System of Accounts. 9 F. Reports ........................................................................................................................................... 10 G. Records........................................................................................................................................... 10 H. Schedule of Charges ....................................................................................................................... 10
System of Accounts. The warehouse operator agrees to:
1. Have and maintain a system of accounts approved for the purpose by FSA. This system of accounts must include an accurate and concise daily position record showing, as activity occurs, the total weight of cottonseed in licensed space:
a. Total cottonseed unloaded into the warehouse,
b. Total cottonseed loaded out of the warehouse,
c. Total cottonseed adjustments,
d. Total cottonseed remaining in the warehouse at the close of each business day,
e. Total obligations transferred to another warehouse,
f. Total negotiable and non-negotiable warehouse receipts issued, canceled, and balance outstanding,
g. Total increase, decrease, and outstanding un-receipted obligations belonging to others including cottonseed bank,
h. Total cottonseed owned by the warehouse operator for which warehouse receipts have not been issued, and
i. Total cottonseed obligations.
2. Maintain a separate set of records for each depositor showing for each bag or lot of cottonseed, the name of the depositor, the weight of the cottonseed, the number of bags in each lot, the grade, the location, the dates received and delivered out of storage, the receipts issued and canceled which must include a detailed record of all money received and disbursed and, if applicable, all insurance policies taken out and canceled on request of each depositor. These records will be maintained accurately and concisely as activity occurs. The warehouse operator must retain these records for a period of six years after December 31 of the year in which they were created, and for such longer period as may be necessary for the purposes of any litigation which the warehouse operator knows to be pending, or as may be required by FSA in particular cases to carry out the purposes of the Act.
3. Maintain similar records and information for any non-storage cottonseed handled through the warehouse. Records required with respect to non-storage cottonseed must be retained, as a part of the records of the warehouse, for a period of one year after December 31 of the year in which the lot of non-storage cottonseed is delivered from the warehouse.
4. Maintain a record of the temperature of stored cottonseed for each bin.
System of Accounts. I In order to determine the “R” Factor, the Contractor shall keep a special system of accounts to record, in Dollars, income and expenditure related to the Contract Operations. This system shall consist of two main accounts: the “R” Factor Income Account, and the “R” Factor Expenditure Account.
System of Accounts. In order to determine the "Rt-1" Factor, the Contractor shall keep a special system of accounts to record, in Dollars, income and expenditure related to the Contract Operations. This system shall consist of two main accounts: the "Rt-1" Factor Income Account, and the "Rt-1" Factor Expenditure Account.
System of Accounts. Ea c h w ar e h o u se m an s ha ll ha ve an d m a i n t a i n a s y s t e m of a cco un t s, a p- x x xxxx fo r t h e p ur pose b y t h e S e r vice. Th is s ha ll i n xx x xx x x x oc k r eco r d s h ow- i n g fo r e a c h lo t of g ra i n r eceived fo r s t o ra ge i t s n e t xxxx x x x x xx x xx x x doc k - a ge, if any , i t s g ra de w h e n i t s g ra de is r eq u i r ed t o be, o r is, a sce r t a i n ed, i t s lo- c a t io n , t h e d a t es r eceived fo r an d deliv- e r ed o u t of s t o ra ge, t h e r eceip t s iss u ed an d c an celed, a lso a sep ara t e r eco r d fo r e a c h deposi t o r of h is g ra i n , w h ic h s ha ll i n cl u de a de t a iled r eco r d of a ll m o n e y s r eceived an d disb ur sed an d of a ll i n s ur- an ce policies t a k e n o u t an d c an celed o n r eq u es t of e a c h deposi t o r . Th e w ar e- h o u se m an s ha ll fur t h e r k eep a ge n e xx x x x x xxxx xx a cco un t s h owi n g t h e polic y nu m be r , iss u i n g co m p any , a m o un t , bi n di n g, an d expi ra t io n d a t es of a ll fi r e, t o rna do, an d o t h e r i n s uran xx xxxx- cies t a k e n o u t b y h i m an d i n e a c h i n- s t an ce s h ow t h e p r ope r t y cove r ed b y s u c h policies. Th ese r eco r ds s ha ll a lso s h ow si m il ar i nfo r m a t io n co n ce rn i n g any n o n s t o ra ge g ra i n han dled t hr o u g h t h e w ar e h o u se. Su c h r eco r ds s ha ll be r e t a i n ed b y t h e w ar e h o u se m an fo r a pe- r iod of six y e ar s af t e r Dece m be r 31 of x x x x x ar i n w h ic h c r e a t ed, an d fo r s u c h lo n ge r pe r iod a s m ay be n ecess ary fo r t h e p ur poses of any li t ig a t io n w h ic h t h e w ar e h o u se m an k n ows t o be pe n d- i n g, o r a s m ay be r eq u i r ed b y t h e Ad- m i n is t ra t o r i n p ar t ic u l ar c a ses t o c arry o u t t h e p ur poses of t h e Ac t . ( App r oved b y t h e Office of M xxx ge m e n t an d B u dge t un de r co n t r ol nu m be r 0560–0120) [29 F R 15730, Nov. 24, 1964, a s a m e n ded a t 47 F R 745, J an . 7, 1982. R edesig na t ed a t 50 F R 1814, J an . 14, 1985]
System of Accounts. General Managers shall keep adequate books of account and other records reflecting the results of Franchise operations on a cash basis. Except for such books and records as General Managers may elect to keep in Provider's office or other suitable location, the books of account and all other records relating to or reflecting the operation of the Franchise shall be kept at the Premises of the Franchise and shall be available to Franchisee and its representatives at the places kept during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., local time,
System of Accounts. The Manager shall keep books of account and other records reflecting the results of operation of the Casino on an accrual basis, all in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied (“GAAP”), and as applied within the gaming casino industry. The books of account and all other records relating to or reflecting the operation of the Casino shall be maintained on the premises of the Casino at all times and shall be available to the Partnership and its representatives at all times, for examination, audit, inspection and transcription (at the Partnership’s expense). Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, the Partnership shall be permitted to utilize the computer hardware and software located at the Casino for such a period of time as is reasonable necessary to transfer all data records relating to the operation of the Casino, subject to the requirements of any software license under which the Manager utilizes any such software. In such event, the Manager may furnish hard copy printouts of such accounting records or generally used storage media containing such records together with instruction on access thereto. The Manager may retain a copy of any accounting records for the Casino after termination of this Agreement.
System of Accounts. The warehouse operator agrees to:
1. Have and maintain a system of accounts approved for the purpose by FSA. Maintain a separate set of records for each package of tobacco including the name of the depositor, the package identification number, the weight, type, grade, form, condition , the location, the dates incoming and outgoing, the receipts issued and canceled, and an accounting which must include a detailed record of all money received and disbursed and, if applicable, all insurance policies taken out and canceled on request of each depositor. These records will be maintained accurately and concisely as activity occurs. The warehouse operator must retain these records for a period of six years after December 31 of the year in which they were created, and for such longer period as may be necessary for the purposes of any litigation which the warehouse operator knows to be pending, or as may be required by FSA in particular cases to carry out the purposes of the Act.
System of Accounts. Operator shall, at Owner’s expense, maintain at the Hotel or at other offices of Operator for and on behalf of Owner complete and accurate books and accounts and such ancillary records as are necessary to reflect the ownership and operation of the Hotel. Such books and records shall be maintained using the accrual method of accounting and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis and in substantial accordance with the most current Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (as revised from time to time, published by the Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association) (the “Uniform System”). Such books and records of the Hotel shall be the property of Owner. To the extent that such books and records of the Hotel are maintained in computer storage, Operator shall make a printed copy available for inspection by Owner at any time during normal business hours. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, a copy of such books and records of the Hotel shall be promptly delivered to Owner and, to the extent that such books and records of the Hotel are maintained in computer storage, Operator shall provide Owner with a copy in printed or compatible electronic format, at Owner's choice. Within the annual Fiscal Year accounting period, each fiscal quarter-annual period is to consist of three consecutive calendar months beginning with the month of January in each calendar year.
System of Accounts. The Operating Agent shall use FPC Accounts, as modified by the bulletins and directives of the Rural Electrification Administration, with appropriate subaccounts, to account for all operation and maintenance costs of the Project.