WORK DESCRIPTIONS. 28.01 Upon written request to his or her immediate supervisor or designate, an employee shall be provided with a current statement of the duties and responsibilities of his or her position including the classification level and the point value.
WORK DESCRIPTIONS. (a) Upon request by the employee, the Employer shall provide the work description outlining the duties and responsibilities assigned to his/hertheir position. The Employer will endeavour to ensure that work descriptions are reviewed and revised at three (3) years, but in no circumstance shall it exceed five (5) years.
WORK DESCRIPTIONS. 4.2.1. Generic or vague narrative descriptions that do not identify to the Client’s satisfaction the work done are not permitted and, if used, such entries will not be reimbursed. 4.2.2. A sufficiently detailed narrative description includes reference to (1) a specific function, activity or task performed (2) for or in connection with a specific purpose or issue (3) for a specific quantum of time. Additionally, descriptions must permit the Client to identify the particular work product created, the particular proceeding to which it relates, or the purpose and significant participants in meetings and conference calls. 4.2.3. Blocked billing entries are not acceptable unless all of the functions, activities and/or tasks entered together (1) fall within the same UTBMS Phase/Task Code, (2) reasonably relate to each other and (3) are entered together under the UTBMS Activity Code most related to the blocked activities. Otherwise, each function, activity or task performed must be billed separately with an appropriate time entry. 4.2.4. Please see Appendix 2 (Phases of Litigation, Tasks, Activities and Expense Descriptions and Code Sets) for further details. 4.2.5. A specific narrative description must be provided, even where the various UTBMS Code Sets are being used and included in the invoice. 4.2.6. Time records should not be destroyed, and must remain available for review, at least until two years after closure of each matter. Computerized records are sufficient for this purpose provided they are maintained in such a fashion as to allow future downloading to hard copy.
WORK DESCRIPTIONS. The Custodial/Janitorial Services contractor is responsible for the cleanliness and sanitation of the building. The description of each service area, below, is to be used as a guideline for the Custodial/Janitorial Services contractor. The description does not attempt to describe every detail or feature of the facility that is to be maintained by the Custodial/Janitorial Services contractor. the container will be cleaned and disinfected. Containers will appear visibly and uniformly clean. This will include the elimination streaks, foodstuff, and the presence of any offensive odor emitting from the container. required.
WORK DESCRIPTIONS. The Custodial/Janitorial Services contractor is responsible for the cleanliness and sanitation of the building. The description of each service area, below, is to be used as a guideline for the Custodial/Janitorial Services contractor. The description does not attempt to describe every detail or feature of the facility that is to be maintained by the Custodial/Janitorial Services contractor. Damp Wipe: Remove surface dirt with damp cloth. Disinfect: To cleanse in order to destroy disease and germs. Disinfectant: A germicidal cleaner for germ control.
WORK DESCRIPTIONS. (a) Upon request by the employee, the Employer shall provide the work description outlining the duties and responsibilities assigned to his/her position. The Employer will endeavour to ensure that work descriptions are reviewed and revised at three (3) years, but in no circumstance shall it exceed five (5) years. DRAFT (b) The work descriptions shall include the minimum qualifications for the position. These descriptions shall be presented to the Union and shall become, for the life of this Collective Agreement, the recognized work descriptions, unless the duties of the position are significantly changed. The Union may present written objections within thirty (30) days. If the Union presents written objections to a work description presented to it by the Employer, within thirty (30) days, the contentious work description shall be referred to the Labour Management Committee to resolve the difference.


  • Work Description T-804 Opening Roads - Removal of closure devices, cleaning ditches, removing berms, and blading the traveled-way T-811 Closing Roads - Entrance treatment for 150' cross-rip; debris block (slash, earth, berm, rocks, etc.) + seed + water bar T-811 Closing Roads - Water bar frequency per BMPs for remainder of road T-811 Closing Roads - Engineering Rep. or Construction Inspector must be notified prior to performing closeout ple S am 76P Single Lane / Level 1 76 0.00 Ending 0.30

  • Task Description This task includes activities associated with permit-required monitoring conducted in accordance with the conditions specified by state or federal regulatory agencies. All monitoring tasks must be located within or adjacent to the Project area and follow the Department’s Regional Coastal Monitoring Program and FWC's marine turtle and shorebird monitoring programs. Guidance for monitoring of nearshore resources is available in the Department's Standard Operation Procedures For Nearshore Hardbottom Monitoring Of Beach Nourishment Projects. The Local Sponsor must submit work products directly to the appropriate state or federal regulatory agencies in accordance with permit conditions to be eligible for reimbursement under this task, unless otherwise directed.

  • Job Descriptions The Employer agrees to supply each employee with a copy of her current job description. Upon request, the Union and the Bargaining Unit Chair shall be provided copies of all job descriptions in the bargaining unit.

  • Service Descriptions Credit Card processing services: Global Direct’s actions to the appropriate card associations and/or issuers (e.g., Visa, MasterCard, Diners, Discover); settlement; dispute resolution with cardholders’ banks; and transaction-related reporting, statements and products. Debit/ATM Processing Services: Global Direct has connected to the following debit card networks (“Networks”): Accel, AFFN, Interlink, MAC, Maestro, NYCE, Pulse, Star, and Tyme. Global Direct will provide Merchant with the ability to access the Networks that Global Direct has connected to for the purpose of authorizing debit card transactions at the point of sale from cards issued by the members of the respective Networks. Global Direct will provide connection to such Networks, terminal applications, settlement and reporting activities. EBT Transaction Processing Services: Global Direct offers electronic interfaces to Electronic Benefits Transfer (“EBT”) networks for the processing of cash payments or credits to or for the benefit of benefit recipients (“Recipients”). Global Direct will provide settlement and switching services for various Point of Sale transactions initiated through Merchant for the authorization of the issuance of the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services (“FNS”) food stamp benefits (“FS Benefits”) and/or government delivered cash assistance benefits (“Cash Benefits, ”with FS Benefits, “Benefits”) to Recipients through the use of a state-issued card (“EBT Card”). With respect to Visa and MasterCard products, Merchant agrees to pay and Merchant's account(s) will be charged pursuant to Section 5 of this Agreement for any additional fees incurred as a result of Merchant's subsequent acceptance of transactions with any Visa or MasterCard product that it has not elected to accept.

  • Site Description {Buyer Comment: Provide a legal description of the Site, including the Site map.}

  • Project Description In two or three brief sentences, provide a concise description of your exhibition. Include the subject matter, type of objects to be included (paintings, sculpture, manuscripts, etc.), those responsible for organizing the exhibition, and catalogue author(s).

  • System Description The wet detention basin is designed to trap 80% of sediment in runoff and maintain pre-development downstream peak flows. The basin has two forebays (smaller ponds) located at the low end of two grass xxxxxx. In addition to runoff conveyance, the grass xxxxxx also allow infiltration and filtering of pollutants, especially from smaller storms. The forebays are each 4 feet deep. They are connected to the main pool by 18 and 24-inch metal pipes that outlet onto a rock chute. The forebays will trap coarse sediments in runoff, such as road sands, thus reducing maintenance of the main basin. The main pool will trap the finer suspended sediment. To do this, the pond size, water level and outlet structures must be maintained as specified in this Agreement (see Figures 1, 2 and 3). The main basin receives runoff from a 67.1 acre drainage area (41.2 acres within the subdivision and 25.9 acres off-site drainage coming from the east). During high rainfall or snow melt events, the water level will temporarily rise and slowly drain down to the elevation of the control structure. The water level is controlled by a 12-inch concrete pipe extending through the berm in the northwest corner of the basin (see Figures 1 and 3). On the face of the 12-inch pipe, there is metal plate with a 3-inch drilled hole (orifice) with stone in front of it. This orifice controls the water level and causes the pond to temporarily rise during runoff events. Washed stone (1- 2” diameter) is placed in front of the orifice to prevent clogging. High flows may enter the grated concrete riser or flow over the rock lined emergency spillway. “As-built” construction drawings of the basin, showing actual dimensions, elevations, outlet structures, etc. will be recorded as an addendum(s) to this agreement within 60 days after [Municipality Name] accepts verification of construction from the project engineer.

  • Overtime Description Time and one half the regular rate for Saturday for the first eight hours worked. Double time the regular rate for Saturday for work performed in excess of eight hours. Overtime Time and one half the regular rate after an 8 hour day. Double time the regular rate for Sunday. Double time the regular rate for work on the following holiday(s). Paid Holidays New Year's Day Xxxxxxx's Birthday President's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Employees must work at least one day in the payroll week in which the holiday occurs to receive the paid holiday (Operating Engineer Local #15-D) ENGINEER - OPERATING‌ Back Filling Machines, Cranes, Mucking Machines and Dual Drum Paver. Effective Period: 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Wage Rate per Hour: $71.75 Backhoes, Power Shovels, Hydraulic Clam Shells, Steel Erection, Moles and machines of a similar nature. Effective Period: 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Wage Rate per Hour: $74.29 Mine Hoists, Cranes, etc. (Used as Mine Hoists) Effective Period: 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Wage Rate per Hour: $76.67 Gradealls, Keystones, Cranes on land or water (with digging buckets), Bridge Cranes, Vermeer Cutter and machines of a similar nature, Trenching Machines. Effective Period: 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Wage Rate per Hour: $74.84 Pile Drivers & Rigs (employing Dock Builder foreperson): Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, Tunnel Shovels. Effective Period: 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Wage Rate per Hour: $73.36 Mixers (Concrete with loading attachment), Concrete Pavers, Cableways, Land Derricks, Power Houses (Low Air Pressure Units). Effective Period: 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Wage Rate per Hour: $69.69 Barrier Movers , Barrier Transport and Machines of a Similar Nature. Effective Period: 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Wage Rate per Hour: $56.25 Utility Compressors Effective Period: 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Wage Rate per Hour: $43.63 Horizontal Boring Rig Effective Period: 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Wage Rate per Hour: $66.26 Elevators (manually operated as personnel hoist). Effective Period: 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Wage Rate per Hour: $60.89 Compressors (Portable 3 or more in battery), Driving of Truck Mounted Compressors, Well-point Pumps, Tugger Machines Well Point Pumps, Churn Drill. Effective Period: 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Wage Rate per Hour: $47.28

  • Job Description The Employer agrees to draw up job descriptions for all positions for which the Union is bargaining agent. These descriptions shall be presented and discussed with the Union and shall become the recognized job descriptions unless the Union presents written objection within thirty (30) calendar days.

  • ITEM DESCRIPTION Equipment (include VIN, make, model, year, serial no., accessories, or other identifying features): 12. NO. OF OPERATORS PER SHIFT 13. HRLY/ DAILY/ MILEAGE SHIFT BASIS 14. SPECIAL 15. GUARANTEE (8 HOURS) Portable Toilet Rental – Serviced(Includes first day delivery/last day pickup and daily rental rate per unit) 1 $75 Daily Ea. Portable Toilet Rental – Unserviced(Rental only, no daily service call) 1 $45 Daily Ea. Accessible Portable Toilet Rental – Serviced(Includes first day delivery/last day pickup and daily rental rate per unit) 1 $95 Daily Ea. Accessible Portable Toilet Rental – Unserviced(Rental only, no daily service call) 1 $65 Daily Ea.