TERM AND DELIVERY OF PREMISES. To have and to hold said premises unto the Tenant for a term of 5 years beginning on December 1, 1998 and ending on November 30, 2003. It is further agreed and understood that if Landlord is unable to deliver possession of the demised premises to the Tenant at the commencement of the term of this lease because of the retention of possession thereof by other parties than Landlord, or because Landlord is unable to get the premises ready for occupancy by Tenant, then Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for damages and this lease shall not terminate, provided however, that Tenant shall have no obligation to pay hereunder until possession of the demised premises is delivered to Tenant. Landlord shall use all reasonable diligence to deliver possession of the premises to Tenant upon commencement of the within term. It is anticipated that possession may be had on November 15, 1998, however, if for any reason Landlord fails to give possession of the demised premises on that date, then this lease and payment of rent will commence as of the day possession is given with the further understanding that possession must be had by December 1, 1998 or Tenant may terminate this lease by written notice prior to the Landlord's tendering possession of the demised premises to the Tenant. If the term of this lease shall commence on a day other than the first day of a calendar month, rental shall be paid for the portion of the month in proportion to the monthly rental rate as herein provided and the term provided for this lease shall be extended so as to cause the expiration of the term to be on the last day of the month of the term.
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TERM AND DELIVERY OF PREMISES. PARAGRAPH B-1-2: The Landlord shall deliver the additional 2,057 rentable square feet complete with the necessary improvements approximately on April 1, 1998 subject to delays in the vacancy by the Tenant or construction delays.
TERM AND DELIVERY OF PREMISES. To Have and To Hold the said Premises unto Tenant for a term of twelve (12) months, beginning on the 1st day of March, 1996 (the "Commencement Date") and ending on the 30th day of April, 1997 (the "Expiration Date"). Landlord and Tenant agree that if the Premises or any portion thereof is conveyed, assigned or transferred by Landlord prior to the Expiration Date, Tenant in its sole discretion may elect to terminate this Lease and in such event Tenant shall have no further obligations herein.
TERM AND DELIVERY OF PREMISES. PARAGRAPH B-1-2: The Landlord shall deliver the additional 4,298 rentable square feet complete with the necessary improvements approximately on May 1, 1998 subject to delays in the vacancy by the Tenant or construction delays. The lease expiration of the entire 35,780 rentable square feet shall be extended to expire sixty (60) months from the delivery of the additional 4,298 square feet or upon April 30, 2003.
TERM AND DELIVERY OF PREMISES. (a) The term (the "TERM") of this Sublease shall commence on the date of delivery of the Premises to Sublessee (the "COMMENCEMENT DATE"). If Landlord, for any reason whatsoever, does not deliver possession of the Premises to Tenant on any given date, this Sublease shall not be void or voidable and Sublessor shall not be liable to Sublessee for any loss or damage resulting therefrom; provided, however, if the term of this Sublease does not commence by June 15, 1998, as such date is extended due to any act or omission of Sublessee, Sublessee may at any time thereafter terminate this Sublease on five (5) days prior written notice to Sublessor, and this Sublease shall terminate on the fifth (5th) day following the receipt of said notice unless Sublessor delivers possession of the Premises to Sublessee in the condition required by this Sublease. In the event of any such delay, the Expiration Date of this Sublease shall be extended by an equivalent number of days. The term of this Sublease shall expire on June 30, 2003; provided, however, Sublessor, and, provided no Event of Default (as that term is hereinafter defined) shall then exist under this Sublease, Sublessee, each shall have the right to terminate this Sublease effective on July 1, 2001, by giving not less than six (6) months prior written notice of such party's intent to terminate this Sublease (the last day of the Term, whether such date is June 30, 2003 or July 1, 2001, is hereinafter referred to as the "EXPIRATION DATE").
TERM AND DELIVERY OF PREMISES. 1. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said premises unto Tenant for a term of 120 months, beginning on the lst day of February 2003 (the "Commencement Date"), and ending on the 31st day of January 2013 (such period hereinafter called the "Term").


  • Delivery of Premises If the Landlord shall be unable to give possession of the Premises, exclusively the Suite 200 Premises and the Suite 246 Premises, on the Fourth Expansion Premises Commencement Date by reason of (i) the Landlord work is not substantially complete, (ii) the holding over or retention of possession of any tenant, tenants or occupants, or (iii) for any other reason, then Landlord shall not be subject to any liability for the failure to give possession on said date. Under such circumstances the Base Rent to be paid herein shall not commence until the Premises (exclusively the Suite 200 Premises and the Suite 246 Premises) are made available to Tenant by Landlord, and no such failure to give possession on the Fourth Expansion Premises Commencement Date shall affect the validity of this Sixth Amendment to Office Building Lease or the obligations of the Tenant hereunder. The Base Rents due hereunder will be adjusted at the time that any or all of the Fourth Expansion Premises are delivered to Tenant substantially complete to reflect the same underlying effective rent of the rent structure specific to each suite with the lease expiration dates to remain unchanged. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Fourth Expansion Premises Commencement Date for the Suite 200 Premises together with the Suite 246 Premises has not occurred within ninety (90) days after the Fourth Expansion Premises Commencement Date, the Tenant, by written notice to the Landlord given within ten (10) days after the expiration of such ninety (90) day period, may terminate the Sixth Amendment to Office Building Lease without any liability to the Landlord. Separately, if the Fourth Expansion Premises Commencement Date-Suite 240 Premises has not occurred within ninety (90) days after the Fourth Expansion Premises Commencement Date-Suite 240 Premises, the Tenant, by written notice to the Landlord given within ten (10) days after the expiration of such ninety (90) day period, may terminate the terms of lease for the Suite 240 Premises in the Sixth Amendment to Office Building Lease for the Suite 240 Premises not delivered in said time frame without any liability to the Landlord. If Landlord’s failure to complete Tenant’s improvements within ninety (90) days after the Fourth Expansion Premises Commencement Date and/or Fourth Expansion Premises Commencement Date-Suite 240 Premises is result of Tenant Delay, Tenant shall not have the option to terminate the Sixth Amendment to Office Building Lease or the terms of lease for the Suite 240 Premises in the Sixth Amendment to Office Building Lease.

  • Execution and Delivery of Agreement Each of the parties shall be entitled to rely on delivery by fax transmission of an executed copy of this agreement by the other party, and acceptance of such fax copies shall create a valid and binding agreement between the parties.

  • Execution and Delivery of Amendment The Borrower, the Loan Parties, the Administrative Agent, and the Required Lenders shall have executed and delivered this Amendment, and all other documentation necessary for effectiveness of this Amendment shall have been executed and delivered all to the satisfaction of the Borrower, the Required Lenders and the Administrative Agent.

  • Execution and Delivery The Guaranteeing Subsidiary agrees that the Guarantee shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the absence of the endorsement of any notation of such Guarantee on the Notes.

  • Expansion of Premises Provided that the demising wall is erected in the location specified on Exhibit A attached hereto, for purposes of calculating Fixed Monthly Rent and Tenant’s Share the parties hereby stipulate that the Expansion Premises contains approximately 9,271 square feet of Rentable Area and approximately 7,836 square feet of Usable Area. As of the Expansion Date, the definition of the Premises shall be revised to include both the Existing Premises and the Expansion Space, and wherever in the Lease the word “Premises” is found, it shall thereafter refer to both the Existing Premises and the Expansion Space together, as if the same had been originally included in said Lease, subject to the terms and conditions of this First Amendment. Landlord and Tenant agree that a recalculation of the Usable Area of the Expansion Space shall be made after the Expansion Date by Xxxxxxxxx Systems, Inc., an independent planning firm, using the 2010 ANSI/BOMA Standard set forth collectively by the American National Standards Institute and the Building Owners and Managers Association (“ANSI/BOMA Standard”), as a guideline, and that Landlord is utilizing a deemed add-on factor of 18.31% to compute the Rentable Area of the Expansion Space. Tenant and Landlord agree to document the revised Usable Area as documented by Xxxxxxxxx Systems, and the other matters specified below that will be determined upon such Usable Area being confirmed, in the Memorandum (as defined in Section 4 below). Landlord and Tenant further agree that the Rentable Area of the Expansion Space shall be calculated on the basis of 1.1831 times the estimated Usable Area, regardless of what actual common areas of the Building may be, or whether they may be more or less than 18.31% of the total estimated Usable Area of the Building, and is provided solely to give a general basis for comparison and pricing of this space in relation to other spaces in the market area. Landlord and Tenant further agree that once the Rentable Area and Usable Area of the Expansion Space have been determined as specified hereinabove, even if later either party alleges that the actual Rentable Area or Usable Area of the Expansion Space is more or less than the figures stated herein; and whether or not such figures are inaccurate, for all purposes of the Lease, the Rentable and Usable figures agreed upon shall be conclusively deemed to be the Rentable Area, or Usable Area of the Expansion Space, as the case may be. Notwithstanding any adjustment in the Usable Area and/or Rentable Area as determined pursuant to this Section 4, and provided the demising wall is erected in the location indicated on Exhibit A attached hereto and the Expansion Space plan as depicted on Exhibit A is not modified after this First Amendment is executed, there shall be no change in the Fixed Monthly Rent due for the Expansion Space as set forth in Section 5.2, below or in Tenant’s Share as set forth in Section 6, below. As of the Expansion Date, the total Usable Area of the Premises shall be 27,983 square feet and the total Rentable Area of the Premises shall be 31,338 square feet, subject to confirmation of the Usable Area and Rentable Area as provided above. [***] = CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION HAS BEEN OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT HAS BEEN REQUESTED WITH RESPECT TO THIS OMITTED INFORMATION. If the demising wall is erected in a location different from that as indicated on Exhibit A attached hereto, or if the Expansion Space plan as depicted on Exhibit A is otherwise modified after this First Amendment is executed, and if as a result the Rentable Area of the Expansion Space is increased or decreased pursuant to this Section 4 then (a) the Fixed Monthly Rent commencing on the first calendar day of the thirteenth (13th) calendar month after the Expansion Date shall be recalculated based on $2.13 per square foot of Rentable Area of the Expansion Space, per month; (b) thereafter, the Fixed Monthly Rent shall be adjusted to result in an increase of three percent (3%) per annum, cumulative over the Expansion Term; (c) as of the Expansion Date, Security Deposit for the Expansion Space shall be adjusted to an amount equal to one month’s Fixed Monthly Rent for the Expansion Space due during the last year of the Term; (d) as of the Expansion Date, if the Usable Area of the Expansion Space is increased or decreased pursuant to this Section 4, then “Tenant’s Share” as set forth herein for the Expansion Space shall be increased or decreased equally, by dividing the newly calculated Usable Area of the Expansion Space by the Usable Area of the Building; (e) the Allowance shall equal $32.50 per square foot of Rentable Area within Expansion Space; and (f) all other amounts based on the Usable Area of the Expansion Space or Rentable Area of the Expansion Space shall be adjusted appropriately. Landlord and Tenant shall promptly execute a memorandum (the “Memorandum”) confirming the finalized Delivery Date, Expansion Date, the Fixed Monthly Rent escalation dates as described in Section 5.b. below, and the other matters specified above as soon as they are determined. Tenant shall execute the Memorandum and return it to Landlord within fifteen (15) business days after receipt thereof. Failure of Tenant to timely execute and deliver the Memorandum shall constitute an acknowledgement by Tenant that the statements included in such Memorandum are true and correct.

  • Shipment and Delivery The Licensed Products shall be delivered F.O.B. Japan, with shipment at LICENSEE's direction and expense. Orders may be delivered by NINTENDO in partial shipments, each directed to no more than two (2) destinations designated by LICENSEE in the Territory. Title to the Licensed Products shall vest in accordance with the terms of the applicable letter of credit.

  • Payment and Delivery Payment for the Option Shares shall be made on the Option Closing Date by wire transfer in Federal (same day) funds, payable to the order of the Company upon delivery to you of certificates (in form and substance satisfactory to the Underwriters) representing the Option Shares (or through the facilities of DTC) for the account of the Underwriters. The Option Shares shall be registered in such name or names and in such authorized denominations as the Representative may request in writing at least two (2) full Business Days prior to the Option Closing Date. The Company shall not be obligated to sell or deliver the Option Shares except upon tender of payment by the Representative for applicable Option Shares.

  • Preparation and Delivery On or before the date which is 15 days following the date on which the Space Plans are approved (or deemed approved) by Tenant and Landlord, Landlord shall cause to be prepared final working drawings of all improvements to be installed in the Premises and deliver the same to Tenant for its review and approval (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned).

  • Acceptance of Premises Lessee hereby acknowledges: (a) that it has been advised by the Broker(s) to satisfy itself with respect to the condition of the Premises (including but not limited to the electrical and fire sprinkler systems, security, environmental aspects, seismic and earthquake requirements, and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and applicable zoning, municipal, county, state and federal laws, ordinances and regulations and any covenants or restrictions of record (collectively, "Applicable Laws") and the present and future suitability of the Premises for Lessee's intended use; (b) that Lessee has made such investigation as it deems necessary with reference to such matters, is satisfied with reference thereto, and assumes all responsibility therefore as the same relate to Lessee's occupancy of the Premises and/or the terms of this Lease; and (c) that neither Lessor, nor any of Lessor's agents, has made any oral or written representations or warranties with respect to said matters other than as set forth in this Lease.

  • Inspection of Premises At all reasonable times Agent and each Lender shall have full access to and the right to audit, check, inspect and make abstracts and copies from each Borrower’s books, records, audits, correspondence and all other papers relating to the Collateral and the operation of each Borrower’s business. Agent, any Lender and their agents may enter upon any premises of any Borrower at any time during business hours and at any other reasonable time, and from time to time, for the purpose of inspecting the Collateral and any and all records pertaining thereto and the operation of such Borrower’s business.

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