U S WEST and Pac Sample Clauses
U S WEST and Pac. West shall establish mutually acceptable methods and procedures for the immediate handling of misdirected calls from Pac-West customers to U S WEST requesting repair. The Customer shall be informed that Pac-West is its local service provider (LSP), and the U S WEST representative will provide the Pac-West customer with the appropriate telephone number of the Pac-West repair center. If the LSP screen indicator is not available, the U S WEST representative will ask the Pac-West Customer if it knows the name of its LSP. The U S WEST representative will provide the Pac-West Customer with the appropriate number of the Pac-West repair center. These calls are limited to repair information only, and are not to be used for marketing purposes.
U S WEST and Pac. West will record and transmit MPB information in accordance with the standards and in the format set forth in this Attachment. U S WEST and Pac-West will coordinate and exchange the billing account reference ("BAR") and billing account cross reference (BACR) numbers for the MPB arrangements described in this Agreement. Each Party will notify the other if the level of billing or other BAR/BACR elements change. resulting in a new BAR/BACR number.
U S WEST and Pac. West agree to a trouble priority and severity coding format for all trouble reports handled between the two companies. Troubles are prioritized according to appointment schedules: Priority I = Out of Service Priority 2 = Affecting Service Priority 3 = Feature Trouble
U S WEST and Pac. West shall arrange for the automated input and periodic updating of the E911 database information related to Pac-West end users for resold lines in accordance with Section 10. 1 of Attachment 2 to this Agreement. Pac-West may request, through the BFR process, similar arrangements for Pac-West customers served on a non-resale basis. U S WEST will furnish Pac-West any variations 'to NENA recommendations required for ALI data base input. The cost of magnetic tape transfer shall be borne by Pac-West.
U S WEST and Pac. West shall mutually agree on what services and circumstances are subject to the standard interval process *to determine the due date or the requested/committed due date process.
U S WEST and Pac. West shall agree on the establishment of two-way trunk groups for the exchange of traffic for other IXCs. These trunk groups can be provided in a meet point arrangement.
U S WEST and Pac. West shall mutually develop escalation procedures to be followed if, in Pac-West judgment, any performance standard defined in this Agreement is not met for any individual trouble report The escalation procedures to be provided shall include names and telephone numbers of U S WEST management personnel who are responsible for maintenance issues and who will be contacted when a trouble condition is escalated.
U S WEST and Pac. West will work jointly to support law enforcement agency requirements including, but not limited to, taps, traces and court orders.
U S WEST and Pac. West shall arrange for the automated input and periodic updating of the E911 database information related to Pac-West end users. For resold services, U S WEST shall work cooperatively with Pac-West to ensure the accuracy of the data transfer by verifying it against the MSAG. For Pac-West's customers served by unbundled Network Elements or through Pac-West's own facilities, Pac-West shall ensure the accuracy of its 911 data by verifying it against the MSAG.