- Union Presence at Formal Discussions Sample Clauses

- Union Presence at Formal Discussions. (1) The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 provides that the Union shall be informed of and be entitled to be present at "all formal discussions"1 between one (1) or more representatives of Management and one (1) or more unit employees, or their representatives, concerning any grievance, personnel policies and practices, and other general conditions of employment. Consistent with the Act, Management will not communicate directly with employees regarding conditions of employment in a manner which under the law will improperly bypass the Union. The Union representative may participate and ask questions, as appropriate.
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- Union Presence at Formal Discussions. Management has a right under 5 USC 7106(a) of the Labor Management Relations Statute to meet with employees about working conditions. However, the Union is afforded the right to be present and represent the interests of the bargaining unit at these meetings, called “formal discussions”. The Statute grants a union the right to be represented at a formal discussion in order to represent the institutional interests of the union concerning a matter pertaining to the workplace. The intent is that the union's presence and participation will enable the meeting to be successful and productive.
- Union Presence at Formal Discussions. (1) The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 provides that the Union shall be informed of and entitled to at least one representative or more by mutual agreement, at all formal discussions between one (1) or more representatives of Management and one (1) or more unit employees, or their representatives, concerning any grievance, personnel policy and/or practice, and other general conditions of employment. The Union has the exclusive right to name its representative and may participate and ask questions, as appropriate. (2) Meetings held for the purpose of making a statement or announcement and not to engender a dialogue, if they meet the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) criteria, are formal discussions. It is not necessary that a meeting propose or result in a change in working conditions or personnel policies or practices to be considered a formal meeting. Direct communication is defined by prevailing FLRA case law.

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  • Step 3 – Contract Language Disputes (a) If a grievance concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement, other than a grievance alleging that a disciplinary action (reduction in base pay, demotion, involuntary transfer of more than 50 miles by highway, suspension, or dismissal) was taken without cause, is not resolved at Step 2, the grievant or designated representative may appeal the grievance by submitting it to the Office Manager for the Office of the General Counsel of the Department of Management Services, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx Xxx, Xxxxx 000, Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, 00000-0950, or by email to: Xxxx0Xxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx within 15 days following receipt of the decision at Step 2. The grievance shall include a copy of the grievance forms submitted at Steps 1 and 2, together with all written responses and documents in support of the grievance. When the grievance is eligible for initiation at Step 3, the grievance shall be filed on the grievance form contained in Appendix B of this Contract, setting forth specifically the facts on which the grievance is based, the specific provision(s) of the Contract allegedly violated, and the relief requested.

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