SUCCESSORS CLAUSEThis Agreement shall be binding upon the Employer’s successors, assignee, purchaser, lessee or transferee, whether affected voluntarily or by operation of law; and in the event of the Employer’s merger or consolidation with another employer, this Agreement shall be binding.
SUCCESSORS CLAUSE. 41.1: This Collective Bargaining Agreement shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto until the expiration of this Collective Bargaining Agreement, unless otherwise extended by mutual agreement of the parties.
SUCCESSORS CLAUSEThis Agreement shall insure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors, and assigns.
SUCCESSORS CLAUSE. In the event that there is consideration of annexation, consolidation, or other reorganization with one (1) or more districts in whole or in part, the Board shall notify the Association in writing immediately. Upon request by the Association, the Board will meet with the Association to discuss the plans, and to receive input from the Association. Areas of discussion shall include, but not be limited to: seniority, wage scale, placement, transfers and employment by the successor Board. The Board will make reasonable efforts to assure the continued employment of all employees. Both the Board and the Association recognize that the Board may not have any legal authority or responsibility to assure the continued employment of Board employees in the event of annexation/consolidation, or other reorganization of the Employer.
SUCCESSORS CLAUSEIn the event of consolidation, merger, annexation, transfer, or assignment of the District with or to any other political subdivision of the state, the parties shall comply with any then applicable legislation, including, but not limited to, any obligations of the parties to bargain collectively with regard to the impact of such consolidation, merger, annexation, transfer, or assignment upon wages, hours, or working conditions of the effected Employees of the District.
SUCCESSORS CLAUSE. 5.1. In the event of consolidation, merger, annexation, transfer, or assignment of the City with or to any other political subdivision of the State, the parties shall comply with any then applicable legislation including, but not limited to, the obligation of the parties to bargain collectively with regard to the impact of such consolidation, merger, annexation, transfer, or assignment upon the wages, hours, and working conditions of the affected employees.
SUCCESSORS CLAUSETo the extent that the laws of the State of Michigan provide, this Agreement shall be binding upon the Employer's successor.‌
SUCCESSORS CLAUSEThis agreement shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Xxxxxxx Xxxx Fire District, and no provisions, terms, or obligations herein shall be affected, modified, changed or altered in any respect whatsoever by the consolidation, merger, annexation, transfer, or assignment of the Xxxxxxx Hill Fire District, or by any change geographically, or otherwise, in the location or place of business of the Xxxxxxx Xxxx Fire District. In the event of a consolidation, merger, annexation, or transfer, the only section that may be altered is the section pertaining to wages. Said section shall only be opened to provide for a wage or salary increase.
SUCCESSORS CLAUSESection 1. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, as well as upon their respective officers, agents, or representatives and upon the successors, transferees and assigns of the Employer.
SUCCESSORS CLAUSE. 27.1 The parties recognize in the event of a merger, consolidation or annexation of the Department affecting the tax base of the area served by the Department, either party shall have the right to reopen this Agreement for negotiation in accordance with RCW 41.56 regarding any and all articles affected by the merger, consolidation, or annexation.