Submission Procedures Sample Clauses
Submission Procedures. Contractor shall establish and implement submission procedures with the District, its consultants, and the Architect. Contractor shall establish a submittal priority matrix, provide a preliminary review of all submittals, coordinate and review shop drawing submissions, and provide coordination and submission of requests for information (RFIs), samples, mock-ups, product data, change orders, payment requests, material delivery dates, and other procedures, and maintain logs, files, and other necessary documentation. Contractor shall coordinate the dissemination of any information regarding the submissions.
Submission Procedures. The Applications should be as per the following before closing date: a. Proposal must be submitted through e-mail as mentioned above with Annexure 4 duly filled by the authorised representative of the bidding agency with electronic signature via company mail id. b. The above email should have the subject line- ‘Bid submission- RfP Technical Service Request - LPA’. Such email should have separate file attachments titled ‘Technical Proposal’ and ‘Financial Proposal’ in alignment with the WIAI template (furnished as Annexures at the end). c. WIAI reserves the right to waive irregularities and to reject any or all bids. d. WIAI may, at any time before the closing date, for any reason, whether on its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a (prospective) bidder, modify the RFP by written amendment.
Submission Procedures. (1) A board of trade seeking review of a section 4(c) contract market trading rule shall fur- nish one copy of the information set forth in paragraphs (b), (c) or (d) and
Submission Procedures. IDENIX will provide the Organization with the text of patent requests, and will keep it informed of developments in the procedure. The Organization promises to provide IDENIX with all the necessary materials, technical or administrative, that IDENIX might need for the submission and approval of patents. IDENIX will choose the representative responsible for submitting the request and shall provide such information to the Organization. The Parties promise that the name of the inventors will be mentioned in agreement with the legal provisions in effect, in the patent requests. The Parties are committed to ensuring that their employees, mentioned as inventors, provide all the signatures and accomplish all the formalities required for submission, approval, enforcement, and protection of the aforesaid patents, in particular that they sign the assignment of rights in accordance with the American procedure.
Submission Procedures. The Applications should be as per the following before closing date: a. Proposal must be submitted through e-mail as mentioned above with Annexure 4 duly filled by the authorised representative of the bidding agency with electronic signature via company mail id. b. The above email should have the subject line- ‘Bid submission- RfP Technical Service Request - LPA’. Such email should have separate file attachments titled ‘Technical Proposal’ and ‘Financial Proposal’ in alignment with the WIAI template (furnished as Annexures at the end). In addition to the Technical and Financial Proposals, the bid should also have a mandatory response submitted to the Technical Questionnaire Addendum to the RFP advertisement on the website. c. WIAI reserves the right to waive irregularities and to reject any or all bids. d. WIAI may, at any time before the closing date, for any reason, whether on its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a (prospective) bidder, modify the RFP by written amendment.
Submission Procedures. Unless there is a documented change in Student’s Individualized Education Program (“IEP”), all services contracted for under this MOU will run for a period of one year, from________ to _________. On or before ________, Charter shall submit a written request for services to Service Provider. The written request shall list each type of service requested and the number of weekly/monthly/annual service hours requested for that service. On or before ___________, Service Provider shall provide Charter with a written response to the request for services. The Service Provider’s response shall specify whether the Service Provider is willing to provide all, some, or none of the services requested. If Service Provider is willing to provide less than all the requested services, the response will list each type of service it is willing to provide and the number of weekly/monthly/annual service hours it is willing to provide. Service Provider’s written response shall include a rate schedule for all requested services.
Submission Procedures. NOVIRIO will provide the Organization with the text of patent requests, and will keep it informed of developments in the procedure. The Organization promises to provide NOVIRIO with all the necessary materials, technical or administrative, that NOVIRIO might need for the submission and granting of patents. Novirio Cooperative Agreement with the Universite Montpellier II and the CNRS NOVIRIO will choose the representative responsible for submitting the request. The Parties promise that the name of the inventors will be mentioned in agreement with the legal provisions in effect, in the patent requests. The Parties are committed to ensuring that their employees, mentioned as inventors, provide all the signatures and accomplish all the formalities required for submission, approval, enforcement, and protection of the aforesaid patents, in particular that they sign the assignment of rights in accordance with the American procedure.
ARTICLE 2 - CO-OWNERSHIP EXPLOITATION EXPENSES NOVIRIO will cover all of the administrative costs for patents.
Submission Procedures. The CCRF requires: 1) Participant Information; 2) Requestor Information; 3) WorkSource Center Information; 4) Reason for Correction • Participant Information This section of the form includes: Participant Name; User ID; Date; State ID; and WIOA App Number. • Requestor Information This section of the form includes: Requested By; Phone Number; Email Address. • WorkSource Center Information This section of the form lists all WorkSource Centers and also includes: 1) Other Office Location; 2) Program. • Reason For Correction Ample space is provided to describe or detail the reason or reasons for data correction. Complete all data fields and make sure that a participant’s full Social Security Number is not included. Any request without a detailed reason or explanation as to why the change needs to occur will be denied. All applicable documentation must accompany the request. • WIOA (Public Law 113-128) • Department of Labor (DOL) Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 10-16, Change 1 Performance Accountability Guidance for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I, Title II, Title III, and Title IV core Programs • EDD Directive WSD 18-02, Data Change Request Form This policy provides guidance and establishes the procedures to collect participants’ electronic signatures when in-person appointments are not possible or when an individual submits an electronic Application. This Policy applies to all contractors and Partner Staff utilizing the CalJOBSSM system and governs all uses of electronic signatures regarding enrollments recorded in CalJOBSSM.
Submission Procedures. Before collecting PII or sensitive information from participants, the WIOA-funded agencies must have participants sign releases acknowledging the use of PII for grant purposes only. • Whenever possible, use unique identifiers for participant tracking instead of SSNs. While SSNs may initially be required for performance tracking purposes, a unique identifier could be linked to each individual record. Once the SSN is entered for performance tracking, the unique identifier will be used in place of the SSN for tracking purposes. If SSNs are to be used for tracking purposes, they must be stored or displayed in a way that is not attributable to a particular individual, such as using a truncated SSN. • Use appropriate methods for destroying sensitive PII in paper files (i.e., shredding or using a burn bag) and securely deleting sensitive electronic PII. • Do not leave records containing PII open and unattended. • Store documents containing PII in locked cabinets when not in use. • An agency’s failure to comply with the requirements identified in this policy, or any improper use or disclosure of PII for an unauthorized purpose, may result in the termination or suspension of the agreement with the City or the imposition of special conditions or restrictions, or such other actions as the City may deem necessary to protect the privacy of participants or the integrity of data. • Privacy Act of 1674 • Computer Security Act of 1687 • Title III of the E-Government Act of 2002 • Office of Management and Budget (OMB) M-0615, Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information • OMB M-06-16, Reporting Incidents Involving Personally Identifiable Information and Incorporating the Cost for Security in Agency Information Technology Investments • Executive Order 13402 established the President’s Task Force on Identity Thief This policy provides guidance and establishes the procedures regarding the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) data validation requirements. Data validation contains various activities that ensure the accuracy of quarterly and annual performance reports, protect data integrity, and encourage the timely resolution of data anomalies and inaccuracies. This policy applies to all WIOA-funded programs within all WorkSource and YouthSource Centers.
Submission Procedures. Unless there is a documented change in a student’s Individualized Education Program (“IEP”), all services contracted for under this MOU will run for a period of one year, from________ to _________. On or before ________, Charter shall submit a written request for placement in a specific program operated by the Service Provider and for any related services to be provided by the Service Provider. The written request shall specify the placement requested and list each type of service requested and the number of weekly/monthly/annual service hours requested for that service. On or before ___________, Service Provider shall provide Charter with a written response to the request for placement. Service Provider’s written response shall include a rate schedule for the requested placement and services.