Distributions; Upstream Payments Declare or make any Distributions, except Upstream Payments and Permitted Distributions; or create or suffer to exist any encumbrance or restriction on the ability of a Subsidiary of Parent to make any Upstream Payment, except for restrictions under the Loan Documents, under Applicable Law or in effect on the Closing Date as shown on Schedule 9.1.15.
Premium Pay “Premium Pay” is a special pay rate for working during times that are less desirable, such as weekends, holidays or late shifts. The City will not pay the Consultant Premium Pay.
Longevity Pay If an employee leaves State Classified employment and later is rehired, he/she shall receive no longevity pay. However, once such a rehired employee has been in pay status for five (5) years, all previous service time shall be credited for longevity pay. The only exception shall be for employees rehired who repay severance pay received. (See Article 22, Section Q.)
Back Pay The resolution of a grievance shall not include provisions for back pay retroactive further than twenty (20) working days prior to the date the grievance is filed. However, if with the exercise of reasonable diligence the act or omission being grieved was not discovered within 10 working days of its occurrence, and the grievance is subsequently timely filed pursuant to Section 3, then the resolution of the grievance may include provision for back pay for a maximum period of one year from the date the grievance was filed.
With Pay Leave of absence with pay and without loss of seniority will be granted: (1) to employees who are representatives of the Union to leave their employment to carry on negotiations with the Employer; (2) to stewards, or their alternates, to perform their duties pursuant to Article 4.5; (3) to employees called to appear as witnesses before an arbitration board.
Terminal Pay Any employee at normal retirement or his/her beneficiary if service is terminated by death, shall be provided terminal pay. Such terminal pay shall not exceed an amount determined as follows: 1. During the first three (3) years of service: a. The affected employee’s daily rate of pay on July 1, 1994, multiplied by 35 percent multiplied by the number of unused sick leave days held on July 1, 1994. b. The affected employee’s daily rate of pay at the time sick leave is earned times 35 percent times the number of days of accumulated sick leave earned after July 1, 1994. 2. During the fourth (4th) through sixth (6th) years of service: a. The affected employee’s daily rate of pay on July 1, 1994, multiplied by 40 percent multiplied by the number of unused sick leave days held on July 1, 1994. b. The affected employee’s daily rate of pay at the time sick leave is earned times 40 percent times the number of days of accumulated sick leave earned after July 1, 1994. 3. During the seventh (7th) through ninth (9th) years of service: a. The affected employee’s daily rate of pay on July 1, 1994, multiplied by 45 percent multiplied by the number of unused sick leave days held on July 1, 1994. b. The affected employee’s daily rate of pay at the time sick leave is earned times 45 percent times the number of days of accumulated sick leave earned after July 1, 1994. 4. During the tenth (10th) through the twelfth (12th) year of service: a. The affected employee’s daily rate of pay on July 1, 1994, multiplied by 50 percent multiplied by the number of unused sick leave days held on July 1, 1994. b. The affected employee’s daily rate of pay at the time sick leave is earned times 50 percent times the number of days of accumulated sick leave earned after July 1, 1994. 5. During and after the thirteenth (13th) year of service: a. The affected employee’s daily rate of pay on July 1, 1994, multiplied by the number of unused sick leave days held on July 1, 1994. b. The affected employee’s daily rate of pay at the time sick leave is earned* multiplied by the number of days of accumulated sick leave earned. 6. No employee who meets the eligibility requirements listed above may receive any compensation for sick leave payments unless they sign and execute the Payment of Sick Leave Upon Retirement Agreement provided by the Superintendent. This Agreement requires the retiring Board employee to seek, accept, and cash the first retirement benefit check issued by the Florida Retirement System. The employee must qualify for “normal retirement” which under this policy shall mean retirement under plan A, B, C, D, E under the Florida Retirement System or any other plan established by the Legislature with either full or reduced benefits as provided by law. Normal retirement shall not be interpreted to include disability retirement. *Note: “At the time sick leave is earned” shall be interpreted to mean the value of sick leave at the end of each school year or at the time the affected employee retires, whichever comes first.
Holiday Premium Pay A Nurse working on a recognized Holiday is entitled to the following compensation for any hours worked on the calendar date of the recognized Holiday: A. A Full-Time or Part-Time Nurse who is regularly scheduled to work on a recognized Holiday shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half times (1.5 x) the Nurse’s regular rate of pay; or B. A Nurse who works overtime (as defined in Article 7.07) on a recognized Holiday shall be paid at the rate of two times (2 x) the Nurse’s regular rate of pay for the overtime worked.
Interim Payments Interim payments may be made by Department, at its discretion, if the completion of deliverables to date have first been accepted in writing by Department's Grant Manager.
Differential Pay Section 1( A). Geographic Area Pay. Classifications C4115, C4116, C4207, C4209, C4211, C4213, C4215, C4221, C4223, C4225: Prevailing basic rates in specific geographical areas for employment of limited duration less than one hundred twenty (120) days will be approved. Employees paid at such rates will not be eligible for vacation, sick leave or holiday benefits. Such rates will be paid only for construction work.
Merit Pay It is the parties’ intent to not simultaneously provide employees with both: a) the wage premiums referenced in Subsection A of this Agreement, and b) an above-top-step merit premium program. Therefore, existing bargaining units with employees which have eligibility for above-top-step merit pay as provided under KCC 3.15.020(C)(3) and