Vacancies, Newly Created Positions, Transfers Sample Clauses

Vacancies, Newly Created Positions, Transfers. 1. All vacancies and/or newly created positions shall be posted, on the same day, in a central location, at each attendance center, at least five (5) days prior to filling of the vacancy, except when unanticipated vacancies occur during the school year. Vacancies shall be defined as unfilled positions. District vacancy postings shall include subject or special service area, and building, and/or grade level. Teachers who desire to fill such vacancies shall submit their names to the designated administrator and shall notify, in writing, their current principal of their intentions. When unexpected vacancies occur during the school year, the five (5) day posting may be waived by mutual agreement of the Building Administration and the Union President.
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Vacancies, Newly Created Positions, Transfers. 1. All District vacancies and/or newly created positions shall be posted on the same day, in a central location, at each attendance center at least five (5) days prior to filling of the vacancy, and shall be shared electronically with the Union President no later than forty-eight (48) hours after the posting, except when unanticipated vacancies occur during the school year, or within five (5) days of the start of the school year. When unexpected vacancies occur during the school year, or within five (5) days of the start of the school year, the five (5) day posting may be waived by mutual agreement of the Building Administration and the Union President. Vacancies shall be defined as unfilled positions. District vacancy postings shall include subject or special service area, and building, and/or grade level. Teachers who desire to fill such vacancies shall submit their names to the designated administrator and shall notify, in writing, their current principal of their intentions.

Related to Vacancies, Newly Created Positions, Transfers

  • VACANCIES AND NEW POSITIONS 17.01 The Gallery shall post notice of permanent and temporary job vacancies subject to Article 4 – Temporary Full-Time Employees for a period of seven (7) calendar days before any such job is filled. Probationary employees shall not be entitled to apply for posted vacancies. It is agreed that the Gallery will not interview external applicants until applications from existing employees have been reviewed and bargaining unit employees who are qualified in the opinion of the Gallery have been interviewed. Further, the Gallery will notify existing applicants in writing once the successful application is selected.

  • VACANCIES & TRANSFERS A. Vacancies shall be considered as a bargaining unit position which the Board intends to fill.

  • VACANCIES, TERM POSITIONS AND NEW POSITIONS 3001 Subject to section 3002 herein, the Employer agrees to post notices of vacant, term or new positions covered under this Agreement for at least seven (7) days to enable nurses presently in the employ of the Employer to apply for same. Such posting shall not preclude the Employer from advertising outside the site premises. All postings shall state minimum qualifications required, the equivalent to full-time (E.F.T.) and date of closing of the competition. Job descriptions shall be available to applicants on request. 3002 The Employer will be required to post a notice of vacancy for only five (5) days for a vacancy that is created by:

  • VACANCIES AND TRANSFERS A vacancy shall be defined, for purposes of this Agreement, as a position previously held by a bargaining unit member that needs to be filled, or a newly created PSS position. When all necessary parties agree, vacancies can be filled by organizational advancement or transfer from within the hiring department and shall not require posting. All vacancies will be posted for a minimum of seven (7) working days unless filled by transfer, reassignment, or recall of a laid off staff member. Notice of vacancies will be given to the Alliance President and Chief Alliance Xxxxxxx at the time they are posted on the University's electronic Notices GVSU Business board, and will be simultaneously posted at the University’s electronic employment website. A vacancy will not be filled until after the posting period has expired. Job postings shall include the classification, department, location(s), work schedule and the position description. The search committee will include a PSS member. Typically, vacancies will be posted as an open search available for both internal and external applicants. A job posting limited to internal applicants may occur upon approval. In each instance, all qualified internal applicants will receive an interview. The search committee must present strong justification for not selecting an internal applicant who meets the minimum qualifications of the position. When two applicants are equally qualified for the vacant position, based on current position description and satisfactory work and attendance, the more senior qualified staff member will receive the assignment. At the time of job offer, the University shall notify the selected staff member of any known or impending changes in the position. The Human Resources Office, or their designee, will provide internal applicants not selected for the position with rationale for the decision. Candidates who were interviewed but not selected may contact Human Resources to schedule a meeting with the Search Committee Chairperson, a Human Resource representative, and an Alliance Representative to discuss the reason for non-selection. The Alliance must notify the employer within three (3) working days that the meeting has been the step 1 meeting of the grievance process. If a meeting is requested or a grievance is filed, the position cannot be filled until this process is completed. An internal staff member selected for the position will be required to establish that they can do the job within eight (8) working days. Failure to qualify shall result in returning the selected staff member to their former position and is not subject to the grievance procedure. The staff member shall also have the option to elect to return to their former position within eight (8) working days. When making departmental changes, transfer shall be with the consent of the staff member whenever possible but when there is no reasonable alternative, it may be involuntary. When involuntary transfer is required, the least senior qualified staff member shall be transferred to a similar position (e.g., classification, full or part-time) or be given the option of electing an unpaid leave of absence with eligibility only for the next vacancy in their classification, if qualified. That person shall be disqualified from consideration when the position from which they were transferred is posted. Nothing contained in this Section is intended to prevent the University from making necessary changes in positions, eliminating positions or creating new positions.

  • DISQUALIFICATION FOR PAST PERFORMANCE AND FINDINGS OF NON RESPONSIBILITY Bidder may be disqualified from receiving awards if Bidder, or anyone in Bidder’s employment, has previously failed to perform satisfactorily in connection with public Bidding or contracts or is deemed non- responsible.

  • VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS AND TRANSFERS A. The Board recognizes that it is desirable in making assignments to consider the interests and aspirations of its teachers. Requests by a teacher for a transfer to a different class, building, or position shall be made in writing, one copy of which shall be filed with the Superintendent. Such requests shall be renewed once each year to assure active consideration by the Board. The Board will give serious consideration to such requests.

  • Promotions Transfers VACANCIES

  • Collocation Transfer of Responsibility Without Working Circuits The Collocation is not serving any End User Customers and does not have active service terminations (e.g., Interconnection trunks or UNE Loops) or 2) Collocation Transfer of Responsibility With Working Circuits – The Collocation has active service terminations, such as Interconnection trunks or is serving End User Customers.

  • VACANCIES, TRANSFERS AND PROMOTIONS A. A vacancy shall be defined as a newly-created position or a present position that is not filled.

  • Excluded Positions When a College temporarily assigns an employee to the duties and responsibilities of a position excluded from the provisions of this Collective Agreement, the employee's obligations to contribute to the regular monthly Union dues under Article 5.4 and his/her seniority shall continue during the period of such temporary assignment up to a maximum period of twelve

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