Time Charges. An employee released on Union business receives his/her normal base wages from Kinectrics regardless of whether the Union or Kinectrics is responsible for the charges. If the Union is responsible, the amount is recovered by regular invoicing of the Union. Human Resources will authorize the appropriate charge (i.e. whether charged to Union or Kinectrics) coincident with release of the employee.
Time Charges. Time charged to sick leave may not exceed the employee’s accruals. Sick leave is approved in no less than half-hour increments. A bargaining unit member who has exhausted all of his/her sick leave is required to charge absences due to sickness to LWOP.
Time Charges. The Fees will be calculated using the hourly charge out rates shown in the Annual Scope of Work. For the avoidance of doubt, the Fees will be payable in addition to all Third Party Costs.
Time Charges. Rental days consist of consecutive 24 hour periods starting at the time of the commencement of the rental. If the vehicle is returned after the allocated rental period without the agreement of “The Company” an additional minimum hourly rate of $22.00 per hour will be applied.
Time Charges. When the Project cost cannot be estimated in advance, the Client shall remunerate the Consulting Engineer on the basis of time charge for staff actually employed on the Project. Unless otherwise agreed between the Client and Consulting Engineer the applicable rates are those given in the scale of charges set by the Engineers Registration Board.
Time Charges. When the project cost cannot be estimated in advance, a suitable charging mechanism is a time charge for staff actually employed on the project. The standardized rates are tabulated in Table 1 titled
Time Charges. The time charges include but are not limited to court appearances, telephone conferences, telephone calls to and from the Client, office conferences, legal research, depositions, review of file materials and documents sent or received, travel time, waiting time, preparation for trials, hearings and conferences, drafting of pleadings, correspondence and office memoranda. There is a minimum time charge of 1/10th of an hour for the Attorney’s time as to any item billed.
Time Charges. Director £120/hr Architect (RIBA Pt 3) £100/hr Lead Designer (RIBA Pt 1,2, equivalent) £80/hr Architectural Assistant £60/hr Structural Engineer £170/hr Project Manager £100/hr
Time Charges. When the Engineering Services cost cannot be estimated in advance, the Client shall remunerate the Independent Consulting Engineer on the basis of time charge agreed between the Client and Independent Consulting Engineer. The applicable rates are those given in the scale of charges set by the Engineers Registration Board.