Roofing Sample Clauses
Roofing. Repair or in-kind replacement of roof cladding and sheeting, flashing, gutters, soffits, and downspouts with no change in roof pitch or configuration. Installation of new roofing or reflective roof coatings on a flat-roofed building with a parapet, such that the roofing material is not visible from any public right-of-way.
Roofing a. Installation of scaffolding, polyethylene sheeting, or tarps, provided such work will not result in additional damage or irreversible alterations to character defining features.
b. In-kind repair, replacement, or strengthening of roofing, rafters, fascia, soffits, gutters, verge boards, leader boxes, downspouts, or other damaged roof system components.
c. Repairs to flat roof cladding, including changes in roofing materials, where the repairs are not highly visible from the ground level.
d. Replacement of shingled roofing with metal roofing on buildings less than 50 years in age to meet state or local code requirements. This allowance does not apply to buildings listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register or any buildings located in historic districts.
e. Replacement of metal roofs with in-kind materials. If the roofing material to be replaced is character defining, the replacement must be in kind, not just a form of metal roofing.
f. Installation or replacement of roof sprinklers which are less than 10 inches in height, require no associated plumbing or water storage facilities visible from a public way, and affect no character-defining features of residences more than 50 years old. This allowance includes establishing defensible space by pruning trees and clearing vegetation, woody debris and other flammable materials from around the building.
g. In-kind replacement of greenhouse glass panels.
Roofing i. Structures constructed on the Type B Lots shall have a composition, slate, clay tile or cement/concrete tile roof.
ii. The color of the composition roof must appear to be weathered wood shingles, black or slate, unless such other color is approved by the Director of Development Services.
iii. Composition roof shingles must be laminated and have a minimum warranty of 30 years.
iv. The main roof pitch of any structure shall have a minimum slope of 8” in 12”. Clay tile and cement/concrete tile roofs shall have a minimum slope of 3” in 12”. Pitch ends shall be 100% guttered.
Roofing. Repair or in-kind replacement of non-historic roof material including cladding and sheeting, flashing, gutters, soffits, and downspouts. Installation of new roofing or reflective roof coatings on a flat-roofed building with a parapet, such that the roofing material is not visible from any public right-of-way. See National Park Service Preservation Brief #4: Roofing for Historic Buildings for further guidance. Note: Changes in historic roof cladding material, pitch or configuration is not an exempt activity.
Roofing. (1) A new EPDM roofing system with a 10-year warranty is to be installed at Building C.
(2) Six months after installation of the new roof top units, Boston Properties will conduct an infrared test on roofs at D and E to confirm roofing performance on these buildings and repair any potential defects.
Roofing. Upon completion of the roofing structural diaphragm and prior to installing flashing, and/or any other roofing materials, the RE shall call a roof mini-preconstruction meeting. The superintendent, the Developer’s appropriate contractors, the RE, any City representative deemed appropriate by the RE, the roof suppliers manufacturer’s representative, and any appropriate consultants (if deemed necessary by the RE) shall attend. The agenda will be to coordinate the flashing, caulking, sealing, and different roofing materials and/or contractors on site with the various field conditions.
Roofing. (a) The units of measurement shall be:
(i) Galvanized corrugated sheet iron or proprietary sheet metal roofing SM
(ii) Translucent panels, extra over (i) above square metre
(b) Method of measurement:
(i) Roofing shall be measured net as the overall area of finished roofing.
(c) Item coverage: No separate payment will be made beyond the rates for roofing for:
(i) Cutting to length, waste and laps;
(ii) Fixings, flashing, ridges and closure pieces.
Roofing a. Installation of scaffolding, polyethylene sheeting, or tarps, provided such work will not result in additional damage or irreversible alterations to character defining features.
b. In-kind repair, replacement, or strengthening of roofing, rafters, fascia, soffits, gutters, verge boards, leader boxes, downspouts, or other damaged roof system components.
c. Replacement of roofing materials with the same color, shape, and pattern, including replacement of three-tab asphalt shingles with dimensioned architectural shingles; cement asbestos shingles with fiberglass, composition, or asphalt shingles; asbestos panels with fiberglass, cement, or metal panels; or untreated wood shingles and shakes with fire resistant wood shingles and shakes.
d. Repairs to flat roof cladding, including changes in roofing materials, where the repairs are not visible from the ground level.
Roofing a. Installation of scaffolding, polyethylene sheeting, or tarps, provided such work will not result in additional damage or irreversible alterations to character defining features.
b. In-kind repair, replacement, or strengthening of roofing, rafters, fascia, soffits, gutters, verge boards, leader boxes, downspouts, or other damaged roof system components.
c. Repairs to flat roof cladding, including changes in roofing materials, where the repairs are not highly visible from the ground level.
Roofing. 1. In-kind repair, replacement, or strengthening of roofing, rafters, fascia, soffits, gutters, verge boards, leader boxes or downspouts. Also, cement asbestos shingles may be replaced with asphalt based shingles, and untreated wood shingles may be replaced with fire resistant wood shingles.
2. Replacement of three-tab asphalt shingles with dimensioned architectural shingles; replacement of cement asbestos shingles with asphalt-based shingles or other roofing of similar appearance to the original such as slate; replacement of corrugated asbestos panels with corrugated metal panels or other roofing of similar appearance to the original; replacement of untreated wood shingles or shakes with similar items of fire resistant wood; and in kind replacement of corrugated metal panels.
3. Repairs to a flat roof, including changes in roofing materials, where the repairs are not highly visible from the ground level.
4. Replacement of metal roofs with in-kind materials. If the roofing material to be replaced is character defining, the replacement must be in-kind, not just a form of metal roofing.
5. In-kind replacement of greenhouse glass panels.