Facility Use Sample Clauses
Facility Use. The Employer shall allow individuals the use of gender- segregated facilities, such as restrooms, locker rooms, and dressing rooms that are consistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity. In such facilities where undressing in the presence of others occurs, the Employer shall allow access to and use of a facility consistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity.
Facility Use. Upon request in writing made to the President of a College, or designee thereof, the Association or any College-based chapter thereof shall have the right to meet at such College, if appropriate facilities are available. All requests must be received at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the time requested for the meeting. If the Association requests the use of facilities, the College will discuss with the Association at the time the request is made the cost of additional services as required at the prevailing rate charged to non-profit organizations.
Facility Use. The Union shall be permitted to use designated premises of the Employer for meetings of the local unit, with or without Union staff present, provided sufficient advance request for meeting facilities is made to Labor Relations and space is available.
Facility Use. The Association shall be permitted to use College facilities at no cost for purposes of transacting official Association business, provided that such meetings do not interfere with the normal hours and operation of the College. The use of College facilities by the Association must be approved by the appropriate administrative officer of the College, and such approval shall be determined within the guidelines of College policy.
Facility Use. If the school is located in any facility of the Sponsor, the Parties agree to negotiate by separate agreement their rights and responsibilities regarding the use of that facility.
Facility Use. 1. When an outside group is going to use a school building or school grounds the Maintenance Supervisor shall determine in advance of the use, the additional clean-up time needed, if any, due to the use and will authorize that time and inform the affected building custodians and outside group.
Facility Use. The Union shall be permitted to use designated premises of the Court for meetings of the local unit, with or without Union staff present, provided sufficient advance request for meeting facilities is made to the Employer (Court or Human Resources or designee), and is not disruptive to operations and space is available.
Facility Use. The Association shall be permitted to use designated premises of the Employer for meetings of the local unit, with or without Association staff present, provided sufficient advance request for meeting facilities is made to the Employer (Sheriff or Human Resources or designee), such is not disruptive to operations and space is available.
Facility Use. The Association shall be permitted to place in mailboxes provided for individual staff members MEA/NSEA newsletters, circulars, notices and other materials relating to the Association and its operations. The Association shall be permitted to post or place any material relating directly to Association business on the bulletin boards located in faculty lounges. No local, state or national political campaign material for public office or any other material which violates the Policies or Rules of the District will be permitted to be either distributed through the staff mailboxes or placed on faculty lounge bulletin boards.
Facility Use. The Association shall be permitted to place in mailboxes provided for individual staff members MEA/NSEA newsletters, circulars, notices and other materials relating to the Association and its operations. The Association may also utilize District electronic mail to conduct its business, provided it does so in accordance with the limitations on the use thereof provided for in law (e.g, membership solicitation). Use of District electronic mail shall be subject to District Board Policy, Board Rules, District procedures, and applicable laws, including but not limited to, public record requests. No local, state or national political campaign material for public office or any other material which violates the Policies or Rules of the District will be permitted to be either distributed through the staff mailboxes or placed on faculty lounge bulletin boards.