TAPING AND FILMING. 1. Artist shall have, at no cost to Artist, the sole and exclusive rights to film, record or otherwise reproduce and embody any and all performance by Artist, including, without limitation, audio tapes, video tapes, radio transmission and any other audio visual process or solely visual process. No video camera or audio recording machine can be can be used by any other personnel.


  • Recording and Filing The County and Borrower shall cause this Agreement, and all amendments and supplements to it, to be recorded in the Official Records of the County of Contra Costa.

  • Posting and Filling of Vacancies 8.1(1) When a permanent vacancy occurs within a classification covered by this agreement, which the Employer intends to fill, after the Employer applies the internal job transfer bidding procedure and the ultimate vacancy is thereby identified, such vacancy shall be advertised for ten (10) calendar days provided that nothing herein shall prevent the Employer from advertising such vacancy throughout its system or outside during the ten (10) day period. Probationary employees may, at the sole discretion of the Employer, be considered for another position outside their classification after the signing date of this agreement. The Company reserves the sole and absolute right to carry out any applicable interviewing or testing that is necessary in its opinion. All test processes will be approved by qualified Human Resources staff. An employee will only be allowed to take one test failure for each different job classification bid every four (4) months. Current employees applying for positions which involve increased driving responsibilities must meet corporate driving standards and provide with application a current driving abstract. The opinion of the Employer shall not be exercised in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner. 8.1(2) Internal Job Transfer Bidding Procedure 8.1(3) This internal job transfer bidding procedure is within a given classification as follows: 8.1(4) All employees within each classification, when requested, must submit a “standing application” to transfer to any existing alternate home base or location, shift, shift hours, days off (in order of preference), to transfer from part-time to full-time status, or to indicate that they wish no change, whichever is applicable to each individual within their current classification. 8.1(5) A copy of such standing application submitted will be furnished to the employee. Since a standing application will remain valid indefinitely until it results in action or is replaced by the employee, it is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that a standing application always reflects the employee’s current preferences. 8.1(6) (i) When a permanent classification position vacancy is to be filled, all standing applications will immediately be reviewed with the intention of awarding transfers (including any “resultant” transfers) in order of classification seniority in the following sequence, where applicable: (a) transfer of a full-time employee from one home base or location to another or as referred to above; (b) transfer of an employee from part-time to full- time status; (c) transfer of part-time employees from one home base or location to another or as referred to above; and (d) transfer of full-time employees to part-time.

  • Packing and Marking By supplier

  • Sealing and Marking of Bids The bidder shall seal the original and each copy of the bid in separate envelopes duly marking the envelopes “ORIGINAL” and “COPY”. The envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer separate envelope.

  • Marketing and Sales Provide a detailed plan beginning from award date of the Master Agreement describing the strategy to immediately implement the Master Agreement as supplier’s primary go to market strategy for Public Agencies to supplier’s teams, to include, but not limited to:

  • Program Monitoring and Evaluation The Recipient shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, and furnish to the Association not later than six months after the Closing Date, a report of such scope and in such detail as the Association shall reasonably request, on the execution of the Program, the performance by the Recipient and the Association of their respective obligations under the Legal Agreements and the accomplishment of the purposes of the Financing.”

  • Felling and Bucking Felling shall be done to minimize breakage of Included Timber and dam- age to residual timber. Unless agreed otherwise, felling shall be done by saws or shears. Bucking shall be done to permit removal of all minimum pieces set forth in A2. B6.411 Felling in Clearings. Insofar as ground conditions, tree lean, and shape of clearings per- mit, trees shall be felled so that their tops do not extend outside Clearcutting Units, construction clearings, and ar- eas of regeneration cutting. B6.000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx. Stumps shall not exceed, on the side adjacent to the highest ground, the maximum heights set forth in A6, except that occasional stumps of greater heights are acceptable when Purchaser determines that they are necessary for safe and efficient conduct of logging. Unless otherwise agreed, Purchaser shall re-cut high stumps so they will not exceed heights specified in A6 and shall dispose of severed portions in the same manner as other logging debris. The xxxxx heights shown in A6 were selected with the objective of maximum reasonable utilization of the timber, unless Sale Area Map shows special areas where xxxxx heights are lower for aesthetic, land treatment, or silvicultural rea- sons.

  • Training and Orientation (a) No employee shall be required to work on any job or operate any piece of equipment until he/she has received proper training and instruction. (b) The Employer shall provide sufficient and adequate training and/or orientation to any employee working in a new or unfamiliar work area or position.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation a. The AGENCY shall expeditiously provide to the COUNTY upon request, all data needed for the purpose of monitoring, evaluating and/or auditing the program(s). This data shall include, but not be limited to, clients served, services provided, outcomes achieved, information on materials and services delivered, and any other data required, in the sole discretion of the COUNTY, that may be required to adequately monitor and evaluate the services provided under this Contract. Monitoring shall be performed in accordance with COUNTY’S established Noncompliance Standards, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Attachment “C”. b. The AGENCY agrees to permit persons duly authorized by the COUNTY to interview any clients and all current and/or former employees of the AGENCY to be assured of the AGENCY’S satisfactory performance of the terms of this Contract. c. Following such evaluation, monitoring, and/or audit, the COUNTY will deliver a report of its findings and recommendations with regard to the AGENCY’S conformance with this Contract’s terms and conditions to the AGENCY and/or Board of Directors’ President, and members, whenever applicable. If deficiencies are noted, a written notice of corrective action will be issued to the AGENCY which will specify deficiencies and provide a timeline for correction of those deficiencies. Within the designated timeframe in the written notice of corrective action, the AGENCY shall submit to the COUNTY’S CCC manager (“Manager”), or their designee, a corrective action plan to rectify all deficiencies identified by the COUNTY. d. Failure by the AGENCY to correct noted deficiencies, as outlined in the written notice of corrective action, may result in the AGENCY being deemed in breach of the Contract terms. e. The AGENCY shall cooperate with the COUNTY on all reviews to ensure compliance with all applicable COUNTY guidelines and requirements for general fund recipients.

  • CUTTING AND PATCHING The Contractor shall be responsible for cutting, fitting or patching required to complete the Work or to make its parts fit together properly.