Frequency of Evaluation Short form employees shall be evaluated one (1) time per year, which evaluation shall be completed no later than June 1.
Meal Reimbursement When an employee is specifically directed by the City to work two (2) hours or longer at the end of his/her normal work shift of at least eight (8) hours or work two (2) hours or longer at the end of his/her work shift of at least eight (8) hours when he/she is called in to work on his/her regular day off, or otherwise works under circumstances for which meal reimbursement is authorized per Ordinance 111768 and the employee actually purchases a reasonably priced meal away from his place of residence as a result of such additional hours of work, the employee shall be reimbursed for the "reasonable cost" of such meal in accordance with Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) 4.20.
REIMBURSEMENT FOR MILEAGE AND INSURANCE 1. An employee who is required by their employer to use their private vehicle for school district related purposes shall receive reimbursement of: Effective July 1, 2019 $ 0.56 c/Km Effective July 1, 2020 $ 0.57 c/Km Effective July 1, 2021 $ 0.58 c/Km 2. The mileage reimbursement rate established in Article B.10.1 shall be increased by 5 cents/kilometer for travel that is approved and required on unpaved roads. 3. The employer shall reimburse an employee who is required to use their personal vehicle for school district purposes, the difference in premium costs between ICBC rate Class 002 (Pleasure to/from Work) and ICBC rate Class 007 (Business Class) where the employee is required to purchase additional insurance in order to comply with ICBC regulations respecting the use of one’s personal vehicle for business purposes.
Transportation Reimbursement Employees who, during the course of their normal duties, are required to actually transport clients/consumers/felons in their own personal vehicle on a regular basis, are eligible for reimbursement for the cost of an automobile rider to their existing insurance policy. To be eligible for the reimbursement, the employee must demonstrate the following: 1. That he/she is normally required to transport clients/consumers/felons in the course of their duties. 2. That there is no access to or available State vehicles. 3. That public transportation cannot be used. 4. That their insurance company requires a special rider on their existing automobile policy. 5. Proof that such a rider has been purchased. 6. Proof of a valid driver’s license and insurance policy. By receiving such reimbursement, employees acknowledge that they may be required to use their own personal vehicle to transport clients/consumers/felons in the normal course of their duties. The reimbursement to such employee(s) is the actual cost of the rider not to exceed seventy-five dollars ($75) per year whichever is less. This reimbursement will be paid on a yearly basis in the pay period that includes July 1st. Employees who either resign, retire, or have their employment terminated during the year and employees who start during any part of the year will have the reimbursement prorated. In the case of employees who either retire, resign, or have their employment terminated will have that portion of the reimbursement repaid to the State, in the last paycheck.
JOC - PRICING OF After Hours Coefficient What is your after hours coefficient for the RS Means Price Book for work performed after normal working hours? (FAILURE TO RESPOND PROHIBITS PART 2 JOC EVALUATION)
Educational Reimbursement 9.11.1. The Employer is desirous of having employees participate in courses and training opportunities to enhance their skills and enable them to advance to other positions. Accordingly, it shall be the Employer's goal to assist full-time, regular employees in the furtherance of this policy by offering a tuition reimbursement program for courses or training at accredited colleges and universities. 9.11.2. To qualify for reimbursement, the employee must make application to, and receive prior approval from, the Sheriff such approval shall be at the sole discretion of the Sheriff. 9.11.3. An employee requesting tuition reimbursement must submit a written application showing: a) The course curriculum description; b) dates and times of classes; c) duration of the course; d) narrative statement of how the course will benefit the Employer as well as the employee. 9.11.4. If an employee's application is approved, the reimbursement will be for tuition only if and when: a) The course is completed within six (6) months of approval; b) completed with a "pass" in a pass/fail grading system or a grade of "C" or better. The maximum reimbursement per credit will be the cost of a credit charged by Centralia College. 9.11.5. An employee who receives tuition reimbursement agrees to continue to work for the Employer for twelve (12) months following the completion of the course; if not, the reimbursement is pro-rated and the employee authorizes reimbursement to the Employer from the last paycheck issued. An employee who is unable to remain in the Employer's employment, due to circumstances beyond the employee's control, shall not be required to reimburse the Employer if the twelve (12) month period is not met. 9.11.6. Reimbursement shall be for actual tuition, or the cost of the course. All other expenses, such as travel and books, shall be borne by the employee.
Commercial Price List Reductions Where NYS Net Prices are based on a discount from Contractor’s list prices, price decreases shall take effect automatically during the Contract term and apply to Purchase Orders submitted on or after the date Contractor lowers its pricing to its customers generally or to similarly situated government customers during the Contract term; or
Cost Reimbursement This payment method is based on an approved budget and submission of a request for reimbursement of expenses Xxxxxxx has incurred at the time of the request;
Mileage Reimbursement Subject to the current Vehicle Rules and Regulations established by the Board, an employee who is authorized to use a private automobile in the performance of duties shall be paid the Internal Revenue Service Standard Mileage Rate for the Business Use of a Car for each mile driven during each monthly period.
Wages and Classification Premiums Provisions under these headings shall remain unchanged and are repeated as 20.04, except to the extent that the Wage Schedule referred to in the hospital's expiring collective agreement shall be adjusted and retroactivity shall be paid in accordance with the Implementation Agreement signed.