URGENT REPAIRS. The landlord agrees to pay the tenant, within 14 days after receiving written notice from the tenant, any reasonable costs (not exceeding
URGENT REPAIRS. Section 3(1) of the Act defines urgent repairs. Refer to the Consumer Affairs Victoria website for the full list of urgent repairs and for more information, visit xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx.xxx.xx Urgent repairs include failure or breakdown of any essential service or appliance provided for hot water, cooking, heating or laundering supplied by the rental provider. The rental provider must carry out urgent repairs after being notified. A renter may arrange for urgent repairs to be done if the renter has taken reasonable steps to arrange for the rental provider to immediately do the repairs and the rental provider has not carried out the repairs. If the renter has arranged for urgent repairs, the renter may be reimbursed directly by the rental provider for the reasonable cost of repairs up to $2500. The renter may apply to VCAT for an order requiring the rental provider to carry out urgent repairs if—
(a) the renter cannot meet the cost of the repairs; or
(b) the cost of repairs is more than $2500; or
(c) the rental provider refuses to pay the cost of repairs if it is carried out by the renter.
URGENT REPAIRS. If by reason of any accident or failure or other event occurring to, in or in connection with the Works or any part thereof either during the execution of the Works or during the Defects Liability Period any remedial or other work or repair shall in the opinion of the Engineer be urgently necessary for security and the Contractor is unable or unwilling at once to do such work or repair, the Employer may by his own or other workmen do such work or repair as the Engineer may consider necessary. If the work or repair so done by the Employer is work which in the opinion of the Engineer the Contractor was liable to do at his own expense under the Contract, all costs and charges properly incurred by the Employer in so doing shall on demand be paid by the Contractor to the Employer or may be deducted by the Employer from any monies due or which may become due to the Contractor provided always that the Engineer shall as soon after the occurrence of any such emergency as may be reasonably practicable notify the Contractor thereof in writing.
URGENT REPAIRS. The rental provider must ensure that the rental property is provided and maintained in good repair. If there is a need for an urgent repair, the renter should notify the rental provider in writing. For further information on seeking repairs see Part D (below). Details of person the renter should contact for an urgent repair. Emergency contact name Melbourne CBD Afterhours Emergency contact phone number TBA Emergency contact email address xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.xxx.xx
URGENT REPAIRS. If by reason of any accident or failure or other event occurring to in or in connection with the works or any part thereof either during the execution of the works or during the Period of Maintenances, any remedial or other work or repair shall in the opinion of the Engineeror the Engineer's representative be urgently necessary for security and the Contractor is unable or un-willing at once to do such work or repair, the Employer may by his own or other workmen to such work or repair as the Engineer or the Engineer's representative may consider necessary. If the work or repair so done by the Employer is work which in the opinion of the Engineer the Contractor was liable to do at his own expense under the contract, all cost and charges properly incurred by the Employer in so doing shall on demand be paid by the Contractor to the employer or may be deducted by the employer from any moneys due or which may become due to the Contractor. Provided always that the Engineer or the Engineer's representative (as the case may be) shall, as soon after the occurrence of any such emergency as may be reasonably practicable notify the Contractor thereof in writing.
URGENT REPAIRS. The SDA resident may request urgent repairs to the SDA enrolled dwelling verbally or in writing. The SDA provider agrees to undertake the urgent repairs as soon as possible after receiving the request.
URGENT REPAIRS. The parties agree that for the purposes of this agreement, the term “Urgent Repairs”:
(a) has the same meaning as defined in section 3 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (Vic), as amended from time to time; and
(b) to the extent permissible at law, also includes:
(i) a failure or breakdown of a cooling appliance or service provided by the Landlord;
(ii) a failure or breakdown of any safety related devices, including a smoke alarm or pool fence; and
(iii) any fault or damage that makes the Premises unsafe or insecure, including a pest infestation or the presence of mould or damp caused by or related to the building structure.
URGENT REPAIRS. (a) Notwithstanding Clause 3.1, if by reason of any accident or failure or other event occurring to or in connection with the Works, either during the execution of the Works or during the Defects Liability Period, any remedial or other work shall in the opinion of the Superintending Officer be urgently necessary and the Contractor is unable or unwilling at once to do such remedial or other work, the Superintending Officer may instruct the carrying out of such remedial or other work by a person other than the Contractor.
(b) If the remedial or other work so instructed by the Superintending Officer is work which in the opinion of the Superintending Officer the Contractor was liable to do or for which he is otherwise responsible under the Contract, the amount of any cost, loss and expense or damage incurred in carrying out the same shall be recoverable by the Employer from the Contractor.
URGENT REPAIRS. If, by reason of any accident, or failure, or other event occurring to or in connection with the Works, or any part thereof, either during the execution of the works, or during period of Defects Liability any remedial or other work or repair, shall, in the opinion of the Engineer or the Engineer's Representative, be urgently necessary for the safety of the Works and the Contractor is unable or unwilling at once to do such work or repair, the Employer may employ and pay other persons to carry out such work or repair as the Engineer or the Engineer's Representative may consider necessary. If the work or repair so done by the Employer is the work which, in the opinion of the Engineer the Contractor was liable to do at his own expense under the Contract, all expenses properly incurred by the Employer in so doing shall be recoverable from the Contractor by the Employer, or may be deducted by the Employer from any monies due or which may become due to the Contractor. Provided always that the Engineer or the Engineer's Representative, as the case may be, shall, as soon after the occurrence of any such emergency as may be reasonably practicable, notify the Contractor thereof in writing.
URGENT REPAIRS. The homeowner agrees to pay the housesitter, within 14 days of repossession, any reasonable costs which the housesitter has incurred for making urgent repairs (of the type set out below) so long as: