System Architecture. We start with a description on the architecture, security features and thread model.
System Architecture. It is recommended that there be a single PCB-Design containing all interfaces for connectors, LCD, switches and buttons.
System Architecture. The VVDC system comprises a WinTV-USB device (details for this device are available at xxxx:// and a personal computer. It is designed for both online and offline operations on a regular personal computer running Windows 2000 or Windows XP. The personal computer used for VVDC system development was a Dell Latitude D600 laptop computer with a Pentium M 1.6 GHz Central Computing Unit, 1-GB memory, and a 32-MB ATI Radeon 9000 video card. It ran the Windows XP Professional operating system. The WinTV-USB device is used for digitizing live video signals. When the VVDC system is executed offline, it reads digitized video images from a storage media, and the WinTV-USB device is not necessary. For online operations, the VVDC system reads real-time images from the WinTV-USB device from the location where a live video signal source is connected. The live video source can be a video cassette player or a video camera. The components of the VVDC system and possible video data sources are shown in Figure 6-1. Video Data link Computer Video Data Source The software component of the VVDC system was written in the Microsoft Visual C# programming language. It has six modules: a live video capture module, a user input module, a background extraction module, a vehicle detection module, a shadow removal module, and a length-based classification module. The relationships among these modules are illustrated in Figure 6-2. Details of each module are described in the following sections. Background Extraction Queue Image media Nth Image … 2nd Image Live video No Detection line occupied? Yes No Vehicle registered? No Yes Yes Count long vehicle Count the vehicle USB Port Extracted background Pixel-based length New Frame Get Bounding Box Shadow sample LV threshold Virtual detector Vide capture Edge Detection Compute Centroid Shadow Removal Find the median of color values for each pixel 1st Image USB Port Live video Vide capture No Detection line Yes No Yes Count the vehicle
System Architecture. The control system for the Mikron G05 is based around an Xxxxx-Xxxxxxx Control Logix PLC processor and an Xxxxx-Xxxxxxx Panel View Plus touch screen. [*]
System Architecture. An internal review of development of the system architecture revealed three main challenges to the implementation and development of the PATHS system. • Hardware stability • Parallel work versus sequential dependency • Diverging and numerous technologies
System Architecture. In the second WS G workshop on June 2009 it was decided, to use existing Open Source components to facilitate and ease the development of a Safety Case Tool. It was realized that many, if not most functions, that were identified in user interviews and in workshop discussions could be achieved with a DMS. To identify the most suitable DMS the above mentioned System Requirements (see 2.1) were taken as a basis to evaluate existing solutions. A generic System Architecture, which depicts the System Requirements, is shown in Figure (A). The whole system is client-server based. Most functions are based on exchangeable standard components (Operating System, Java Runtime Environment, Web Browser, Office Software, Workflow Tool). A DMS usually consist of components which are interrelated (i.e. they will work with a few different Databases, but not with every Database, they might run on a certain application server, but not on another, they accept a certain kind of workflow format, but not another).
System Architecture. The system architecture is shown in Fig. 1. The potential receivers are connected together with well-organized local connections. Via communication infrastructures, they can also connect to the heterogeneous network. Each receiver node has a public/secret key pair. The public key is only certified by a certificate authority, but the secret key is kept only by the receiver not known to the certificate authority. Admin Login Exist user check key status Add new group Send request to server Send response to user Join/Leave group Rearrange keys Send request to access group Provide keys to user Send & encrypt data View user & group information Data Base User Login Receive & decrypt data User register
System Architecture. The sender will retrieve the receiver’s public key from the certificate authority and validate the authenticity of the public key by checking its certificate, which implies that no direct communication from the receivers to the sender is necessary. Then, the sender can send any secret messages to any chosen subset of the receivers.
System Architecture. Cloud service consumer layer
System Architecture. The following section outlines each component of the architecture in some detail. Figure 1 depicts the architectural concept for an online decision support system. An intuitive GUI is presented to the user through a Web based interface, which gathers information about the transport network he / she may wish to model. From this data the system generates an accurate model of the network, providing information such as: charter times, fuel costs, CO2 emissions, etc.