Vacant Space Termination Right Sample Clauses

Vacant Space Termination Right. Notwithstanding anything in this Lease to the contrary, if Tenant vacates or deserts the Premises for ninety (90) days or more, Landlord may give Tenant written notice of Landlord’s intent to terminate the Lease (the “Termination Notice”). If Tenant fails to notify Landlord in writing within five (5) Business Days after Landlord gives the Termination Notice that Tenant will reoccupy the Premises (the “Reocupancy Notice”), or if Tenant does not actually reoccupy the full Premises within thirty (30) days after Landlord gives the Termination Notice, then the Lease shall terminate: (a) if Tenant does not timely give a Reocupancy Notice to Landlord, effective as the date immediately following the expiration of the aforementioned five (5) Business Day period; or (b) if Tenant timely gives a Reocupancy Notice to Landlord but then fails to actually reoccupy the full Premises within the aforementioned thirty (30) day period, effective as the date immediately following the expiration of such thirty (30) day period. If Landlord gives the Termination Notice, any first refusal right, first offer right, first opportunity right, extension option and any other expansion option of any type shall be suspended and shall be of no further force and effect unless and until such time as Tenant takes all necessary actions to prevent the termination of this Lease under this Paragraph 41. If this Lease is terminated under this Pragraph 41, Tenant shall remain responsible for the payment of all Monthly Rental, amounts due as Tenant’s Operating Expense Payment, and all Additional Rent and other sums due from Tenant under this Lease through the effective termination date. EXHIBIT “A-1” LAND TRACT 1 - 11540, 11560, 00000 XXXXX XXXX XXX: Parcel 1 Parcel 1 All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots 851, 852, and 858 of the 1st District, 2nd Section, City of Alpharetta, Xxxxxx County, Georgia, and being more particularly described as follows: To find The True Point of Beginning, commence at a rebar found on the common corner of Land Lots 852, 853, 856, and 857 of the aforesaid District and Section of Xxxxxx County; thence, proceed North 89 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds West along the land lot line common to Land Lots 852 and 857 for a distance of 342.54 feet to a rebar found on the southeasterly right-of-way line of Georgia Highway 400 (variable right-of-way width); thence South 23 degrees 15 minutes 33 seconds West along said right-of-way line for a distance of 852.01 ...
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Related to Vacant Space Termination Right

  • Landlord’s Termination Right Whether or not the Premises are affected, Landlord may, by notice to Tenant, within 60 days following the date upon which Landlord receives notice of the Taking of all or a portion of the Real Property, the Building or the Premises, terminate this Lease, provided that Landlord elects to terminate leases (including this Lease) affecting at least 50% of the rentable area of the Building.

  • Tenant’s Termination Right If the part of the Buildings or the Real Property so acquired or condemned contains a substantial part of the total area of the portion of the Premises located in such Building immediately prior to such acquisition or condemnation, or if, by reason of such acquisition or condemnation, Tenant no longer has reasonable means of access to the Premises, Tenant may terminate this Lease as to such portion of the Premises by notice to Landlord given within 60 days following the date upon which Tenant received notice of such acquisition or condemnation; provided, however, that if the portion of the Premises so affected shall be the Music Hall, then Tenant’s right of termination shall apply to the whole of the Premises. Furthermore, if by virtue of the nature of the space in the Music Hall which is acquired or condemned, the space remaining in the Music Hall after giving effect to such acquisition or condemnation cannot economically be used for its intended purpose, following the date upon which Tenant received notice of such acquisition or condemnation, Tenant may terminate this Lease by notice to Landlord. If Tenant so notifies Landlord, this Lease shall terminate and the Term shall end and expire upon the date set forth in the notice as to the portion of the Premises covered thereby, which date shall not be more than 30 days following the giving of such notice. If a part of the Premises shall be so acquired or condemned and this Lease and the Term shall not be terminated in accordance with this Section, Landlord, at Landlord’s expense but without requiring Landlord to spend more than it collects as an award, shall, subject to the provisions of any Mortgage or Superior Lease, restore such portion of the Premises not so acquired or condemned to a self-contained unit substantially equivalent (with respect to character, quality, appearance and services) to that which existed immediately prior to such acquisition or condemnation, to the extent commercially practicable to do so, in which case Tenant shall be obligated to restore Tenant’s Property relating to such portion of the Premises to the condition which existed immediately prior to such acquisition or condemnation.

  • Termination Right The Representative shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time prior to any Closing Date, (i) if any domestic or international event or act or occurrence has materially disrupted, or in its opinion will in the immediate future materially disrupt, general securities markets in the United States; or (ii) if trading on any Trading Market shall have been suspended or materially limited, or minimum or maximum prices for trading shall have been fixed, or maximum ranges for prices for securities shall have been required by FINRA or by order of the Commission or any other government authority having jurisdiction, or (iii) if the United States shall have become involved in a new war or an increase in major hostilities, or (iv) if a banking moratorium has been declared by a New York State or federal authority, or (v) if a moratorium on foreign exchange trading has been declared which materially adversely impacts the United States securities markets, or (vi) if the Company shall have sustained a material loss by fire, flood, accident, hurricane, earthquake, theft, sabotage or other calamity or malicious act which, whether or not such loss shall have been insured, will, in the Representative’s opinion, make it inadvisable to proceed with the delivery of the Securities, or (vii) if the Company is in material breach of any of its representations, warranties or covenants hereunder, or (viii) if the Representative shall have become aware after the date hereof of such a material adverse change in the conditions or prospects of the Company, or such adverse material change in general market conditions as in the Representative’s judgment would make it impracticable to proceed with the offering, sale and/or delivery of the Securities or to enforce contracts made by the Underwriters for the sale of the Securities.

  • Buyer’s Termination Right If, prior to Closing and the delivery of possession of the Property to Buyer in accordance with this Contract, (a) any condemnation proceeding shall be pending against a substantial portion of the Hotel or (b) there is any substantial casualty loss or damage to the Hotel, Buyer shall have the option to terminate this Contract, provided Buyer delivers written notice to Seller of its election within twenty (20) days after the date Seller has delivered Buyer written notice of any such loss, damage or condemnation as provided above, and in such event, the Xxxxxxx Money Deposit, and any interest thereon, shall be delivered to Buyer and thereafter, except as expressly set forth herein, no party shall have any further obligation or liability to the other under this Contract. In the context of condemnation, “substantial” shall mean condemnation of such portion of a Hotel (or access thereto) as could, in Buyer’s reasonable judgment, render use of the remainder impractical or unfeasible for the uses herein contemplated, and, in the context of casualty loss or damage, “substantial” shall mean a loss or damage in excess of One Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($100,000.00) in value.

  • Lessor Termination Option If a Hazardous Substance Condition occurs during the term of this Lease, unless Lessee is legally responsible therefor (in which case Lessee shall make the investigation and remediation thereof required by the Applicable Requirements and this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, but subject to Lessor's rights under Paragraph 6.2(d) and Paragraph 13), Lessor may, at Lessor's option, either (i) investigate and remediate such Hazardous Substance Condition, if required, as soon as reasonably possible at Lessor's expense, in which event this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, or (ii) if the estimated cost to remediate such condition exceeds twelve (12) times the then monthly Base Rent or $100,000, whichever is greater, give written notice to Lessee, within thirty (30) days after receipt by Lessor of knowledge of the occurrence of such Hazardous Substance Condition, of Lessor's desire to terminate this Lease as of the date sixty (60) days following the date of such notice. In the event Lessor elects to give a termination notice, Lessee may, within ten (10) days thereafter, give written notice to Lessor of Lessee's commitment to pay the amount by which the cost of the remediation of such Hazardous Substance Condition exceeds an amount equal to twelve (12) times the then monthly Base Rent or $100,000, whichever is greater. Lessee shall provide Lessor with said funds or satisfactory assurance thereof within thirty (30) days following such commitment. In such event, this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, and Lessor shall proceed to make such remediation as soon as reasonably possible after the required funds are available. If Lessee does not give such notice and provide the required funds or assurance thereof within the time provided, this Lease shall terminate as of the date specified in Lessor's notice of termination.

  • Early Termination Right Tenant shall have the right, subject to the provisions of this Section 39, to terminate this Lease (“Termination Right”) with respect to the entire Premises only as of July 31, 2021 (“Early Termination Date”), so long as Tenant delivers to Landlord (i) a written notice (“Termination Notice”), of its election to exercise its Termination Right no less than 12 months in advance of the Early Termination Date, and (ii) concurrent with Tenant’s delivery of the Termination Notice to Landlord, an early termination payment equal to the sum of (1) the unamortized amount of the Tenant Improvement Allowance actually disbursed by Landlord as of the Early Termination Date with amortization calculated on a straight line basis from the Commencement Date through the Base Term, (2) all of the unamortized leasing commissions paid by Landlord in connection with this Lease as of the Early Termination Date, with amortization calculated on a straight line basis from the Commencement Date through the Base Term, (3) the unamortized amount as of the Early Termination Date of the Additional Tenant Improvement Allowance actually disbursed by Landlord to Tenant, if any, with amortization calculated on a straight line basis from the Commencement Date through the Base Term, (4) the unamortized amount of the Base Rent that would have been payable during the Abatement Period had such amounts not been abated, with amortization calculated on a straight line basis from the Commencement Date through the Base Term, and (5) an amount equal to 4 months of Base Rent that would have been payable for the 4 months immediately following the Early Termination Date (collectively, the “Early Termination Payment”). If Tenant timely and properly exercises the Termination Right, Tenant shall vacate the Premises and deliver possession thereof to Landlord in the condition required by the terms of this Lease on or before the Early Termination Date and Tenant shall have no further obligations under this Lease except for those accruing prior to the Early Termination Date and those which, pursuant to the terms of this Lease, survive the expiration or early termination of this Lease. If Tenant does not deliver to Landlord the Termination Notice and the Early Termination Payment within the time period provided in this paragraph, Tenant shall be deemed to have waived its Termination Right and the provisions of this Section 39 shall have no further force or effect.

  • Additional Termination Rights In addition to any right to terminate this Agreement under the provisions of this Section 16, either party shall have the further right to terminate this Agreement, upon delivery of written notice to the Agent, upon the occurrence of any of the following:

  • Termination Rights This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Closing:

  • Expiration/Termination The term of this Agreement will commence on the Effective Date and expire at the end of the period specified in the “Term” Section of the Business Terms Exhibit, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Section 9 or extended by mutual written agreement of the parties (the “Term”). Civitas may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to Consultant (a) at any time for Cause (as defined below) or (b) at any time after Consultant’s commencement of employment with a 3rd party for greater than twenty (20) hours per week. Consultant may terminate this Agreement at any time without cause upon not less than thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Civitas. Any expiration or termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to any obligation of either party that has accrued prior to the effective date of expiration or termination, provided that, if Civitas terminates this Agreement without Cause, then all consulting fees that would have been paid during the Term had Civitas not terminated the Agreement without Cause, shall be paid to Consultant in one lump sum upon the effective date of the termination of this Agreement. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, neither Consultant nor Civitas will have any further obligations under this Agreement, except that (a) Consultant will terminate all Consulting Services in progress in an orderly manner as soon as practicable and in accordance with a schedule agreed to by Civitas, unless Civitas specifies in the notice of termination that Consulting Services in progress should be completed; (b) Consultant will deliver to Civitas all Work Product made through expiration or termination; (c) Civitas will pay Consultant any monies due and owing Consultant under this Agreement and all authorized expenses actually incurred; (d) Consultant will immediately return to Civitas all Civitas Materials and other Confidential Information and copies thereof provided to Consultant under this Agreement; and (e) the terms, conditions and obligations under Sections 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 will survive expiration or termination of this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, “Cause” shall mean Consultant’s conviction of, or guilty plea to, a felony, (ii) Consultant’s commission of a fraudulent, illegal or materially dishonest act in connection with Consultant’s engagement by Civitas, as reasonably determined by Civitas’ Board of Directors acting in good faith, or (iii) Consultant’s willful and repeated failure or refusal to attempt to perform Consultant’s duties to Civitas or material breach of this Agreement or any other agreement between Civitas and Consultant.

  • Termination Option Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Lease, Tenant shall have the one-time option (the “Termination Option”) to terminate this Lease, effective as of the last day of the sixtieth (60th) full calendar month of the Term (the “Termination Date”), by providing Landlord with written notice of such Termination Option election (the “Termination Notice”). Such Termination Notice shall be effective only if it is given to Landlord at least nine (9) full calendar months prior to the Termination Date (the “Termination Notice Deadline”); accordingly, if Tenant has not given its Termination Notice to Landlord prior to the Termination Notice Deadline, this Termination Option shall expire and be of no further force or effect, and Tenant shall have no right or option to terminate this Lease pursuant to this Special Stipulation No. 4 at any time after the Termination Notice Deadline. As a condition precedent to any termination of this Lease pursuant to the provisions of this Special Stipulation No. 4, in addition to Tenant’s delivery of its Termination Notice, Tenant must have delivered to Landlord with its Termination Notice, an amount as a termination fee (collectively, the “Termination Fee”) equal to the sum of (i) Ninety Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-Five and 14/100Dollars ($90,325.14), plus (ii) all unamortized Transaction Costs, as hereinafter defined, incurred in connection with this Lease and incurred by Landlord for any other expansion space leased by Tenant, all amortized using an interest rate of nine percent (9%) per annum over the ninety-one (91) month term of this Lease, and (iii) legal fees incurred by Landlord in connection with this Lease and any future amendment whereby Tenant is leasing additional space. “Transaction Costs” shall include generally, without limitation, any tenant improvement allowance, turnkey construction costs, leasing commissions, free rent and cash allowances or similar costs and expenses provided to Tenant or incurred by Landlord. With respect to any future expansion space, the Transaction Costs will be amortized over the period commencing on the effective date of Tenant’s lease of such expansion space through the expiration date of Tenant’s lease of such expansion space. It is hereby acknowledged that any such amount required to be paid by Tenant in connection with such early termination is not a penalty but a reasonable pre-estimate of the damages which would be incurred by Landlord as a result of such early termination of this Lease (which damages are impossible to calculate more precisely) and, in that regard, constitutes liquidated damages with respect to such loss. Tenant shall continue to be liable for its obligations under this Lease to and through the Termination Date, including, without limitation, Additional Rent that accrues pursuant to the terms of this Lease, with all of such obligations surviving the early termination of this Lease. The rights granted to Tenant under this Special Stipulation No. 4 are personal to the named Tenant, and in the event of any assignment of this Lease or sublease by Tenant, this Termination Option shall thenceforth be void and of no further force or effect. Tenant’s rights under this Special Stipulation No. 4 shall be effective only if Tenant is not in a default (regardless of any notice and/or cure period) under the Lease, either at the time of the delivery of the Termination Notice or as of the Termination Date.

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