Meters Sample Clauses
Meters. (a) You must allow safe and unhindered access to your premises for the purposes of reading and maintaining the meters (where relevant).
(b) We will use our best endeavours to ensure that a meter reading is carried out as frequently as is needed to prepare your bills, consistently with the metering rules and in any event at least once every 12 months.
Meters. 7.1.1 For installation of Meters, Meter testing, Meter calibration and Meter reading and all matters incidental thereto, the SPD and SECI shall follow and be bound by the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, the Grid Code, as amended and revised from time to time.
7.1.2 The SPD shall bear all costs pertaining to installation, testing, calibration, maintenance, renewal and repair of meters at SPD’s side of Delivery Point.
7.1.3 In addition to ensuring compliance of the applicable codes, the SPD shall install Main & Check meters at the Delivery Point, along with Stand-by meter(s) as per the applicable Central/State regulations.
7.1.4 In case of pooling of multiple Projects, power from multiple Projects can be pooled at a Pooling Substation prior to the Delivery point and the combined power can be fed at Delivery point through a common transmission line from the Pooling Substation. In such cases, ABT compliant sub-meters as per relevant regulation/approval are also to be set up at pooling substation for individual projects in addition to the meters at Delivery Point as described in clause 7.1.3.
Meters. 7.1.1 Metering and grid connectivity of the projects would be the responsibility of theSPG in accordance with the prevailing guidelines of , SLDC, GETCO and / or CEA. and may facilitate in the process; however, the entire responsibility lies only withtheSPG.The cost ofrequiredmetersshallbeborneby the SPG.
7.1.2 Meters and metering and perIS14697atCPRIoratanyNABLaccredited/distributionlicenseelabbeforeinst allation at site on the cost of SPG and should be properly sealed in the presenceofdesignated authorityfromatthetime ofinstallation.
7.1.3 The accuracy class, current rating and certifications of the metering system shallconfirm with relevant CERC/ GERC Regulations, Grid Code and Central ElectricityAuthority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 as amended andrevisedfromtimeto time.
7.1.4 SPG to install 3 ABT meters (main, check and standby) with RMS connectivity PTsets(oneformain&checkmeterandanotherforstandbymeter)atsubstation end of the 33kV line. An indicative layout of metering arrangement isgiven below:
7.1.5 Installationandtimelyreplacementofmeters(main,checkandstandby)asrequir ed to directly measure energy supplied by the Solar Power Plant shall be theresponsibilityofselected bidder.
7.1.6 SPG shall also be responsible for installation of IoT Devices-RMS Set for Remote Monitoring system connectivity of Inverters, String combiner box, Energy Meters at Solar plant and Substation.
7.1.7 The cost of all required meters (main, check, standby meter at substation end alongwithconsumermeters)andassociatedCT-PT setsshallbe bytheSPG.
Meters. 7.1.1 For installation of Meters, Meter testing, Meter calibration and Meter reading and all matters incidental thereto, the RPD and SECI shall follow and be bound by the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, the Grid Code, as amended and revised from time to time.
7.1.2 The RPD shall bear all costs pertaining to installation, testing, calibration, maintenance, renewal and repair of meters at RPD ’s side of Delivery Point.
7.1.3 In addition to ensuring compliance of the applicable codes, the RPD shall install Main & Check meters at the Delivery Point, along with Stand-by meter(s) as per the applicable Central/State regulations.
7.1.4 In case of pooling of multiple Projects, power from multiple Projects can be pooled at a Pooling Substation prior to the Delivery point and the combined power can be fed at Delivery point through a common transmission line from the Pooling Substation. In such cases, ABT compliant sub-meters as per relevant regulation/approvals are also to be set up at pooling substation for individual projects in addition to the meters at Delivery Point as described in Article 7.1.3.
Meters. 10.1.1 For installation of meters, meter testing, meter calibration and meter reading and all matters incidental thereto, the Developer and ESCOM shall follow and be bound by the Applicable Laws including Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, the Grid Code, as amended and revised from time to time.
10.1.2 The Developer shall bear all costs pertaining to installation, testing, calibration, maintenance, renewal and repair of meters at Developer’s side of Delivery Point.
Meters. 7.1.1 For installation of Meters, Meter testing, Meter calibration and Meter reading and all matters incidental thereto, the SPD and NTPC shall follow and be bound by the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, the Grid Code, as amended and revised from time to time.
Meters. You must allow safe and convenient access to your premises for the purposes of reading the relevant meters.
Meters. A. Turbine meters shall be installed and operated in accordance with the API MPMS, Chapter 5, Sections 3 and 4. Each meter shall be proven when initially placed into service using a ball or piston-type or small volume prover in accordance with the API MPMS, Chapter 4, and Chapter 12 Section 2. Storage Lease (Enterprise Products NGL Marketing)
B. Coriolis meters shall be installed and operated in accordance with the API MPMS, Chapter 5, Section 6. Each meter shall be proven when initially placed into service using a ball or piston-type or small volume prover in accordance with the API MPMS, Chapter 4, and Chapter 12, Section 2. The prover will be additionally equipped with a densitometer installed and proved in accordance with the API MPMS, Chapter 14, Section 6. The meter proving shall be an Inferred Mass Proving in accordance with API MPMS, Chapter 5, Section
C. Meter proving frequency shall be in accordance with Section 2.3.C below. The meter shall be proven immediately prior to and after any meter maintenance is performed.
Meters. (a) You must allow us and our authorised representatives safe and unhindered access to your premises for the purposes of (where relevant):
(i) reading, testing, maintaining, inspecting or altering any metering installation at the premises; and
(ii) calculating or measuring energy supplied or taken at the premises; and
(iii) checking the accuracy of metered consumption at the premises; and
(iv) replacing meters.
(b) We will use our best endeavours to ensure that a meter reading is carried out as frequently as is needed to prepare your bills, consistently with the metering rules and in any event at least once every 12 months.
(c) If we or our representatives seek access to the premises under paragraph (a), we will:
(i) comply with all relevant requirements under the energy laws; and
(ii) carry or wear official identification; and
(iii) show the identification if requested.
(d) If we propose to replace your electricity meter we must give you a notice with the right to elect not to have your meter replaced unless:
(i) your meter is faulty or sample testing indicates it may become faulty; or
(ii) you have requested or agreed to the replacement of your meter.
Meters. 7.1.1 As per state metering code, for measurement of solar energy supplied by Solar generating stations within the State, meter shall be provided on each outgoing feeder at the power station designated as main meter for billing purpose. Check meter shall be provided along with main meter on each outgoing feeder. Meters shall also be provided on the other end of the 33kV /132 KV feeder to serve as secondary back-up meter. Meters on each generator and each auxiliary transformer shall work as backup meters. The consumption recorded by main meter shall be compared with the consumption recorded by secondary backup meter on 33kV/132 KV feeder to work out transmission losses as well as to monitor the correct functioning of both meters
7.1.2 As per state metering code, the metering system shall comprise of main, check, backup and secondary backup meters. In the event of main meter or more than one meter becoming defective the order of precedence for billing shall be (a) main (b) check (c) backup (d) secondary backup.
7.1.3 For installation of Meters, Meter testing, Meter calibration and Meter reading and all matters incidental thereto, the Seller and the Procurer(s) shall follow and be bound by the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, the State Grid Code and ABT as amended and revised from time to time.
7.1.4 All meters (a) main (b) check (c) backup meters at Transco / Discom Substation shall be provided by seller at the cost of seller. The secondary backup meters at Solar PV Power Plant Generating Substation shall be provided and installed by seller at the cost of seller.
7.1.5 The SPP shall bear all cost pertaining to installation, testing, calibration maintenance, renewal, and repair of all the meters referred at 7.1.4 above.
7.1.6 Energy Accounts shall be binding on both the Parties for billing and payment purposes.