UNIDO’s Team Sample Clauses

UNIDO’s Team. Titles, time input and period of engagement Time input (in the form of a bar chart by month) Total Input (in months) N° Name and Functional Title1 Area of Expertise Activity/ Position Assigned 1 2 3 4 5 6 Home Field total Brief description of each position listed in the table above Short bio of UNIDO key staff listed in Part II table, CVs of Consultants or, as applicable, Contractor’s personnel [or key qualification requirements for those who are not yet selected at the time of this Agreement signing] ANNEX II TOTAL FUNDING CEILING AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE I. Total Funding Ceiling BL Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total Deliverable (Outcome): Output 1: 11 International experts - 15 Project travel - 16 Staff travel - 17 National experts & admin staff - 21 Subcontracts - 30 In-service training, conferences, workshops - 35 International Meetings - 43 Premises - 45 Equipment - 51 Miscellaneous - Sub-Total Output 1 - - - - Output 2: 11 International experts - 15 Project travel - 16 Staff travel - 17 National experts & admin staff - 21 Subcontracts - 30 In-service training, conferences, workshops - 35 International Meetings - 43 Premises - 45 Equipment - 51 Miscellaneous - Sub-Total Output 2 - - - - Independent mid-term and evaluation at completion 11 International evaluator - 15 Project staff travel - 17 National evaluator(s) - 51 Miscellaneous - Sub-Total Evaluation - - - - TOTAL - - - - Indirect Costs (10%) - - - - GRAND TOTAL - - - -
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Related to UNIDO’s Team

  • Curriculum Vitae (a) The Chief Librarian shall maintain a curriculum vita for each Librarian. It is the Librarian’s responsibility to ensure that the curriculum vita on file is kept current. Members shall prepare their curriculum vita with the advice and assistance of their Chief Librarian. Members may revise their curriculum vita at any time.

  • Classroom Teachers b. School counselors

  • Teams One team for the purposes of the Event shall consist of one Vehicle. Each Vehicle can contain a maximum of three Team Members, provided such Team Members have entered into a Team Entry Agreement with the Company or have otherwise agreed in writing to participate in the Event upon and subject to the Terms of Entry and the Event Rules. For the avoidance of doubt, it is the sole responsibility of each Team to inform themselves of the maximum numbers of persons legally permitted to travel in the Vehicle under Relevant Law. Vehicles: Rickshaws The Company shall provide each Team with the contact details of the Approved Hirer who will be able to provide each Team with a Vehicle for use in the Event, subject to the Team entering into an agreement (the “Borrowing Agreementâ€) with the Hirer outlining the terms of use of the Vehicle. Should the Vehicle not be delivered to the Designated Finish Point up to 3 days after the date of the official Finish Line Party, then the team will be liable for either the cost to retrieve the Vehicle and/or the "Hire Costs" beyond this date. Each Vehicle will be of a similar specification to that outlined in Schedule 4 to the Team Entry Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company shall make no representations or warranties as to the suitability of the Approved Hirer or of the Vehicle for participation in the Event and any rights or warranties which a Team may have or be granted in relation to the Vehicle shall be limited to those contained in the Rental Agreement or implied by any Relevant Law.

  • Curriculum Committee The Curriculum Committee shall consist of sixteen (16) members of the bargaining unit, three (3) students, and three (3) administrators; provided, however, that in the case of the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, the Curriculum Committee shall be composed of ten (10) members of the bargaining unit, two (2) students, and two (2) administrators.

  • Team Teaching Unit members participating in team teaching assignments will receive formula hour credit in proportion to the percentage of in-class involvement. When team-taught class sizes exceed the normal, the formula conditions specified in Section 4.3.3 shall apply.

  • Project Team To accomplish Owner’s objectives, Owner intends to employ a team concept in connection with the construction of the Project. The basic roles and general responsibilities of team members are set forth in general terms below but are more fully set forth in the Design Professional Contract with respect to the Design Professional, in the Program Management Agreement with any Program Manager, and in this Contract with respect to the Contractor.

  • Team Leaders 4.3.1 Team Leaders will be paid on the teachers’ scale according to their qualifications and length of service and in addition will be paid management units for responsibility.

  • Training Committee The parties to this Agreement may form a Training Committee. The Training Committee will be constituted by equal numbers of Employer nominees and ETU employee representatives and have a charter which clearly states its role and responsibilities. It shall monitor the clauses of this Agreement which relate to training and ensure all employees have equal access to training.

  • Curriculum Work Service on a District curriculum committee shall be required for grade level or department chairpersons. All other teachers working on such committee(s) shall be designated (in writing) by the Curriculum Director and shall be paid, at the hourly rate contained in Schedule B, for all documented hours of committee service (up to such limits as may be imposed by the District) occurring when school is not in session (e.g. during the summer), during duty-free lunch periods or preparation periods, and before/after the teacher’s regularly scheduled work day. Curriculum committee work shall occur at such times as are determined or approved by the Curriculum Director.

  • Curriculum Development This includes the analysis and coordination of textual materials; constant review of current literature in the field, some of which are selected for the college library collection, the preparation of selective, descriptive materials such as outlines and syllabi; conferring with other faculty and administration on curricular problems; and, the attendance and participation in inter and intra-college conferences and advisory committees.

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