Contract Quantity The Contract Quantity during each Contract Year is the amount set forth in the applicable Contract Year in Section D of the Cover Sheet (“Delivery Term Contract Quantity Schedule”), which amount is inclusive of outages.
MINIMUM ORDER QUANTITY The State makes no commitment to purchase any minimum or maximum quantity, or dollar volume of products from the selected suppliers. Utilization of this agreement will be on an as needed basis by State Agencies and/or Cooperative Participants, Cities, Counties, Schools K-12, Colleges and Universities. The State will award to multiple suppliers; however, the State reserves the right to purchase like and similar products from other suppliers as necessary to meet operational requirements.
pounds For the right to have pet(s) on the Premises the Landlord shall charge a fee of $[PET FEE] that is ☐ non-refundable ☐ refundable unless there are damages related to the pet. The Tenant is responsible for all damage that any pet causes, regardless of ownership of said pet and agrees to restore the Premises to its original condition at their expense. ☐ - Shall not have the right to have pets on the Premises or in the common areas.
Quantity If Seller delivers more than the quantity of Goods ordered, Buyer may reject all or any excess Goods. Any such rejected Goods shall be returned to Seller at Seller's risk and expense. If Buyer does not reject the Goods and instead accepts the delivery of Goods at the increased or reduced quantity, the Price for the Goods shall be adjusted on a pro-rata basis.
ESTIMATED QUANTITIES 1.1 The quantities set forth in the line items and specification document are approximate and represent the estimated requirements for the contract period. 1.2 Items listed may or may not be an inclusive requirements for this category. 1.3 Category items not listed, but distributed by bidder are to be referred to as kindred items. Kindred items shall receive the same percentage of discount or pricing structure as items listed in the specification document. 1.4 The unit prices and the extended total prices shall be used as a basis for the evaluation of bids. The actual quantity of materials necessary may be more or less than the estimates listed in the specification document, but the City/County shall be neither obligated nor limited to any specified amount. If possible, the Owners will restrict increases/decreases to 20% of the estimated quantities listed in the specification document.
Temperature Where low temperature and/or self-service cases are used for any of such merchandise coming under the jurisdiction of the Union, such cases shall be served only by employees covered by this Agreement.
Delivery Point The delivery point is the point of delivery of the Power Product to the CAISO Controlled Grid (the “Delivery Point”). Seller shall provide and convey to Buyer the Power Product from the Generating Facility at the Delivery Point. Title to and risk of loss related to the Power Product transfer from Seller to Buyer at the Delivery Point.
Quantities The estimated quantities provided by the City are not guaranteed. These quantities are listed for informational purposes only. Quantities vary depending on the demands of the City. Any variations from the estimated quantities shall not entitle the bidder to an adjustment in the unit price or any additional compensation.
Pressure The System user is not entitled to deliver natural gas to Gas Connect Austria at the Entry Point Überackern 7-fields at a pressure of below 64 bar. Normal cubic meter (Nm³) is a cubic meter of natural gas at 273.15 K (= 0°C) and 101,325 kPa (=1.01325 bara). The natural gas delivered by the System User at the Entry Point Xxxxxxxxxx for transportation must be in line with the following chemical and physical specifications:
Meters (a) You must allow safe and unhindered access to your premises for the purposes of reading and maintaining the meters (where relevant). (b) We will use our best endeavours to ensure that a meter reading is carried out as frequently as is needed to prepare your bills, consistently with the metering rules and in any event at least once every 12 months.