees and, if applicable, for conducting sub-award competitions. Sub- Recipient agrees to:
1. Establish all sub-award agreements in writing;
2. Maintain primary responsibility for ensuring successful completion of the approved project (SUB-RECIPIENT CANNOT DELEGATE OR TRANSFER THIS RESPONSIBILITY TO A SUB- AWARDEE).
3. Ensure that any sub-awards comply with the standards in Section 210(a)-(d) of OMB Circular A-133, and are not used to acquire commercial goods or services for the sub- awardee.
4. Ensure that any sub-awards to 501(c)(4) organizations do not involve lobbying activities;
5. Monitor the performance of sub-awardees, and ensure sub-awardees comply with all applicable regulations, statutes, and terms and conditions which flow down in the sub- award;
SUB-AWARDS. K.1 No funds or other support provided hereunder to Sub-grantee may be subsequently passed on to any other entity in the form of a Sub-grant or contract without prior written approval from the XXXX.
K.2 Under the terms of this agreement with XXXX, the Sub-grantee has no direct relationship with the Federal donor agency identified above in Section C.1 regarding any matter related to this project or agreement. Sub-grantee must direct all notices, requests, and other communication relating to this Sub-grant agreement to the XXXX at the address specified in Section L.1.
SUB-AWARDS. If the sponsor makes sub-awards under this Agreement, the sponsor is responsible for selecting its sub-awardees and, if applicable, for conducting sub-award competitions. The sponsor agrees to:
a. Establish all sub-award agreements in writing;
b. Maintain primary responsibility for ensuring successful completion of the approved project (SPONSORS CANNOT DELEGATE OR TRANSFER THIS RESPONSIBILITY TO A SUB- AWARDEE);
c. Ensure that any sub-awards comply with the standards in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, and are not used to acquire commercial goods or services for the sub-awardee;
d. Ensure that any sub-awards to 501(c)(4) organizations do not involve lobbying activities;
e. Monitor the performance of sub-awardees, and ensure sub-awardees comply with all applicable regulations, statutes, and terms and conditions which flow down in the sub-award;
f. Obtain RCO’s consent before making a sub-award to a foreign or international organization, or a sub-award to be performed in a foreign country; and
g. Obtain approval from RCO for any new sub-award work that is not outlined in the approved work plan in accordance with 40 C.F.R. Parts 30.25 and 31.30, as applicable.
SUB-AWARDS. Grantee may enter into sub-awards only with prior written approval from DCF. Sub-Grantee Agencies must sign off on and adhere to the Specific Terms and Conditions contained within this XXXX and are subject to the same Tax Clearance and Debarment requirements as Grantee, as well as the audit requirements outlined within the XXXX. A copy of Sub-Grantee Tax Clearance(s), Debarment Memorandum(s), and the signed Sub-Grantee Acknowledgement Form (OGC- 1012), must be submitted with this XXXX for approval. Sub-Grantees shall utilize the grant funds in a manner consistent with their given budget and abide by the restrictions found elsewhere within these Grant conditions. If it is known Sub-Grantees will be awarded, however it is unknown to whom those awards will be given, a Statement must be made in this section regarding this. Enter any sub-award information known. Also, State clearly Sub-Grantee Tax Clearance, /7etJ:,,r1a1s af Grantee Agency's Authorizing Official Debarment Memorandum and Acknowledgement Form (OGC-1012) will be required to be submitted immediately after Sub-Awards have been made and prior to reimbursement of the first Budget Transaction Reports.
SUB-AWARDS. J.1 Unless already approved, no funds or other support provided hereunder to Sub-grantee may be subsequently passed on to any other entity in the form of a Sub-grant without prior written approval from the Arbor Day Foundation.
J.2 Under the terms of this agreement with the Arbor Day Foundation, the Sub-grantee has no direct relationship with the Federal donor agency identified above in Section C.1 regarding any matter related to this project or agreement. Sub-grantee must direct all notices, requests, and other communication relating to this Sub-grant agreement to the Arbor Day Foundation at the address specified in Section L.1.
SUB-AWARDS a. A private non-profit agency (subgrantee) sub-awarded funds shall agree to and sign these same Special Conditions. The subgrantee is bound by the same requirements as the grantee as outlined in these Special Conditions and will follow the same reporting and accounting procedures required of the grantee, including all requirements outlined in the Juvenile Programs and Interventions Guidebook.
b. The subgrantee will submit detailed invoices with supporting documentation to the grantee monthly for reporting to the Nebraska Crime Commission as outlined in section 2, reporting requirements.
c. A private non-profit agency awarded funds shall have two (2) members of the Board of Directors review, on a quarterly basis, all expenditures for the agency. Board minutes shall reflect this review and be provided upon request.
d. The subgrantee agrees to comply with all reporting, data collection, and evaluation requirements as prescribed by the Nebraska Crime Commission, by these Special Conditions, and the Juvenile Services Act
e. The grantee will conduct programmatic and financial monitoring of all sub-awards and subgrantees for compliance with these special conditions and the Juvenile Programs and Interventions Guidebook. I have read the above special conditions and understand they are part of the binding grant award contract. By signing below, I am accepting the grant award and agreeing to abide by the special conditions. I acknowledge failure to satisfactorily meet all conditions and requirements of the grant as outlined in these special conditions, Request for Application, and Juvenile Programs and Interventions Guidebook may result in suspension or termination of the grant award. Agency Approval Award and Special Condition Acceptance Xxx Xxx, Xx., Executive Director
SUB-AWARDS. As specified in the standard provisions, the marking requirements will “flow down” to sub- recipients or sub-awards, and will include the USAID-approved marking provision in all USAID funded sub-awards, as follows: “As a condition of receipt of this sub-award, marking with USAID identity of a size and prominence equivalent to or greater that the recipient’s, sub-recipient’s, other donor’s or third party’s is required.” Public Communications Any “public communications,” as defined in 2 CFR 700.1 (j), funded by USAID, in which the content has been approved by USAID, will contain the following disclaimer: As specified in the standard provisions, Terra Global will provide the Agreement Officer’s Representative (AOR) or other USAID personnel designated in the cooperative agreement with two copies of all program and communications materials produced under the award. In addition, Terra Global will submit one electronic or one hard copy of all final documents to USAID’s Development Experience Clearinghouse.