Paid Leave Oregon a. The District will provide Paid Leave Oregon (PLO) to all classified staff members as required by law. The District will be responsible for payment of the 40% of the contribution rate. Each classified employee will be responsible for 60% of the contribution rate.
b. Employees shall have the option of using partial days from their accrued sick leave to keep their salaries whole while accessing this benefit. In such cases, accrued sick leave shall be deducted in hourly portions at the amount necessary to keep the employee whole.
Paid Leave Oregon. Employees who are eligible for Paid Leave Oregon will be granted leave per program requirements and may supplement Paid Leave Oregon with PTO up to 100% of their FTE.
Paid Leave Oregon. The City shall participate in Paid Leave Oregon (PLO) or its successor for the duration of this contract. The Employee portion shall be withheld from the employee’s paycheck. The City shall pay the Employer contribution. Employees may choose to utilize accrued sick, vacation, comp time, or holiday pay, for absences to supplement wages paid by the state, up to 100% of their regular gross wages. Employees shall notify the City per OAR 471-070-1310 and make note on their timesheet each day PLO is used and the amount of accrued leave used. See Section 21.4 Leave Accrual While on Leave Without Pay.
Paid Leave Oregon. The Oregon FAMLI program provides employees with up to 12 weeks of leave per year with partial wage replacement funded through payroll contributions. The employer will follow Oregon FAMLI program (currently known as Oregon Paid Leave) and Oregon Employment Department (OED) regulations with the following modifications/clarifications:
Paid Leave Oregon. Paid Leave Oregon is administered by the Oregon Employment Department. The State of Oregon, as an employer, shall comply with the provisions of Paid Leave Oregon, as provided for in the DAS statewide Paid Leave Oregon Policy (60.000.04), including but not limited to the following section on Use of Paid Leave:
Section 1. Employees may choose and will be allowed to use sick, vacation, or personal business leave to make up any difference between Paid Leave Oregon benefits and their average weekly wage, as determined by the Oregon Employment Department. An employee receiving Paid Leave Oregon benefits and who is protected by Family and Medical Leave or Oregon Family Leave (FMLA/OFLA) will use accrued leave in accordance with any existing contract language relating to FMLA/OFLA.
Paid Leave Oregon. (A) An employee who has a qualifying life event and is eligible, as defined by ORS 657B.010, or their designee, must notify the COUNTY of the need to take Paid Leave Oregon (PLO) leave thirty (30) days before a foreseeable qualifying reason. In an emergency, an employee, or their designee, must notify the COUNTY of the need to take PLO within twenty four (24) hours of the commencement of the leave and must provide written notice within three (3) days of starting leave.
(B) As outlined in the Administrative Procedures Manual (APM) Chapter 3, Section 35, employee’s may be eligible for a maximum of twelve (12) weeks of PLO per benefit year, with an additional two (2) wees for limitation related to pregnancy.
(C) Replacement wages will be paid by the State of Oregon. If the replacement wages do not equal the employee’s gross base wage, the employee may choose to offset the reduction from their regular pay by charging time to their accrued leaves. Employees may also be eligible for Non- Occupational Disability Leave as outline is Section 5 below.
(D) Employees who are on PLO leave shall not accrue Time Management, however if employees supplement PLO payments, they will accrue TM only on used accrued leave hours.
(E) PLO, Non-Occupational Disability Leave, and FMLA/OFLA leaves run concurrently, unless otherwise prescribed by law. See the COUNTY’s APM for more information.
Paid Leave Oregon. Paid Leave Oregon is administered by the Oregon Employment Department. The State of Oregon, as an Employer, shall comply with the provisions of Paid Leave Oregon, as provided for in the DAS statewide Paid Leave Oregon Policy (60.000.04). (See also Human Services Coalition Letter of Agreement 56.1-21-415 in Appendix A.) ARTICLE 56T--SICK LEAVE (Temporary Employees)
Paid Leave Oregon. Paid Leave Oregon (PLO) is a government program operated 25 by the State of Oregon providing family leave, medical leave, and safe leave for eligible 26 individuals. Nurses interested in learning more about what benefits may be available from 27 the government under PLO are encouraged to visit Mercy Medical 28 Center complies with its obligation under Oregon law pertaining to Paid Leave Oregon.
Paid Leave Oregon a. The City will pay the statutorily required employer’s contribution of the Paid Leave Oregon (PLO) program, not to exceed forty percent (40%) of the rate set by the State of Oregon Director of Employment Department, unless required by law. The City will deduct the employee’s portion of the PLO contribution, not to exceed sixty percent (60%) of the same rate, from the employee’s wages and transmit to the State of Oregon Employment Department.
b. Employees who have a qualifying life event and are eligible, as defined by ORS 657B.010, must notify the City of the need to take Paid Leave Oregon (PLO) leave thirty (30) days before a foreseeable qualifying reason. In an emergency, an employee must notify the City of the need to take PLO within twenty four (24) hours of the commencement of the leave and must provide written notice within three (3) days of starting leave.
c. Employees may be eligible for a maximum of twelve (12) weeks of PLO per benefit year, with an additional two (2) weeks for limitation related to pregnancy.
Paid Leave Oregon. Paid Leave Oregon (also known as Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance - PFMLI) is a program that may offer paid leave if employees meet requirements set by the State of Oregon. Accumulated leave (sick leave) may be used before, after, or concurrently with Paid Leave Oregon leave to ensure the employee receives up to, but not more than, their normal salary. Under no circumstances will the employee be allowed to use accruals to receive more than their normal pay. The District may use a third party equivalent plan that is certified by the State of Oregon to be the same or better than the State plan for paid family medical leave insurance. Employees apply for this benefit directly with the State employment agency, or the equivalent plan administrator if the District elects to use an equivalent plan.