WARRANTY SERVICE PROCEDURE. For prompt warranty service, notify the Certified Contractor who installed your Boiler and who in turn will notify the Viessmann authorized distributor from whom the Certified Contractor purchased the Boiler. Viessmann reserves the sole right to make all warranty decisions. No contractor or distributor may grant any service under this warranty without the prior approval of Viessmann. If this action does not result in warranty service, contact Viessmann directly
WARRANTY SERVICE PROCEDURE. In the event of a warranty claim under Section 6.1 or 6.3, Cabletron may return the defective Interspeed Product pursuant to the Interspeed Return Material Authorization process to Interspeed for repair or replacement, at Interspeed's option. For warranty service, Cabletron shall pay all freight costs to Interspeed and Interspeed shall pay all return freight costs to Cabletron. All freight costs in connection with Products not covered under warranty services are the responsibility of Cabletron.
WARRANTY SERVICE PROCEDURE. For prompt warranty service, notify the Certified Contractor who installed your Air Handler and who in turn will notify the Viessmann authorized distributor from whom the Certified Contractor purchased the Air Handlers. Viessmann reserves the sole right to make all warranty decisions. No contractor or distributor may grant any service under this warranty without the prior approval of Viessmann. If this action does not result in warranty service, contact Viessmann directly at the address set out in this Warranty.
WARRANTY SERVICE PROCEDURE. Should the Purchaser believe that the Product or component or part subject to this limited warranty has failed or is not functioning properly, the following procedure must be followed:
a. Claim Notification. All warranty claims are to be submitted using the buff colored warranty tag (below). Whenever a defect shall become apparent within the applicable warranty period, a warranty claim shall be made immediately to Xxxxxx Turbo Conversions, LLC, in writing, specifying the following:
(1) The aircraft registration number and the serial number of the Aircraft on which the defective part or component was installed.
(2) The identity of the Product or component or part which is claimed to be defective, including, where known, the Warrantor's part number and nomenclature, and serial number. Only one affected product or component is to be referenced per tag.
(3) The date the claimed defective part was removed from the aircraft by the claimant.
(4) The number of flight hours accrued on the affected aircraft on the date of the Claim Notification.
(5) The number of flight hours accrued on the part.
(6) A description of the claimed defect and of other circumstances surrounding the appearance of the claimed defect in sufficient detail so as to permit Warrantor to understand the nature of the claimed defect and how such claimed defect arose.
WARRANTY SERVICE PROCEDURE. For prompt warranty service, notify the Certified Contractor who installed your DHW unit and who in turn will notify the Viessmann authorized distributor from whom the Certified Contractor purchased the DHW unit. Viessmann reserves the sole right to make all warranty decisions. No contractor or distributor may grant any service under this warranty without the prior approval of Xxxxxxxxx. If this action does not result in warranty service, contact Xxxxxxxxx directly at one of the addresses set out in this Warranty.
WARRANTY SERVICE PROCEDURE. For prompt warranty service, notify the Certified Contractor who installed your Tank and who in turn will notify the Viessmann authorized distributor from whom the Certified Contractor purchased the Tank. Viessmann reserves the sole right to make all warranty decisions. No contractor or distributor may grant any service under this warranty without the prior approval of Viessmann. If this action does not result in warranty service, contact Viessmann directly at
WARRANTY SERVICE PROCEDURE. For prompt warranty service, notify the Certified Contractor who installed your Component and who in turn will notify the Viessmann authorized distributor from whom the Certified Contractor purchased the Components. Viessmann reserves the sole right to make all warranty decisions. No contractor or distributor may grant any service under this warranty without the prior approval of Viessmann. If this action does not result in warranty service, contact Viessmann directly at one of the addresses set out in this Warranty.
WARRANTY SERVICE PROCEDURE. For prompt warranty service, notify the Certified Contractor who installed YOUR BOILER AND WHO IN TURN WILL NOTIFY THE
WARRANTY SERVICE PROCEDURE. Transmission warranty claims must have authorization for return (RMA number supplied by Southern Hotrod). Any deviation will not be accepted for warranty consideration. Any returned Transmission must be shipped prepaid to Southern Hotrod. Any out of warranty Transmission or problems not attributed to a legitimate warranty claim will not be warranted under any circumstances. In the event of such a warranty denial, Southern Hotrod will contact the returning party with an estimate to repair the Transmission. Any Transmission not authorized for repair within 30 days, is subject to Southern Hotrod’s right to scrap the Southern Hotrod Transmission with no credit given to the returning party. If the Transmission is repaired at the customer's expense, the Transmission will then be sent back to the customer at his or her expense. However, if a Transmission is found to be defective, Southern Hotrod will pre-pay the freight within the continental 48 United States via common carrier to the customer after repair/replacement.
WARRANTY SERVICE PROCEDURE. For prompt warranty service, notify the authorized heating contractor or installer who installed your boiler and who in turn will notify the Viessmann authorized distributor from whom your heating contractor or installer purchased the boiler. If this action does not result in warranty service, contact Viessmann Manufacturing Company Inc. directly at one of the addresses set out in this warranty. Alleged defective parts must be returned through trade channels in accordance with the procedure currently in force for handling the return of goods for the purpose of inspection to determine cause of failure. Viessmann will furnish the replacement part or parts to the Viessmann authorized distributor who in turn will furnish the part or parts to the authorized heating contractor or installer who installed your boiler. The obligations of Viessmann Manufacturing Company Inc. under this WARRANTY apply only to boiler installations where Viessmann has been notified of the alleged defect or deficiency within FORTY-EIGHT