Use of International Standards. Each Party shall use, as a basis for its own standards-related measures, the relevant international standards in force or whose completion is imminent, except where such standards would be an ineffective or inappropriate means to fulfill its legitimate objectives.
Use of International Standards. 1. Each Party shall use as a basis for its own standardization measures, international standards in force or of imminent adoption, except when such standards do not constitute an effective or adequate means to achieve its legitimate objectives; for example, due to fundamental factors of a climatic, geographical, technological or infrastructural nature, in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
2. Standardization measures of a Party that conform to an international standard shall be presumed to be consistent with the provisions of article 14-05, paragraphs 1 and 3.
3. In pursuing its legitimate objectives, each Party may adopt, maintain or apply any standardization measure that achieves a higher level of protection than would have been achieved if the measure were based on an international standard due to fundamental factors of a climatic, geographical, technological or infrastructural nature, among others.
Use of International Standards. In the development or implementation of its measures on standardization, authorization procedures or metrology, each Party shall use international standards where they exist or their completion is imminent, or use the relevant parts of them, except where such international standards would not be an effective or appropriate means for fulfilling the legitimate objectives because of fundamental climatic, geographical, technological or infrastructural factors, or scientifically verified reasons.
Use of International Standards. Each Party shall use, as a basis for the development and application of its standardisation measures, current international standards, or international standards whose completion are imminent, except where such standards would be an ineffective or inappropriate means to fulfil its legitimate objectives.
Use of International Standards. Partially aligned 1. Liberia is a member of a number of trade facilitation-related conventions and organizations, including the WCO, the HS Convention, OIE and IPPC.
Use of International Standards. This article intends to ensure that Members base their formal procedures on best practices and international standards (for example, conventions of the World Customs Organization, the International Maritime Organization or the International Civil Aviation Organization, etc.). Current Situation The country has a specific Department for International Relations in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which watches over the international trade commitments. The country uses the international quality standards (ISO, etc.). It is considered compliant with all instruments, though there is some delay in the approval of the Harmonized System by the Assembly of the Republic. Issues of Interpretation Members are ‘encouraged’ to use relevant international standards, or part of them... The article does not have a strong mandatory character, leaving it to the Member to decide to what extent the international standards are appropriate in its case. However, the Guide refers to the alignment with the Revised Kyoto Convention as starting point. As it is not mandatory, there is space for the country to interpret it in a more or less strict manner. Barriers/Gaps Approval on the part of the parliament (AR in Portuguese) of the Harmonized System (it has already been submitted to the AR.) Proposal of Category and Deadline (years) “B 1”, because all technical work in relation to the only gap for compliance – the harmonized system – has already been done and what is only lacking is approval by the AR, which is expected to occur within 1 year.
Use of International Standards. Members are encouraged to Use relevant international standards as a basis of their importation, exportation or transit formalities and procedures Take part in the preparation and periodic review of relevant international standards The Committee shall develop procedures for sharing of relevant information and best practices in this matter
Use of International Standards. 1. Each Party shall use, as a basis for the development, elaboration or application of its standards, existing or imminently adopted international standards, except where such international standards are not an effective or appropriate means of achieving its legitimate objectives, due to fundamental factors of a climatic, geographical, technological or infrastructural nature, among others.
2. A Party's standardization measure that conforms to an international standard shall be presumed to be consistent with paragraphs 3 and 4 of article 13-05.
3. In pursuing its legitimate objectives, each Party may adopt, maintain or apply any standards-related measure that results in a higher level of protection than would have been achieved if the measure were based on an international standard due to, inter alia, fundamental climatic, geographical, technological or infrastructural factors.
Use of International Standards. 3.1 Members are encouraged to use relevant international standards or parts thereof as a basis for their import, export, or transit formalities and procedures, except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement.
3.2 Members are encouraged to take part, within the limits of their resources, in the preparation and periodic review of relevant international standards by appropriate international organizations.
3.3 The Committee shall develop procedures for the sharing by Members of relevant information, and best practices, on the implementation of international standards, as appropriate. The Committee may also invite relevant international organizations to discuss their work on international standards. As appropriate, the Committee may identify specific standards that are of particular value to Members.
Use of International Standards. 1. The Parties shall comply with the application of the principles set out in the Decisions and Recommendations adopted by the WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade since January 1, 1995, Annex to Part I.2 of the Decision of the Committee on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations under Articles 2 and 5 and Annex 3 of the TBT Agreement (2) issued by the WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade.
2. The Parties shall promote the application of ISO/IEC Guides 21-1:2005, 21- 2:2005, or those that replace them, in the adoption of international standards.