PERSONAL TOOLS. The Employer will provide an initial supply of appropriate personal tools. An Employee shall return worn out or broken articles in order to receive replacement. An Employee shall be allowed up to a maximum of $250 per year for lost personal tools. The Employee who exceeds this amount will be allowed to purchase the tools needed from the Employer at unit cost. These tools shall remain the property of the Employer and shall be returned to Stores when the Employee leaves.
PERSONAL TOOLS. (a) Company will continue its practice of supplying tools and equipment to employees where it presently does so. (b) Company shall provide the employee a list of personal tools the employee must provide. (Such lists may be changed only by agreement between Company and Union.) When the employee cannot practicably transport such tools to and from the job headquarters daily, Company shall provide space for the safe storage of such tools. In the event that any of these listed personal tools which have been stored on Company's premises or in a Company vehicle are destroyed or damaged by fire, storm or flood, or are stolen (subject to evidence by the employee of the theft), Company shall reimburse the employee for any such loss which is in excess of any reimbursement for the tools such employee may receive from an insurance carrier. (Amended 1-1-91)
PERSONAL TOOLS. 24.01 The Corporation supplies employees with personal tools required to carry out required duties. Employees are individually responsible for the care, maintenance and retention of these tools. Replacements will be provided for reasons satisfactory to their supervisors. The Corporation will provide a yearly tool allowance of $500 for all vehicle mechanics payable upon furnishing receipts.
PERSONAL TOOLS. If an employee is required to use personal tools on the job as part of their employment and the tool is broken while performing this work the Company will replace the broken tool with one of equivalent quality.
PERSONAL TOOLS. Ref: 1979 B/S - August 1979, Management Policy, 1986 B/S, 1988 B/S Compensation of 100% of receipted value will be paid when tools are stolen from properly secured lock-ups, subject to policy conditions being met. In the event an employee loses a tool while working in an awkward place, such as over the water or in other locations where it is impossible to retrieve the tool(s), then the employee is entitled to apply for a new tool(s) using a form which can be obtained through their Supervisor. Ref: 1988 B/S In the event where planned maintenance is being done during periods when the full maintenance workforce is not required, the following procedure will be followed to obtain manpower and to establish the scheduling:
PERSONAL TOOLS. Insurance is provided for personal tools and district will cover cost if under the deductible ($2500). An inventory sheet must be provided to central office with signature of employee and supervisor of personal tools and estimated cost each year by the first day of school.
PERSONAL TOOLS. 19.4.1 Employees shall provide an inventory of all personal tools being used at work not later than thirty (30) calendar days after the signing of this Agreement to their supervisor. The supervisor will determine which personal tools may continue to be used for work purposes and which ones will not. Any personal tools removed from the work site, but still needed in order to perform the work, shall be provided by the Employer. 19.4.2 Personal tools which are worn out, destroyed or broken while being used by an Employee in the performance of their work will be replaced by the Employer with tools of equal quality, so long as such tool was authorized to be used for the performance of the employee's work. Employees will normally be required to provide proof of loss and present the broken or worn tool to the Employer prior to receiving a replacement. The Employer will also replace such tools when stolen from a Borough work site if evidence of forcible entry or other physical evidence of theft is presented and the employee has filed a complaint with the police department.
PERSONAL TOOLS. No personal tools will be authorized for use on the Ranges without management approval. Tools needed to accomplish company requirements will be brought to the attention of site management.
PERSONAL TOOLS. The Employer proposes this article not be included in the collective agreement.
PERSONAL TOOLS. Employees who work in certain positions are required to provide their own tools to perform job assignments. The immediate supervisor will advise employees of the tools required and will make sure that each employee obtains the required tools. The Xxxxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxx Community discourages employees from lending or borrowing tools. The Xxxxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxx Community takes no responsibility for damaged or stolen property.