Test animals Sample Clauses

Test animals. Adult male and fe- male rats shall be used for testing. The rats shall be 7 to 9 weeks old and their weight range should be comparable from group to group. The animals shall be purchased from a reputable dealer and shall be permanently identified upon arrival. The animals shall be se- lected at random for the testing groups, and any animal showing signs of ill health shall not be used.
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Test animals. For pharmaco- kinetics testing, adult male and female rats (Xxxxxxx 344 or strain used for major toxicity testing), 7 to 9 weeks of age, shall be used. The animals should be purchased from a reputable dealer and shall be identified upon arrival at the testing laboratory. The animals shall be selected at random for the testing groups and any animal showing signs of ill health shall not be used. In all studies, unless otherwise specified, each test group shall contain at least four animals of each sex for a total of at least eight animals.
Test animals. For pharmaco- kinetics testing and dermal studies, adult male and female Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxx rats, 7 to 9 weeks of age, shall be used. For dermal studies, young adult mini- pigs shall also be used. The animals should be purchased from a reputable dealer and shall be identified upon ar- rival at the testing laboratory. The animals shall be selected at random for the test groups and any animal show- ing signs of ill health shall not be used. In all studies, unless otherwise speci- fied, each test group shall contain at least 4 animals of each sex for a total of at least 8 animals.
Test animals. F o r p h a r m a co- k i n e t ics t es t i n g a n d de r m a l s t u dies, a d u l t m a le a n d fe m a le S p r a g u e–D a wle y r a t s, 7 t o 9 wee k s of a ge, s h a ll be u sed. F o r de r m a l s t u dies, y o un g a d u l t m i n i- pigs s h a ll a l so be u sed. T h e a n i m a l s s h o u ld be p ur c h a sed f r o m a r ep u t a ble de a le r a n d s h a ll be ide n t ified u po n a r - r iv a l a t t h e t es t i n g l a bo r a t o ry . T h e a n i m a l s s h a ll be selec t ed a t r a n do m fo r t h e t es t g r o u ps a n d a ny a n i m a l s h ow- i n g s ig n s of ill h e a l t h s h a ll n o t be u sed. I n a ll s t u dies, un less o t h e r wise speci- fied, e a c h t es t g r o u p s h a ll co n t a i n a t le a s t 4 a n i m a l s of e a c h sex fo r a t o t a l of a t le a s t 8 a n i m a l s.

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  • Test Samples The Contractor is responsible for providing Samples of sufficient size for test purposes and for coordinating such tests with the Work Progress Schedule to avoid delay.

  • Study An application for leave of absence for professional study must be supported by a written statement indicating what study or research is to be undertaken, or, if applicable, what subjects are to be studied and at what institutions.

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