SUPPLIMENTARY TERMS. Any supplementary terms that apply to the use of the Software are set out in Schedule 4 of this Agreement. 1. SCOPE OF SUPPORT NDBS, as the primary support provider for the CUSTOMER’s Software will receive all requests for Support from the CUSTOMER but may, under NDBS’s agreement with its subcontractors, subcontract the provision of support to the subcontractor for processing. The following are included in Support: 1.1 new releases of the Software, as well as tools and procedures for upgrades; 1.2 support packages to correct errors in the software and to adapt existing functionality to changed legal and regulatory requirements; 1.3 technology updates to support third-party operating systems and databases; 1.4 where appropriate source code for applications; 1.5 tools and documents to support software upgrades and change management; 1.6 up to five days remote support services per calendar year to assist Licensee in evaluating new or changes capabilities in the Software;


  • Supplementary Terms Other Contributions

  • Monetary Terms All references to "Dollars" or "$" shall mean US Dollars unless otherwise specified.

  • Delivery Terms All products sent to Customer shall be sent EX Works (EXW) or FCA the Company’s facility in El Cajon, CA, and in domestic packing. Customer will bear and pay for all taxes of any nature imposed prior to, at the time of, or after delivery to, the carrier at the EXW or FCA point. Customer shall also bear and pay for all charges for freight, shipping, consular fees, customs duties, and all costs and charges.

  • Additional Products and Services Subject to the allocation of funds, the CPO may add similar equipment, supplies, services, or locations, within the scope of this Agreement, to the list of equipment, supplies, services, or locations to be performed or provided by giving written notification to Contractor. For purposes of this Section, the “Effective Date” means the date specified in the notification from the CPO. As of the Effective Date, each item added is subject to this Agreement, as if it had originally been a part, but the charge for each item starts to accrue only on the Effective Date. In the event the additional equipment, supplies, services, or locations are not identical to the items(s) already under this Agreement, the charges therefor will then be Contractor’s normal and customary charges or rates for the equipment, supplies, services, or locations classified in the Fees and Costs (Exhibit “F”).

  • Description of Goods or Services and Additional Terms and Conditions The Contractor shall perform as set forth in Exhibit A. For purposes of this Contract, to perform and the performance in Exhibit A is referred to as “Perform” and the “Performance.”

  • Contract Terms The contract term will be one (1) year, effective from date of award. The City and the Supplier shall have the option to renew this contract for an additional two (2) one-year periods. The contract shall commence upon the issuance of a Notice of Award by the City of Xxxxxx and shall automatically renew each year, from the date of award by City Council, unless either party notifies the other prior to the scheduled renewal date. At the sole option of the City of Xxxxxx, the contract may be further extended as needed, not to exceed a total of six (6) months.

  • Products and Services General Information

  • CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS This section sets forth the terms and conditions of the Contract.

  • Technical Data For the purpose of this Agreement, "TECHNICAL DATA" shall mean all information of the Company in written, graphic or tangible form relating to any and all products which are developed, formulated and/or manufactured by the Company, as such information exists as of the Effective Date or is developed by the Company during the term hereof.

  • Products Products available under this Contract are limited to Software, including Software as a Service, products and related products as specified in Appendix C, Pricing Index. Vendor may incorporate changes to their product offering; however, any changes must be within the scope of products awarded based on the posting described in Section 1.B above. Vendor may not add a manufacturer’s product line which was not included in the Vendor’s response to the solicitation described in Section 1.B above.