Workday and Workweek. A. Workdays and workweeks for employees working 4-10s are as follows: 1. A workday consists of ten (10) consecutive hours of work with a scheduled start time. Paid rest and lunch breaks provided herein shall be considered hours worked. 2. A workweek consists of the employee’s four (4) scheduled consecutive shifts of ten (10) consecutive hours of work within a seven (7) day period and a minimum of two (2) consecutive RDOs. B. Vacation and Sick Leave shall accrue and be used based on a ten (10) hour workday. C. Holidays as provided under this Agreement shall accrue and be paid based on a ten (10) hour workday. D. The provisions of this Section shall prevail whenever they conflict with other provisions of this Agreement for employees working 4-10s. E. The Dispatchers shall have a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the Dispatch staff working a 4-10 schedule if the following minimum staffing levels are met at the time of shift sign-up: two (2) Dispatchers are working day shift, three (3) are working swing shift, and one (1) is working graveyard shift. If the number of Dispatchers falls below the minimum staffing stated above, the guaranteed fifty percent (50%) 4-10 workweek does not apply and a rebid will occur if there is more than six (6) weeks remaining in the sign-up. F. The District shall implement a clerical schedule with a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the clerical staff on a 4-10 workweek. The District shall maintain at least (50%) of the clerical staff on a 4-10 workweek unless it is otherwise operationally impracticable to do so. Should staffing drop below fifty percent (50%) of the budgeted positions, management is under no obligation to maintain the 4-10 workweek. If management does not maintain the 4-10 workweek, it may place employees on either a 5-8 or 9-80 schedule. G. The District shall maintain a schedule that provides for a minimum of five (5) CSOs on a 4-10 workweek. Zones 1, 3, and 4 will have a minimum of one (1) CSO on a 4-10 schedule. Zone 2 will have a minimum of two (2) CSOs on a 4-10 schedule, with one (1) on the C-line and one (1) on the R-line. The District shall maintain a schedule that provides for a minimum of twenty- five percent (25%) of allotted CSO patrol positions on a 4-10 schedule. Unless assigned with a CSO trainer, probationary CSOs will not be eligible to work a 4-10 schedule. Every effort will be made to post 4-10 positions as non- floater.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Workday and Workweek. A. Workdays and workweeks for employees working 4-10s are as follows:
Section 1. A workday consists of ten Start times and classifications will be posted for bid. Ten per- cent (10%) consecutive hours of work with a scheduled start timepositions will be subject to bid by seniority to the entire seniority list subject to qualifications. Paid rest Ten percent (10%) employees will be subject to all terms and lunch breaks provided herein shall be considered hours worked.
2. A workweek consists conditions of the employee’s four (4) scheduled consecutive shifts of ten percent (10%) consecutive hours of work within a seven non-guaranteed bid position. It is agreed that the forty (740) day period and a minimum of two (2) consecutive RDOs.
B. Vacation and Sick Leave shall accrue and be used based on a hour workweek need not apply to ten percent (10) hour workday.
C. Holidays as provided under this Agreement shall accrue and be paid based on a ten (10) hour workday.
D. The provisions of this Section shall prevail whenever they conflict with other provisions of this Agreement for employees working 4-10s.
E. The Dispatchers shall have a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the Dispatch staff working a 4-10 schedule if the following minimum staffing levels are met at the time of shift sign-up: two (2) Dispatchers are working day shift, three (3) are working swing shift, and one (1) is working graveyard shift. If the number of Dispatchers falls below the minimum staffing stated above, the guaranteed fifty percent (50%) 4-10 workweek does not apply and a rebid will occur if there is more than six (6) weeks remaining in the sign-up.
F. The District shall implement a clerical schedule regular employees with a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the clerical staff on a 4-10 workweek. The District shall maintain at least (50%) of the clerical staff on a 4-10 workweek unless it is otherwise operationally impracticable to do so. Should staffing drop below fifty percent (50%) of the budgeted positions, management is under no obligation to maintain the 4-10 workweek. If management does not maintain the 4-10 workweek, it may place employees on either a 5-8 or 9-80 schedule.
G. The District shall maintain a schedule that provides for a minimum of five (5) CSOs on a 4-10 workweek. Zones 1, 3, and 4 will have a minimum of one (1) CSO on a 4), other than red-10 schedule. Zone 2 will have a minimum of two (2) CSOs on a 4-10 schedule, with one (1) on the C-line and one (1) on the R-linecircled employees. The District order of call for Saturday and Sunday work shall maintain a schedule that provides for a minimum be as set forth in Article 14, Section 1 (“Hours of twenty- five percent (25%Work, Work Day, Work Week, Overtime, and Scheduling”) of allotted CSO patrol positions on the PU&D Operational Supplement. However, a 4regular employee who does not report as sched- uled, except in the case of an on-10 schedulethe-job injury, bona-fide ill- ness or accident, jury duty, or attendance at a funeral com- pensable under provisions of this contract, shall have broken his/her weekly guarantee and shall be eligible for Saturday, Sunday and holiday work only after utilization of those regu- lar junior employees who have worked their scheduled work- week. Unless assigned with a CSO trainer, probationary CSOs Utilization of part-time employees will not be eligible to work a 4-10 scheduleeffected by the provisions of this Section.
Section 2. Every effort When possible, the Employer will set up ten percent (10%) employees by seniority order for available vacancies the fol- lowing week by the end of their shift the preceeding Friday. Daily vacancies will be made offered by seniority order either the day preceeding when possible or when available. Ten percent (10%) employees must make themselves available any five (5) days Monday through Friday or the equivalency of forty (40) hours from 4:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. Any employee that may not have a telephone would be required to post 4call his supervision staff at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00
a. m. for possible work opportunity.
Section 3. Proper order of call will be in compliance with the Pick-10 positions as non- floaterup and Delivery Operational Supplement. Any work opportunity calls must be verifiable.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Local Supplement Agreement
Workday and Workweek. A. Workdays and workweeks for employees working 4-10s are as follows:
1. A workday consists of ten (10) consecutive hours of work with a scheduled start time. Paid rest and lunch breaks provided herein shall be considered hours worked.
2. A workweek consists of the employee’s four (4) scheduled consecutive shifts of ten (10) consecutive hours of work within a seven (7) day period and a minimum of two (2) consecutive RDOs.
B. Vacation and Sick Leave shall accrue and be used based on a ten (10) hour workday.
C. Holidays as provided under this Agreement shall accrue and be paid based on a ten (10) hour workday.
D. The provisions of this Section shall prevail whenever they conflict with other provisions of this Agreement for employees working 4-10s.
E. The Dispatchers shall have a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the Dispatch staff working a 4-10 schedule if the following minimum staffing levels are met at the time of shift sign-up: two (2) Dispatchers are working day shift, three (3) are working swing shift, and one (1) is working graveyard shift. If the number of Dispatchers falls below the minimum staffing stated above, the guaranteed fifty percent (50%) 4-10 workweek does not apply and a rebid will occur if there is more than six (6) weeks remaining in the sign-up.
F. The District shall implement a clerical schedule with a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the clerical staff on a 4-10 workweek. The District shall maintain at least (50%) of the clerical staff on a 4-10 workweek unless it is otherwise operationally impracticable to do so. Should staffing drop below fifty percent (50%) of the budgeted positions, management is under no obligation to maintain the 4-10 workweek. If management does not maintain the 4-10 workweek, it may place employees on either a 5-8 or 9-80 schedule.
G. The District shall maintain a schedule that provides for a minimum of five (5) CSOs on a 4-10 workweek. Zones 1, 3, and 4 will have a minimum of one (1) CSO on a 4-10 schedule. Zone 2 will have a minimum of two (2) CSOs on a 4-10 schedule, with one (1) on the C-line and one (1) on the R-line. The District shall maintain a schedule that provides for a minimum of twenty- twenty-five percent (25%) of allotted CSO patrol positions on a 4-10 schedule. Unless assigned with a CSO trainer, probationary CSOs will not be eligible to work a 4-10 schedule. Every effort will be made to post 4-10 positions as non- floater.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement