Building Structure definition
Examples of Building Structure in a sentence
Noise and Existing Building Structure Vibration Generated by Construction Procedures, Equipment, Tools, and Operations: Keep to minimum practicable during demolition and removal from building and site, including loading and removing storage containers.
The Building Structure excludes the Leasehold Improvements (and similar improvements to other premises) and the Mechanical Systems.
Building Structure - a written narrative of the design approach to the structural systems including discussion of the feasible options for foundations and superstructure as well as treatment of special situations such as unusual soils conditions or long spans.
Except as specifically set forth in this Lease to the contrary, Tenant shall not be required to repair the Building Structure and/or the Building Systems except to the extent required because of Tenant’s use of the Premises for other than normal and customary business office operations.
The Change of Use Permit review process is intended to verify that conformity with the applicable requirements of the Zoning Regulations is maintained when there is a Change of Use of a Building, Structure, or on a tract of land.