Calendar Quarter January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December.
Preparation Periods 31-1 The School District agrees to maintain daily preparation periods during the student day in all junior and senior high schools. At schools where block scheduling is in effect, the total preparation time provided shall be equal to the preparation time provided at schools not operating on a block schedule.
Preparation Period During the preparation period, a teacher will have no other assignment except in an emergency situation. It is recognized that the preparation period is a scheduled part of the teacher's work day and the teacher is expected to be in his/her respective Building. If the teacher must leave the Building during his/her preparation and/or lunch period, he/she must notify the Building switchboard operator.
Joint Preparation The preparation of this Agreement has been a joint effort of the parties and the resulting documents shall not, solely as a matter of judicial construction, be construed more severely against one of the parties than the other.
Refinancing Preparation Advance If the Financing Agreement provides for the repayment out of the proceeds of the Financing of an advance made by the Association or the Bank (“Preparation Advance”), the Association shall, on behalf of the Recipient, withdraw from the Financing Account on or after the Effective Date the amount required to repay the withdrawn and outstanding balance of the advance as at the date of such withdrawal from the Financing Account and to pay all accrued and unpaid charges, if any, on the advance as at such date. The Association shall pay the amount so withdrawn to itself or the Bank, as the case may be, and shall cancel the remaining unwithdrawn amount of the advance.”
Monthly Progress Reports During the Construction Period, the Contractor shall, no later than 10 (ten) days after the close of each month, furnish to the Authority and the Authority’s Engineer a monthly report on progress of the Works and shall promptly give such other relevant information as may be required by the Authority’s Engineer. The Contractor agrees that reporting under this Clause 11.7 shall continue until the date of the completion of the Works. Each report shall include: