With Pay Sample Clauses

With Pay. Leave of absence with basic pay and without loss of seniority will be granted: (1) to employees who are representatives of the Union on the bargaining committee to carry on negotiations with the Employer; (2) to stewards or their alternates, to perform their duties pursuant to Section 2.5; (3) to employees called to appear as witnesses before an Arbitration Board; (4) to attend Joint Union-Employer committee meetings.
With Pay. Occasionally, an employee will be in a situation where there is no reasonable alternative to being absent from work for personal reasons. Sometimes the employee will, at the same time, be committed to considerable additional expense. Provision is made so that the Company may ameliorate the hardship to the employee which may result.
With Pay. In meeting their obligation to the United States Armed Services, all members of the bargaining unit will be granted military leave with pay for not more than seventeen (17) workdays. Requests for such leave must be in writing and countersigned by the principal. A copy of orders and (in the case of ten (10)- and eleven (11)-months personnel) written evidence that effort has been made to serve the duty at a time school is not in session must be attached.
With Pay. Leave of absence with pay and without loss of seniority will be granted: i) to employees who are representatives of the Union on the Bargaining Committee to leave their employment to carry on negotiations with the Employer; ii) to stewards, or their alternates, to perform their duties pursuant to Section 8.01; iii) to employees called to appear as witnesses before an Arbitration Board. It is understood that employees granted leave of absence pursuant to this Article shall receive their current rate of pay while on leave of absence with pay. Leave of absence granted under this Article shall include sufficient travel time. The Employer agrees that any of the above leaves of absence shall not be unreasonably withheld. To facilitate the administration of paragraph (a) of this section, when leave without pay is granted, the leave shall be given with pay and the Union shall reimburse the Employer for the appropriate salary costs, including travel time, incurred.
With Pay. Leave of absence with pay and without loss of seniority will be granted: i) To three (3) employees who are representatives of the Union on the Bargaining Committee to leave their employment to carry on negotiations with the Employer; ii) To stewards, or their alternates, to perform their duties pursuant to Section 8.01 (Recognition of Union Stewards and Grievance Committee); and, iii) It is understood that employees granted leave of absence pursuant to this Article shall receive their current rate of pay while on leave of absence with pay. The Employer agrees that any of the above leaves of absence shall not be unreasonably withheld. To facilitate the administration of paragraph (a) of this section, when leave without pay is granted, the leave shall be given with pay and the Union shall reimburse the Employer for the appropriate salary costs incurred.
With Pay. Time off with pay and without loss of seniority or benefits will be granted: (1) to three employees who are representatives on the Bargaining Committee to leave their employment to carry on negotiations with the Employer; (2) in addition, the Union may call upon up to two additional employees to assist the Bargaining Committee with technical information and advice. It is understood that this will be necessary only during the period of negotiations, and on an irregular basis; (3) to stewards to perform their duties pursuant to Clause 3.6; and (4) to employees called to appear as witnesses before an arbitrator. It is understood that employees granted time off pursuant to this article shall receive their current rate of pay while on time off with pay. Time off granted under this article shall include sufficient travel time. The Employer agrees that the granting of any of the above time off shall be subject to their requirements but shall not be unreasonably withheld. To facilitate the administration of paragraph (a) of this article, when time off without pay is granted, the time off shall be given with pay and the Union shall reimburse the Employer the appropriate salary costs, including travel time incurred.
With Pay. Leave of absence with basic pay and without loss of seniority will be granted: (1) up to three employees on the Bargaining Committee of the Union to carry on negotiations with the Employer, however, the Union reserves the right to use up to one additional person for technical information or advice who shall also be covered by the provisions of this clause. (2) where employees are appointed by the Union as union representatives on joint labour/management committees as specified in this agreement, they shall be granted leave of absence without loss of basic pay to attend such meetings. (3) The Chairperson/President of the bargaining unit or alternate designated by the Union shall be granted 25% employer-paid time release from a full workload per year. Such time shall be used to facilitate the operation of the collective agreement and employee-employer relationships. The Chairperson/President shall schedule such time with their supervisor. This provision is in addition to any other employer-paid release time in the collective agreement. Where such leave is granted, the Employer will replace the employee as necessary. The cost of this provision will be borne by the institution as a general operating expense.
With Pay. The Board shall provide the following leaves-of-absence with pay for long-Term Occasional Teachers.
With Pay. The Employer shall grant a minimum of three (3) hours court leave with pay to an employee when: