Value of the Agreement Sample Clauses
Value of the Agreement. The amount of this Agreement is undetermined. Its final value will correspond to the total value of the product of the addition of all the invoices issued by CENIT for the payment of the Fee and it will be established once it is ended and the final liquidation thereof is made according to the provisions of Sección 18.01 of the Agreement.
Value of the Agreement. 0.0. Xxxxx value of the Agreement shall amount to ––––––––––––––––––––––
3.2. Total value of the Agreement shall include all costs of the Service Provider related to the services under this Agreement and all taxes payable under the Georgian legislation.
3.3. Payment under this Agreement shall be made by the Purchaser’s own funds. The total value of the agreement shall include the Tender price (bid) offered by the winner of the Tender plus all taxes prescribed by the Georgian legislation, that shall be paid by the Purchaser;
Value of the Agreement. 16.1 The Parties attribute to this Agreement the value of [*****] ([*****]).
Value of the Agreement. The total cost of provision of all works and services throughout the Borough is envisaged to be in the range of £136 million.
Value of the Agreement. 3.1 The amount granted through sponsorship is in the total amount of Euro [will be included] and will be paid in Lei at the BNR exchange rate on the date of payment / in the total amount of Lei [will be included] and will be paid in a single instalment by payment order to the Beneficiary's account no. XX00XXXXXXXXXX0000000000 opened with Transilvania Bank, University Agency within a maximum of [will be included] working days from the date of entry into force of this Agreement.
Value of the Agreement. 6.1 The reference value of the work covered in this Agreement is established in the Technical-Economic Proposal of the CONTRACTOR, attached hereto as Appendix 4.
6.2 The reference value of the work that forms the subject matter of this Agreement is S/. 283,466,344.82 (two hundred eighty three million, four hundred sixty six thousand, three hundred forty four and 82/100 Soles) plus General Sales Tax, itemized as shown in the Technical-Economic Proposal of the CONTRACTOR, attached hereto as Appendix 4. The amount indicated in this Item has been calculated based on the unit prices stipulated in Appendix 4, and in accordance with the reference information and measurements provided by CPSAA, and the discounts offered by means of letter dated June 11, 2013.
6.3 Taking into consideration that the value of the work established in Item 6.1 is a reference value, the Parties agree that according to the progress of the final Engineering design of the Project (responsibility of Thyssenkrupp Resources Technologies GmbH, Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions Ltda., and Xxxxxxx GmbH), the items initially quoted as unit prices shall be converted progressively as a lump sum, provided that the final engineering is in place for complete structures and specialty, and that the resulting work is in line with the conditions proposed during the Bid preparation phase on the part of the CONTRACTOR.
6.4 The Value of the Agreement as a lump sum, which is determined in accordance with Item 6.3 above, shall be fixed and shall not undergo any price variation, revision, or readjustment of any kind for the Scope of the Work, with the exception of that expressly stipulated otherwise herein. For the purposes of this Agreement, said value shall be denominated “Maximum Value of the Agreement (MVA)”. The CONTRACTOR shall also be authorized to pay the Incentives that are detailed in Section 15.
6.5 In the event of the temporary suspension of work, either in part or in full, and for reasons not attributable to the CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR shall present CPSAA with the corresponding valuation regarding unproductive costs, which are to be borne by CPSAA. CPSAA shall grant any associated term extensions, provided that the critical path of the Work is affected.
6.6 The creation of new fees, prices, contributions, municipal taxes, modifications to the mandatory safety and/or environment regulations, increases in civil construction salaries, or other changes that are brought about exclusively by way of go...
Value of the Agreement. 1. The Parties agree that the price for performance of the subject matter of the agreement shall amount to:........................................ (in words: )
2. The price of the subject matter of the agreement specified in p. 1 is inclusive of costs of delivery, insurance on DDP Wrocław – door to door terms, installation and startup, as well as training.
Value of the Agreement. 2.1. Full value of the contract is 1500.00 (one thousand five hundred) dollars.
Value of the Agreement. Throughout its duration, the agreement has an estimated framework of 116 complete turnouts with sleepers and associated accessories / services / components corresponding to DKK 8.9 million. DKK, as stated in appendix 4 (TBL) and appendix 1 .C (Forecast for Lokaltog projects 2023 + 2024 + 2025). The Agreement contains an option to increase the quantities/value of the Agreement by 20%, ie. corresponding to 23 switches and associated accessories / service / components corresponding to 1.8 mill. DKK. The agreement's total maximum quantity of purchases for the entire agreement period as calculated in quantities/value thus amounts to a total of 139 switches as well as associated accessories / service / components corresponding to DKK 10.6 million. DKK. This includes the option to increase the quantity/value of the agreement. At the time of the tender the estimated value of the agreement is DKK 95.9 million DKK excl. VAT incl. options (based on 116 switches estimated at a value of DKK 750,000 per piece and associated accessories / services / components to an estimated total value of DKK
Value of the Agreement. The HE Consortia Laptop / Notebook spend amounts to up to circa £15m p.a. (excluding VAT) and potentially an equal value just short of that figure outside of the Agreement. The HE Consortia requirements are an aggregate of those likely to participate in this Agreement. Although these requirements may well be exceeded, it must also be realised that participation in the contract is not mandatory and there may be a shortfall. The HE Consortia accept no responsibility if there is a shortfall from the figure quoted or if the annual amount falls below the Tender threshold.