Thermal and Moisture Protection. Waterproofing/Water Repellant/Joint Sealants: Furnish and install all related items for the complete application of the waterproofing, Water Repellant, and the Joint Sealants as indicated on the Drawings. All exterior sealants to be high quality and commercial grade. Provide membrane waterproofing at elevator pits. Insulation: Thermal Insulation shall be installed as follows:
Thermal and Moisture Protection. We have included a waterproofing system for the foundation walls.
Thermal and Moisture Protection. Section 07210 Building insulation 2 Section 07311 Asphalt Shingles 3 Section 07460 Siding 5 Section 07531 EPDM Membrane Roofing 6 Section 07710 Manufactured Roof Specialties 3 Section 07841 Through- Penetration Fire Stop Systems 3 Section 07920 Joint Sealants 3
Thermal and Moisture Protection. The Contractor shall furnish all materials, labor, services, tools and equipment required for the supply and application or installation of thermal and moisture protection as required for the project. This includes, but is not limited to, waterproofing, vapor barriers, thermal building insulation, caulking and sealants. The exterior of concrete vertical wall surfaces which will be below grade, shall be coated with coal tar type waterproofing. This shall include, but not be limited to, manholes. Vapor barrier for all interior concrete floors on grade shall be minimum 6 mil polyethylene film. Insulation for buildings shall be noncombustible mineral wool or glass fiber blankets with minimum 4 mil vinyl film facing carrying an Underwriter's Laboratories fire hazard rating indicating a flame spread rating of 25 or less. Roof insulation shall be a minimum of R-33. Interior walls and partitions for locker rooms, restrooms, and conference rooms shall be insulated for sound isolation. Joints in the film facing shall be cemented or taped to provide a continuous vapor barrier. Caulking and sealants shall be applied on the exterior and interior perimeter of all window and door frames, louvers, grills and other building penetrations; paving and sidewalk joints; flooring joints; and masonry joints. Caulking and sealants shall be applied per manufacturer recommendations. --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ EPC - Exhibit B ------------------------ TENASKA GEORGIA GENERATION PROJECT Page 44 of 132 --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
Thermal and Moisture Protection. Exterior walls receiving the Shadowall metal panels will be insulated with six (6”) thick fiberglass blanket insulation. The insulation facing shall be a reinforced poly scrim foil vapor barrier, color white, which shall be exposed at the interior of the building.
Thermal and Moisture Protection. Roofing Fireproofing
Thermal and Moisture Protection. We shall remove and replace the built-up roofing. This includes increasing roof insulation to R-21. · We shall replace roof cap flashings. · Minor caulking repair shall occur. · 4 new cut-in windows shall be added. · A framed covered walkway at the main building entry shall be added. · We shall clean and repaint exterior concrete walls and the roof screen. We shall clean and reseal brick. This includes epoxy repair of cracking at loading dock spandrel panels. · Main entry lobby upgrades, including new stair, flooring, finishes, and lighting shall be performed.
Thermal and Moisture Protection. A Exterior walls, including door and window assemblies, shall be constructed or processed so that they are weatherproof. Seal all visible cracks that allow outside air to penetrate the building's envelope. B Roof shall be weather tight and provided with suitable drainage system that will effectively dispose of roof water without interfering with use of Premises.
Thermal and Moisture Protection a. Flash and patch miscellaneous demoed items and any new penetrations
Thermal and Moisture Protection. We do not include damproofing on the interior face of the precast panels except as shown at the Parking Levels.