Localization Should any Seller Affiliate and any Customer Affiliate wish to enter into an agreement for the provision of Deliverables, Products and/or Services ("Local Agreement") in the Netherlands, Canada, Hong Kong, the United States, Australia, Ireland, Singapore, South Africa or the United Arab Emirates (as applicable) Local Agreement(s) can be agreed between the Parties and added as Exhibit(s) to this Agreement by way of addendum. The terms of this Agreement shall be incorporated into each such Local Agreement except to the extent that the Local Agreement expressly states that any amendments shall take precedence.
Disturbance Analysis Data Exchange The Parties will cooperate with one another and the NYISO in the analysis of disturbances to either the Large Generating Facility or the New York State Transmission System by gathering and providing access to any information relating to any disturbance, including information from disturbance recording equipment, protective relay targets, breaker operations and sequence of events records, and any disturbance information required by Good Utility Practice.
Your Content Certain of our Services may a low you to upload, post, transmit or make available content and materials to or through them(“Your Content”). You agree that you are responsible for Your Content and we sha l not, except as otherwise set forth herein, be responsible for Your Content. You represent that you own a l Inte lectual Property Rights (as defined below) in Your Content.
Technical and Organisational Measures The Supplier shall, taking into account the state of technical development and the nature of Processing, implement and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the Personal Data against unauthorised or unlawful Processing, destruction or accidental loss, alteration, or unauthorised disclosure of the Personal Data.
Interoperability To the extent required by applicable law, Cisco shall provide You with the interface information needed to achieve interoperability between the Software and another independently created program. Cisco will provide this interface information at Your written request after you pay Cisco’s licensing fees (if any). You will keep this information in strict confidence and strictly follow any applicable terms and conditions upon which Cisco makes such information available.
Cybersecurity Training A. Contractor represents and warrants that it will comply with the requirements of Section 2054.5192 of the Texas Government Code relating to cybersecurity training and required verification of completion of the training program. B. Contractor represents and warrants that if Contractor or Subcontractors, officers, or employees of Contractor have access to any state computer system or database, the Contractor, Subcontractors, officers, and employees of Contractor shall complete cybersecurity training pursuant to and in accordance with Government Code, Section 2054.5192.
Security Protocols Both parties agree to maintain security protocols that meet industry standards in the transfer or transmission of any data, including ensuring that data may only be viewed or accessed by parties legally allowed to do so. Provider shall maintain all data obtained or generated pursuant to the Service Agreement in a secure digital environment and not copy, reproduce, or transmit data obtained pursuant to the Service Agreement, except as necessary to fulfill the purpose of data requests by LEA.
Registry Interoperability and Continuity Registry Operator shall comply with the Registry Interoperability and Continuity Specifications as set forth in Specification 6 attached hereto (“Specification 6”).
Compatibility 1. Any unresolved issue arising from a mutual agreement procedure case otherwise within the scope of the arbitration process provided for in this Article and Articles 25A to 25G shall not be submitted to arbitration if the issue falls within the scope of a case with respect to which an arbitration panel or similar body has previously been set up in accordance with a bilateral or multilateral convention that provides for mandatory binding arbitration of unresolved issues arising from a mutual agreement procedure case. 2. Nothing in this Article and Articles 25A to 25G shall affect the fulfilment of wider obligations with respect to the arbitration of unresolved issues arising in the context of a mutual agreement procedure resulting from other conventions to which the Contracting States are or will become parties.”.
Onboarding The parties acknowledge that the City provides a new employee orientation (onboarding) to each new employee hired by the City. As such, the Union will be provided with not less than 10 calendar days’ advanced notice of the time, date, and location of the onboarding of any new employee represented by the Union. The Union will be given 30- minutes at the start of the new employee onboarding in a room designated by the City for no more than one (1) representative to present Union membership information. The City representative will excuse him or herself during the Union portion of the onboarding. The Union agrees in its portion of the onboarding not to engage in speech that could cause disruption or material interference with City activities. The City will provide 30 minutes of Union Release Time to the Union representative presenting the Union membership information during the scheduled onboarding. The Union shall provide the Union representative’s immediate supervisor with the Union representative’s name at least five (5) days prior to the onboarding. The Union representative shall be released for this purpose unless unusual operation needs interfere with such release in which case the Union representative’s immediate supervisor will provide a written explanation of why release could not be approved. If the Union representative is not released due to department operational needs, the Union representative may arrange an alternative date and time to meet with the newly hired employee within the first two (2) weeks of employment, subject to the 30-minutes onboarding and Union Release Time requirements as stipulated above.